Psalm 24: “The earth belongs to Yahuweh, and all that is in it – the world and those that dwell in it. He founded it upon the seas, and upon the waters He established it.Who does go up to the mountain of Yahuweh? Who does stand in His set-apart place? He who has innocent hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to vanity (emptiness, worthlessness), and does not swear deceitfully. He receives a blessing from Yahuweh and righteousness from the Elohim of his deliverance. This is the generation of those that seek Him – Ya’cob who seeks Your face. Selah! Lift up your heads O you gates! Be lifted up you everlasting doors, and the King of esteem shall come in! Who is this King of esteem? -- Yahuweh strong and mighty, Yahuweh mighty in battle. Lift up your heads O you gates! And be you lifted up you everlasting doors, and the King of esteem shall come in! Who is this King of esteem? Yahuweh of hosts! He is the King of esteem!” Selah!

Since 2005,Yahuweh has impressed me to study throughout the Word about gates, portals (vortexes), doorways, borders, entry/exit points, ports,and passageways--inter-dimensional “wormholes”between earth and the second heaven, realm of Lucifer and his fallen angels. He also has led me to go and do much intercession in specified gates, borders, and portalsin many places in the world – mostly in America and Israel, but also in countries around Israel, the UK, Europe, Central and South America. The enemy has multiple entry points, portals or vortexes,, all over the world that link his dimension with ours. Over each country Satan has assigned his “principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness in high places” which rule from the air, and from strategic areas of land, through human government, commerce, and religious strongholds. (Ephesians 6:12)

This Shabbat morning, Yahuweh woke me up at 4:30 AM and gave me this revelation about the gates of Yahushua. Read all the Scriptures in context--enjoy His Presence!

We read in Daniel 10:11that Yahuweh assigned a heavenly messenger to come with an answer for Daniel. Daniel had just spent 21 days seeking Abba. The messenger was detained by the demonic principality that ruled over Persia (modern Iran). Michael, the archangel who stands to defend Israel, came to his rescue. The forces of the fallen angels under Lucifer/Satan/Dragon/Devil are powerful forces. Right now, Michael, and Yahuweh’s angelic hosts are battling Satan and his forces in the second heaven (Revelation 12:7-17). The conquered fallen ones are coming into the earth through their portals in great numbers. CERN, with its Large Hadron Collider, is helping, along with other facilities like it, funded by the Illuminati Elite and leaders of nations to the tune of billions of dollars. Strange as it may seem, it is true -- their aim is to finish the work Nimrod started with his tower--to open portals for the return of the “sky gods,” the ancient Nephilim, (Genesis 6:2, 4) and a portal into Yahuweh’s realm, to go through and destroy Him. Many of the great scientists of today’s technology revolution, from Nicola Tesla in the 1920s, to the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s, to the recent explosion of technological inventors, give credit to the “sky gods” for their inspirational information.

The “star gates” of the dimension of the fallen ones are opening wide. The hoards of evil ones are manifesting worldwide in many forms. When Satan is thrown into the earth, he will go on a final, but short, rampage to destroy the set-apart ones just before Messiah returns.Satan is known as ‘the god of this world.” (II Corinthians 4:4) Adam and Eve turned it over to him, and today’s masses are calling for his fallen ones to return – the Nephilim of old, “men of renown,” to rule them once again. In the Septuagint Version of the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures), of Isaiah 13, it says that Yahuweh will use giants to execute His wrath. The Nephilim were giants – and they are returning. It makes the story in Numbers 13 and 14 more understandable.

The gates, portals, vortexes, entry points of the realm of Satan are indeed trying to withstand the coming of Messiah. They know their end, but are bound to take as many of Yahuweh’s highest creation with them as they are thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 19-20)

In looking at the gates of Yahushua, let us begin with the opening of the gate of heaven.

John 3:13: “No one has gone up into heaven except He who came down from heaven – the Son of Adam.”

Before His incarnation into this earth, Yahushua was with His Father in heaven. He came to earth and appeared many times to different chosen people. He also intervened in the affairs of man as “the arm,” or the “right hand” of Yahuweh.(Psalm 98:1-2) Notice in this Psalm that it not only mentions His right hand and His right arm getting Him the victory, but it mentions His salvation. The word “salvation” here in Hebrew is Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary #3444 “yeshua.” “Yeshua” is a noun. Its origin is the word “yasha,” meaning salvation in its fullest terms. “Yeshua” is not a name. Yahushua, our Savior’s Name, contains basic sounds of “yeshua,” and means “Yahuweh is salvation.” He came in His Father’s Name and will return in His Father’s Name! Yahuweh obtained the salvation of His people through His Son, the “Lamb of Yahuweh.” (Isaiah 43:11 and 45 21-22; John 1:29)

Yahushua appeared to Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to Ya’cob, to Moses, to Sampson’s parents, and apparently to Daniel, Ezekiel, and others from the text of Scripture. When the righteous died in the days before Yahushua’s death and resurrection, they went into “Paradise” in the heart of the earth. Hades was also there. The two places were separated by a great chasm, as we read in Luke 16:19-31. This was not a parable, but Yahushua was telling of a real situation.

