184.01 Work. This work consists of the P-line (preliminary line) survey of roads to be

reconstructed, including staking the existing centerline, running traverse, profile, and cross

sections over the line; and recording and submitting all survey data to the Forest Service. The

work includes furnishing all labor, equipment, instruments, materials, transportation, and other

incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with these specifications and

acceptable engineering practice.

Accomplish the P-line survey under the direction of a registered professional engineer or land

surveyor as required by applicable State laws. This requirement is waived under the industrial

exemptions of the applicable State laws relating to professional licensing when the work is

performed under a timber sale contract by the timber purchaser's employees.


184.02 Stakes. Use survey stake sizes as listed herein:

Line Stakes - Use stakes with minimum nominal dimensions of 10 mm x 50 mm x 460 mm and

planed or smooth sawn on the 50 mm faces. Paint the top 50 mm of all stakes fluorescent orange.

Set points in the surface of existing roads with 30-penny spikes or larger, pushed through a 4-fold

loop of plastic tape, which shall protrude at least 75 mm on each side of the spike. Bury spikes at

least 100 mm below surface of road. Offset reference stakes for these points perpendicular to the

points and to the back slope side of the existing road in a position not to be disturbed by road

maintenance activities.

184.03 Survey Note Paper & Books. Use moisture resistant paper for survey notes. Contain

notes in books with covers that will protect the contents and retain the pages in numerical

sequence. Hand calculator/portable data recorder printouts may be accepted in lieu of hand

recorded field notes.

184.04 Government Furnished Information. The Government will furnish the Contractor with

copies of design criteria and available recovery notes to public land survey corners.


184.05 Precision. Precision and accuracy requirements shall be as follows:

Angular Accuracy:1 set, direct/reverse. 1' rejection limit

Distance Accuracy:1/1500

Elevation Accuracy:Nearest 45 mm

References to Traverse: 2 adjacent PI's every 300 m, and at the

beginning and end of the survey.

Cross-Section Accuracy:All breaks of 0.6 m or more; slope breaks of 5% or more.

Typical survey instruments to achieve this level of accuracy are transit,

clinometer or abney, steel tape, level and level rod.

184.06 Survey Notes. All notes become the property of the Forest Service. Notes may be

in a format compatible with that used by the Contractor, subject to approval of the Contracting


Furnish completely legible manually recorded survey notes. Delete errors by lining out. Record

date, crew names and positions, instrumentation, and weather in the notes at the beginning of

each day's work. The party chief shall sign or initial each page of the notes immediately after

the last entry for each day's work.

Consecutively number electronically recorded survey notes and head to identify the contents.

Include a bound Day Book that records the project name and for each day identifies date,

crew names and positions, instrumentation, weather, type of survey, stationing of sections

between which survey was performed, and survey data or sketches that cannot be electronically

recorded with the notes. The party chief shall sign or initial the electronically recorded notes and

Day Book immediately after the last entry for each day's work.

184.07 P-Line Staking. Mark the beginning and ending of the area to be surveyed on the ground

with flagging. Establish the P-line using the existing road centerline as a guide which should

represent the approximate final centerline of the road. Do not deviate the surveyed line from the

existing road centerline more than 1.5 m horizontally. Locate the surveyed line as necessary to

limit deflection angles to not more than 35 degrees, unless otherwise approved by the Contracting


Set stakes solidly in the ground at all breaks in grade and adjacent ground profile and at all

existing culverts, existing turnouts, intersections with planned and existing roads, property

boundaries, fence crossings, etc. Measure distances as horizontal distance. The maximum

horizontal distance between stakes shall be 15 m. Mark stakes with the stationing of the point on

the side facing the origin of the survey or the point offset from. Write information on stakes with

a stake pencil that leaves an indentation in the wood or with waterproof ink.

Where the traverse originates at an intersection with an existing road, or intersects with an existing

road, survey 60 m in each direction along the intersecting road centerline. Survey the intersecting

roads in the same manner as that required for the P-Line survey.

Tie the traverses to the P-Line traverse by angle and distance and identify them on the stakes and

in the notes as "Q-lines." Number Q-lines consecutively and record them in a separate book or

note packet for each line.

184.08 Traverse. Measure and record a bearing or azimuth, as directed by the Contracting

Officer, to the nearest one (1) degree along the survey line at the beginning of each survey and

at a maximum interval along the line of 300 m. All traverse angles shall be measured to the

accuracy specified.

184.09 Profile. Use existing benchmarks whenever possible to determine elevations. In the

absence of an existing benchmark, establish a project benchmark at the origin of the survey, at

the intersection of any traverse originating from the survey, and at maximum 300 m intervals

along the traverse line. Set these benchmarks outside of the existing roadway, identify them

by number and elevation, and record the location in the survey notes. Run and close a level

loop on the benchmarks to the required precision.

Determine the ground elevation of each staked traverse point and record the elevations to the

nearest 30 mm. Profile levels may be taken as a part of the control level circuits. Where taken

separately from the control level circuits, close profile levels on the benchmarks within the

required accuracy.

184.10 Cross Sections. Take cross sections at each staked point on the P-line and measure

as percent slope and slope distance. Extend cross sections each side of P-line for a minimum

distance of 15 m slope distance if the ground slope is under 40 percent, 25 m slope distance if

the ground slope is between 40 percent and 55 percent, and 30 m slope distance if the ground

slope is over 55 percent.

Take cross sections along a line perpendicular to the P-line on tangents and bisecting the interior

or exterior angle at PI's (points of intersection).

Take readings along each cross section at each obvious break in ground slope, and at edge of

road, ditch bottom, top of cut, toe of fill, etc. Record slope as positive or negative, as referenced

from the P-line.

Note existing features such as drainage’s, fences, roads, property boundaries, corner posts, etc.

within 30 m slope distance of the P-line and those within or adjacent to the cross section.


184.11 Method. The method of measurement, described in Section 106, will be


The quantity shall be the number of kilometers, measured to the nearest 10 m, of completed

and accepted survey.


184.12 Basis. The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price for each pay

item shown in the SCHEDULE OF ITEMS.

Pay ItemPay Unit

184(01) P-Line Survey, Existing Roads...... Kilometer

184(02) Q-Line Surveys...... Kilometer