• Include calendar year activities only
  • Include all headings in bold even if you have nothing to list
  • If you have nothing to list under a bold heading eliminate subcategories
  • Font size to be no larger than 12 and no smaller than 9

Yellow: information to be inserted by faculty

Green: instructions – do not include in the submitted merit report

Normal Course Load: ______

Course Load Reduction: ______

FIL: ______

Other Leave: ______

Overload: ______

NAME, School of Art, School contact details


  1. Teaching assignments

(for each semester list undergraduate courses first, then combined courses, then graduate courses)

1. Calendar year 200_

a.Spring Semester

CourseCredit hrsSections Stacked withNo. of students

  1. Summer Semester

CourseCredit hrsSectionsStacked withNo. of students

c.Fall Semester

CourseCredit hrsSectionsStacked withNo. of students

B. Other teaching

(formal teaching assignments)

1.Supervision of student teachers

a.Spring Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students

b.Summer Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students

c.Fall Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students

2. Independent studies

a.Spring Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students

  1. Summer Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students

c.Fall Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students


  1. Team taught courses

a.Spring Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students2nd Instructor

  1. Summer Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students2nd Instructor

c.Fall Semester

CourseCredit hrsNo. of students2nd Instructor

  1. Cross-listed courses

a.Spring Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

b.Summer Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

c.Fall Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

  1. Collaborative community-based teaching

a.Spring Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

b.Summer Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

c.Fall Semester

CourseOther course no. and title Credit hrsNo. of students

C. Thesis and dissertation student committees

  1. Thesis and dissertation students: Committee chair

Student nameDegree (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D.)Completed/in progress

2.Membership on thesis and dissertation committees

Student nameDegree (M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., Dept./Division/Area) Completed/in progress


No. of undergraduate advisees

No. of graduate advisees

E. Curriculum and program development for BGSU classes

  1. New courses/workshops added to the curriculum (blue or green sheeted)

Course number and title

  1. Modifications to existing courses

(e.g. development of new projects, assignments or other course materials)

Course number and title

3. Development of facilities and resources to enhance teaching effectiveness

(specific to your class, not as area head)

Bullet(s) briefly describing each enhancement


4. Recruitment of disciplinary/community speakers, exhibitions, field trips and specialized events


5. Development of non-standard curricular materials for courses


6.New courses/course materials developed in partnership with community

Course number and title

F. Presenter at teaching-related conferences, workshops, classes, etc.


(presentations not included under “research”)

Presentation titleTitle of conference/workshopInstitution/organization


Presentation titleTitle of conference/workshopInstitution/organization

G. Instructional improvement activities

1. Teaching improvement seminars/workshops/conferences attended

Name of activityLocation

2. Learning directly impacting discipline-based/community-based instruction

Bullet(s) briefly describing research

H. Grants for instructional purposes

(to attend conferences, bring visiting artists, community leaders, etc. related to teaching)

Grant/agencyActivity fundedAmount

I.Recognition of teaching

  1. External student accomplishments

(if list is too long add an appendix to this document, including only student accomplishments gained externally – i.e. notSchool of Art awards and prizes)

  1. External disciplinary/community awards, honors, citations in recognition of teaching

AwardAward-granting organization


A. Professional development

(courses, workshops, FILs, etc. taken to enhance your research)

  1. Studio/scholarly research

(indicate new or ongoing research)

Bullet(s) briefly describing each creative/research project

  1. Courses taken and conferences, workshops and symposia attended

Title of conference and panelLocation

B. Research/scholarship of engagement grants and funded projects

(Include special research equipment or travel grants. Do not list pending or unsuccessful applications - with

the exception of single large federal research grants.)

Funding agencyTitle of projectAmount


C. Demonstrated research accomplishments

  1. Publications

(List only articles and/or books published or assigned a publication date. Put solo-authored texts before

co-authored texts. In co-written texts place your name in the list of authors according to your role in the

text – as first, second, third-named author etc. Following each entry, identify of regional, national, or

international scope; and, if not yet published, whether accepted or in press.)

a. Books

1) Textbooks

Author (Doe, J. B.), Book Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, edition,


2) Scholarly books/monographs

Author Doe, J.B., Smith, J.A., Book Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, edition,


3) Anthologies and edited texts

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), Book Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name,

edition, volume/issue,

4) Chapters of books

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), “Chapter title”, Book Title, Location of publisher:

Publisher name, edition, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy

5) Indexes and other bibliographic texts

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, edition,

volume/issue, pp. xx-yy

b. Journal articles

(include significant external publications about teaching)

1) Refereed articles

a) Journals

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), “Article title”, Journal Title, Location of publisher:

Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy


Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), “Article title”, Proceedings Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy

2)Non-refereed articles


Author/s Smith, J.A., “Article title”, Journal Title, Location of publisher:

Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy


Author/s Smith, J.A., “Article title”, Newsletter Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy


Author/s Smith, J.A., “Article title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, pp. xx-yy


c. Book/exhibition reviews

(list reviews authored by you and/or reviews of your work)

1)Book/exhibition review essays

Author Doe, J. B., “Review title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy

2)Book/exhibition short reviews

Author Doe, J. B., “Review title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name,

pp. xx-yy

d.Exhibition catalogs

Author Doe, J. B., “Catalog title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, pp. xx-yy

e.Illustrations/artworks in books/journals/posters/other printed media/electronic media/online media

(state nature of selection process, e.g. juried/refereed, invited or other)

Author Doe, J. B. (you), “Illustration or artwork title”, in Author Brown, J. (not you), “Book Title”, Essay Title (as app.) , Location of publisher: Publisher name, pp. xx-yy, pp. aa-bb as appropriate

f. Abstracts

Author Doe, J. B., “Catalog title”, Essay Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name, pp. xx-yy

g. Reports


Author Doe, J. B., “Report title”, Organization, Volume/issue


Author Doe, J. B., “Report title”, Organization, Volume/issue

h.Works in progress

1)Publications submitted and under review

(follow same sequence of importance as for publications above – if already in press list above)

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J. B., (eds.), “Article title”, Journal Title, Location of publisher:

Publisher name, volume/issue, pp. xx-yy

2)Grants/contracts underway

(list grants that are significant for your discipline)

Author/s Smith, J.A., Doe, J.B., Grant title, funding agency, year granted, year of completion

2. Exhibitions curated/co-curated

Exhibition title, hosting institution(s), location, brief description of your role

3.Exhibition participation

a. Juried exhibitions

(list artists/works entered and artists/works accepted, not just number of all work submitted)


Exhibition title, location, juror/curator (include title if significant), no of all work submitted and

no. of your works selected


Exhibition title, location, juror/curator (include title if significant), no of all work submitted and

no. of your works selected



Exhibition title, location, juror/curator (include title if significant), no of all work submitted and

no. of your works selected


Exhibition title, location, juror/curator (include title if significant), no of all work submitted and

no. of your works selected

b. Invitational exhibitions

(indicate local-international scope)

1)Solo exhibitions

Exhibition title, location, juror/curator/gallery (include title of juror/curator if significant)

2)Small group exhibitions (2-4 people)

Exhibition title, location, juror/curator/gallery (include title of juror/curator if significant)

3)Large group exhibitions

Exhibition title, location, juror/curator/gallery (include title of juror/curator if significant)

4)Faculty exhibitions

Exhibition title, location, institution

c. Touring exhibitions

(exhibitions continued from previous years)

Exhibition title, locations, juror/curator/gallery (include title of juror/curator if significant)

d. Works in permanent collections

Name of collection (public or established private) Number of your works

e. Commissions

ClientNature of commission (indicate if funded)Scope of projectTime

f. Collaborative community-based projects

1)Public art performances, installations, T.V., radio, web documentaries, etc.

Work title, location, community input, as appropriate to medium/discipline

g.Exhibition submissions

(list unsuccessful entries to major (regional/national) exhibitions only)

D.Professional involvement

1.Program presenter in conferences, workshops, lectures and panels

(research-related and not included under “teaching”)

a. Papers read to professional societies



“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location


“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location



“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location


“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location



“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location


“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location


“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location


“Paper title”, Conference title, Organization/institution, Location

b. Program presenter at conferences, workshops, lectures, and panels--as artist



“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location



“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location


“Presentation title”, Program title, Organization/institution, Location

2. Jurying/refereeships

(professional only, such as for exhibitions, grant applications, manuscripts, and conference proceedings)

Organization/institutionLocation Type/time of involvement

3. Consultantships

Organization/institutionLocation Type/time of involvement


4. Editorships

Book seriesJournalLocation of publication: Publisher

Nature of involvement

5. Professional recognition

a. Awards and recognitions for research/creative work


b. Membership in honor societies

Membership typeOrganization Location

c. Citations by others relative to your scholarly/creative/engagement work

1) Printed media (including journals, newspapers, catalogs)


Author Doe, J. B., “Article title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name,

pp. xx-yy citing your work


Author Doe, J. B., “Article title”, Publication Title, Location of publisher: Publisher name,

pp. xx-yy citing your work

2) Television/radio interviews

Interviewer Doe, J. B., “Program title”, Media Organization name, Location , day/month

3)Web and digitally based


Author Brown, A. B., “Article title”, url


Author Brown, A. B., “Article title”, url

d. Work reproduced in/on exhibition catalogs, flyers, CDs, posters & websites


A. University, college, school and division

1.Committee membership

(list committee name, your role--chair or member, and a brief description of activities

completed during the year)

a. School of Art

CommitteeRoleBrief description of your role

b. College

CommitteeRoleBrief description of your role

c. University

CommitteeRoleBrief description of your role


2.Administrative positions

(as faculty, such as Area Head, Coordinator, Division Chair, year, brief list of activities completed)

3. Division

(as faculty, brief list of activities completed)

4. Student organization advising

Title of OrganizationBrief description of your role

5. Faculty juror

(for in-house activities such as undergraduate exhibition, incoming graduate review, etc.)


6. Other activities

TypeBrief description of your role

B. Professional, public, and community

(list only art and/or university-related activities)

  1. Membership in professional organizationsincluding area museums

Organization Offices held Brief description of responsibilities

2. Community activities

Organization Offices held Brief description of responsibilities

3. Public and alumni relations

Organization Brief description of activities

4. Other activities

Type Brief description of your role