At His resurrection, the set-apart ones buried on the side of the Mount of Olives rose from their tombs and walked around, even in the streets of Jerusalem, appearing to many. At His ascension these resurrected righteous ones rose with Him, and heaven’s gates were opened to Him, and to them. This is known as “the triumphal entry!”He led “captivity captive” from earth to heaven. (Ephesians 4:8-10)

At His death, He first descended into the pit of Hades and took the keys of death and hell away from Satan. (Revelation 1:18) Upon ascending He rose from the grave victorious over all His foes!

However, following His resurrectionHe also first ascended before His Father with His blood to put on the mercy seat of the Ark in heaven, an act reminiscent of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. By this action, He became the High Priest of all who would come to salvation through Him. (Hebrews 4:14-16) At this point, He was given an inheritance over all mankind – as their Savior, Redeemer, and King.(Matthew 20:11-17; 27:51-53; Acts 1:9-11; Ephesians 4:8-10; Daniel 7:9-10, 12-14; 21-22; Psalm 2:6-12) Read the above Scriptures in context--they are powerful!

Acts 1: He ascends in plain sight from the top of the Mount of Olives. He sits enthroned by His Father’s side, waiting for the time of His return. (Revelation 19) We also wait for this time with great expectation and longing! (Titus 2:11-14)

Secondly, we see Him descending from heaven with His set-apart ones who have died. He descends with the wrath of His Father to destroy the wicked and reclaim His creation (Revelation 11:15-18, chapter 19; Isaiah 63:1-6) He The resurrection of the justified takes place over the area of Mount Seir (Petra). Then He proceeds towards the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, (Matthew 24:27-31; Deuteronomy 33:1-3; Isaiah 63:1, Habakkuk chapter 3; Zechariah 14:5) Psalm 68:17-18 includes His return path coupled with His ascension with the resurrected ones of Matthew 27 52-53 and Ephesians 4:8.

As He descends to earth, the gates of Satan’s realm will be lifted up, opened wide, as He descends as the King of esteem in His Father’s Name with all of His set-apart ones for the resurrection of the body, and the translation of those still alive. (Psalm 24; Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 1:15-16)

The “gates of Hades” cannot prevail against He and His assembly of set-apart ones!

Matthew 16:18b. As He spoke these words, He and His disciples were facing the cave of the temple of Pan, under which the pagans believed was the gate of Hades – the gate to the pit of the underworld. Hades was a Nephilim – a real being. From under that temple a river flowed, the river of the Yarden (Jordan)--“flowing waters from Dan.” Human sacrifice took place there, and the blood flowed down the river. Also there was the temple of Zeus, and a temple to the Roman Caesar-Emperor Philip – thus the area was called Caesarea Philippi. The ruins are there today. I’ve visited there many times.

Psalm 24 speaks of the “generation that seeks His face.” This is our generation, when the children of Ya’cob, both the House of Judah and the House of Israel, will seek His face with all their heart, for all their human props will have fallen, and He only will be able to save them.

Not only does Psalm 24 speak of the lifting of Satan’s gates for His passage with all His set-apart people to the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount (Moriah) (Zechariah 14:1-5), but it speaks of the gates of the Temple Mount, particularly the Eastern Gate, opening up for the grand entrance. In Ezekiel 43:1-10 we find this fantastic entrance described. Here we also see another pre-incarnate appearance of Yahushua as “the man” who speaks to Ezekiel. Ezekiel is amazed as he looks at the future plans for the third temple, that the Eastern Gate is closed. As Messiah descends, the Eastern Gate will burst open! “Lift up your heads O you gates, and be you lifted up you everlasting doors, and the King of esteem shall come in!” HalleluYah! Come Yahushua Come!

Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak of His intervention when no one else can help them against the hoards of many nations. Zechariah 14:1-5 speaks of His intervention at His coming, as the hoards of evil ones press into Jerusalem.Jeremiah 50 and 51 speak of America, end-time Babylon, and how His people seek to return to Israel. Zechariah 8 speaks of the children of Ya’cob seeking His face as they seek to return to Israel. These passages and many more speak of our time. As Iran is freed to produce nuclear weapons for the destruction of Israel, we see the final conflict more clearly, culminating in the triumphal entry of the King of Kings and Master of Masters.

Yahuweh has set boundaries on this earth for our protection, like our “Van Allen belts,” that protect earth against outside radiation, our “Ionosphere” layer, the boundaries on the seas, i.e. Jeremiah 5:22, boundaries on the sun and moon, and boundaries on animals, insects, birds, and reptiles – and on humans. But, in His wrath, all boundaries will be erased. Notice in the Word that in His judgment the sun scorches people, the moon and sun turn dark, the seas rage and overflow their banks, the “beasts of the field” attack humans, from large animals to microscopic diseases. Meteors, asteroids, and comets threaten the existence of earth. He unleashes His fury on His highest creation, and turns man against man. Ezekiel 14 is a critique.The Evil Elite are working furiously to destroy His protective barriers, Once His boundaries are removed, only His set apart ones, hiding in His dimension under His tallit, will survive. The promises of Psalm 91 are for the most set-apart ones who dwell in His Presence, in His dimension, hidden under His “shadow.” Ezekiel 37, and hundreds of more verses throughout the Word, speak of an end-time people, the whole House of Ya’cob, who seek His face and are restored as a whole family House in the hand of Yahuweh.

