Japanese Remembrance Project

100 points

(+ possible 20 points extra credit)

Project Assignment Final Project Due Date:

1.  Create a project based on a person from a Japanese Internment Camp (I will provide the person’s name). This project is designed to honor a survivor in a creative way that will give their tragedy meaning.

2.  You will have 1 day in the computer lab to research your person and begin collecting ideas.


3.  Your grade will depend on your overall knowledge of the material, preparation, organization, visual materials, and verbal delivery.

Directions: Write an “I Am” poem for a person from a Japanese Internment Camp using the following guidelines:

·  20 points: The poem needs to be from the person’s point of view, so mention the person’s name in the title.

·  20 points: Each line should be a minimum of five words long and use powerful descriptive words. The poem does not need to rhyme.

·  20 points: You need to illustrate / decorate the page of your poem, which should fit the overall mood and tone of your poem.

·  20 points: Submit a final draft.

·  20 points: Overall effort and creativity. Be original.

·  Use this back of this page to create a rough draft of your poem, do not hand this in as your final copy.

·  You don’t need to submit your rough draft on the due date.

Extra Credit Option (an extra 20 points) —Present your “I am” poem in a Power Point format with each line as a separate slide (with appropriate background, graphics, pictures) and provide a musical soundtrack to the presentation. Your soundtrack should fit the overall mood and theme of your poem. *WARNING if you are using Power Point! When you submit your project, make sure to include the music / audio file separately, otherwise I will not have it because the audio file does not save on the Power Point.

Use this space to take notes:
This is the Rough Draft


______(By: Your Name)

I am

I hear

I see

I cry

I am

I am

I want

I need

I hope

I fear

I am

I am

I feel

I try

I wonder

I dream

I am