Snowball Fight

The snowball ran through the frigid air.

It smacked my friend in the face.

She got chills around her body.

Another snowball slid towards me. Boom!

We all laughed.

By Jaclyn A.

Dan’s Winter Poem

The snowman watched me sled down the hill and …

Boom!The cold snow smacked me in the face!

Wow, what a great ride that was!


Dan B.

My Snowy Day Story

As I grab my coat to head outside,

Another coat took a bumpy ride as it slid to the floor.

I ran outside and I started to build a snow fort with my brother.

Our snow fort stood strong and powerful against the frigid weather.

After a while, my brother and I got cold.

As we sat by the fire it blew its gentle heat in our face.

By, Lindsey B.

Kevin’s Poem

I threw a snow ball at my brother and it flew across the sky.

The snow ball started to float down towards his head,

It was a perfect hit!

By, Kevin C.

The Snow Ball Fight

On a cold snowy day off from school, my friends knocked on my door to play.

I put on my boots and jacket and went outside.

As my boots trudged in the snow.

I heard someone yell “snowball fight”!

I saw a snowball running towards my face.

Boom! I laughed and fell over.

By, Clay D.

Snow Storm

As the snow storm came it danced across the sky.

After, I made an igloo out of the shimmering snow.

As the other children were making snow angels and sledding down the hill.

I’m feeling happy about my day off from school,

And soon I will go inside and drink hot cocoa.


Zachary G.

Winter Days

When I walked outside the wind howled.

Then the sun came out and my snowman started to cry!

While inside the fire crackled as the wind blew through it.


Rebecca H.

My Snowboard

As my snowboard raced across the hill,

I flew off into the snow!

Next thing you know, my snowboard jumped on my head!

I was feeling pain, but decided to keep on going,

Until my Mom called me in for hot chocolate.

By: Josh K.

How To Tell It’s Winter

There are many ways to tell it’s winter,

And here are just a few,

The angry wind wrestles with my winter coat.

The sky turns a grayish blue.

Soon snow begins to fall.

And the ground becomes covered in a thick, white blanket.

By, Lindsay K.

Wonderful Winter

The kids charged down the hill on their sleds,

As snowballs flew through the air.

When I stopped I heard the wind whistling through the trees.

Next, I worked hard at building a snow fort in my backyard,

Then inside my house the fire stretched its warmth around us.

By, Nik K.

My Wonderful Winter

Icicles drip onto the blanket of snow, as snowflakes dance across the late afternoon sky.

My dog Roxy barks at the snowman sitting in our front yard.

My brother tries to skate, which looks more like a wobble, on the lake at the community park.

So much fun on a snowy winter day, and I can’t wait for the next snow storm to arrive!

By, Gabbi M.

Snowy Winter

The snowball zoomed across the sky during the fight.

I threw a lot back at my sister.

After the fight we went sledding on the big hill.

My sled jumped all around while going down !


Megan P.

The Snow Mountain

Trucks build snow mountains from the snow. I can climb the snow mountains up to 30 feet and I stand tall on top! Sometimes the mountain falls down and I slip through like if I were on quicksand. The mountains laugh as I call for help. I climb my way out and play on the snow mountain some more.

By: Tyler P.


The icicles’ tear drops fell,

As they dripped they threw water on my face!

While hanging off the roof the sun hit these icicles,

and they were melting away.

By, Kara P.


The blizzard blinded everybody as it wrapped itself around the city.

Inside the school, the gym was quietly sleeping.

Families watching the news after breakfast.

By: Kade R.

Blizzardy Day

The frigid wind howls through the icicles,

And school calls for a snow day off

I can sense a Nor’easter rummaging in the clouds,

As I venture out into the storm I decide to build a snow tunnel,

and I see my neighbor’s dog sniffing,

And “Uh-oh, can’t step there!”

Soon looking forward to going inside to drink hot chocolate by a nice, warm fire.

By: Olivia S.

A Walk In The Winter Storm

As I walked across the empty land, snowflakes danced in the sky.

The wind screamed as it whipped across the snowy land.

Icicles fell from frozen trees, all signs of a winter storm.

By, Nicole S.

Wintery Backyard

The snowflakes drifted quietly, as they fell from the sky.

Then as I walked outside the ice cracked in pain when I stepped on it.

In my backyard the tree branches wave to me as I build my snow fort.

By, Kellen S.

A sad snowman





By, Jessica T.

Snowball Fight

The snowballs jumped at each other.

As the mighty snow fort choked out more.

While mom was making hot chocolate,

The kids had a cold snow war.

By, Ryan T.

A Winter Poem

All piled up, I got my snowballs ready,

And when I threw one, it whistled through the air.

I saw one coming back towards me.

I ducked and it missed!

So then I threw one back at her!

By, Alexa V.