You’ll notice that the Tenach says that Yahuweh returns to Zion, Yahuweh sets His foot on the Mount of Olives, Yahuweh reigns from Jerusalem, Yahuweh gathers the set-apart ones, Yahuweh rules the earth. It speaks of Yahushua Yahuweh, the Son. “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh!” (Psalm 118:26)

In review: What gates lift up their heads as He approaches them? – First, the gates of Satan - the gates over nations, the gates of the gods – the Nephilim – that man has worshipped throughout history. As He descends with all of the set-apart ones with the wrath of His Father, the gates of Hades open, the gates from the second heaven, the dimension of Satan and his fallen ones, open. The gates that Satan has set over the earth will open. The Prince of Persia and all others cannot withstand the approach of the King of Kings and Master of Masters.But, as He crashes through the gates of Satan, the Eastern Gate opens for the “triumphal entry.” As He returns, the reign of Satan ends! The Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the lake of fire, Satan is bound. His forces are cast into the pit with him. Read the whole story in Revelation 19-22 – it’s your future! Isaiah 14:9-20 also speaks of Satan’s judgment. “Satan” is a title, meaning “the accuser.” His name is Helel, Lucifer in Latin, meaning “the Shining One.”

Satan had the right to offer the “kingdoms of this world” to Messiah, for they were his. But, in Messiah’s return, He comes to take possession of His rightful creation. (Matthew 4:1-10; Revelation 11:15-18; chapters 19-20, I Corinthians 15:51-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 24:29-31; Philippians 3:20-21; Isaiah 26:19-21; 33:14-17; chapter 34; 63:1-6, and many other passages)

Messiah’s return path begins at Sinai, then He proceedsdue north over the Port of Aqaba to Mount Paran, over Mount Seir (Petra area), to Bozrah, and to Jerusalem …

As He passes over Mount Seir, the resurrection of the bodies of the justified are rejoined to their spirit bodies, and those awaiting, still alive, will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye – at the last trump – that follows the outpouring of His Father’s wrath. (I Corinthians 15:51-58; Revelation 11:15-18; 16:17-21 with Matthew 24:29-21 and with Revelation 6:12-17)

In ancient times, the judges sat at the gate to judge who came in, who went out, and also to pronounce judgment on criminals. Lot sat at the gate of Sodom. Daniel sat at the gate of Babylon. The gatekeepers and the watchmen formed a team to protect the city. (Genesis 19:1; Daniel 2:49b) [Refer to: “The Watchmen and the Gatekeeper/September 2006”]

There are requirements for entering gates. To enter a country, you must have a passport. To enter a city and remain at peace you must obey the laws of the land.

For someone to enter your house, they must be peaceful people. To enter a place of business, a person must be honest and respectful. To enter an airplane, one must have a boarding pass. To enter a military base, one must have the proper ID. To enter government buildings, one must have proper clearance. There are always requirements for entering and exiting. To leave a country, the passport must be shown again and stamped, for example.No one enters the Kingdom of Heaven except by faith in the blood of the Lamb of Elohim for forgiveness of sin and in His resurrection for eternal life.

“Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.” (Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:14, 22) Our eternal destination is predicated on our loyalty and obedience to Yahushua and Yahuweh!

At the end of the birth canal is an opening--a gate for the baby to pass through into the world of air-breathers. Physical death is a gate into eternity. We enter this world through a gate, and leave this world through a gate.

Jonah descended down through the gate into Hades, and ascended as he professed faith in Yahuweh. Messiah likewise descended through the gates of Hades and took the keys of death and hell away from Satan, and ascended to resurrection life, so that we might also have resurrection life and enter in through the gates of the eternal city of Yahuweh. (Jonah chapter 2; Ephesians 4:9-10; Revelation 1:18)

Lastly, themost important gate of all is the gate that lies behind our naval -- in the midst of our being – the gate of our spirit. [Refer to: “Beyond This Dimension – Through Your Own Portal”/May 30, 2015] This gate is opened to the entrance of the Spirit of Yahuweh in the true new birth. Once we receive the 40 things that happen in us by the Spirit’s power in the true new birth, following our repentance and profession of faith in Yahushua as Savior and Master, we must ask Messiah to baptize us into the Spirit of Yahuweh, so that He enters our newly formed “temple,” and dwell within us. He comes in with His power and His Presence to teach,counsel, convict of sin, lead and guide, comfort, and fellowship with us, sharing His heart with us.He comes in with purging fire to thoroughly cleanse us. (Luke 3:16) As II Corinthians 3:17-18 clearly states, “Yahuweh is the Spirit.” No pagan trinity folks! There are two – a Father, and a Son. [Refer to: “Exposing the Trinity Doctrine”/February 12, 2015]