12th September 2017

Dear Y5 and Y6 Parents and Carers

Residential Visit 2018

I am writing to confirm that we have booked a residential visit to Morfa Bay in Pembrokeshire next Summer for our current Year 4 and 5 children. This will be for 5 days, 4 nights leaving school on Monday 11th June and returning on Friday 15th June 2018.

The purpose of this visit is to give the children an opportunity to spend time away from home, taking part in an exciting range of outdoor and adventurous activities that we are not able to offer within the school grounds. This is a great way for your child to develop their independence, confidence and teambuilding skills with a supportive group of children and adults that they know well.

The cost of the residential is £300. This is made up of £270 per person for the residential plus £30.00 for the transport. This includes accommodation, food, staff and activities. I have chosen this time of year as it gives us the best chance of dry weather and is something to look forward to for the children following tests in May. It also allows our Year 5 children to be as old as possible when they take part in this time away from home. We have chosen this venue as we attended it in 2016 and all the children had a great time.

To secure the booking we have to pay a non refundable deposit of £50 per child by 29th September 2017. Therefore if you would like your child to take part in this residential visit please return the attached slip to school and ensure payment has been made on ParentMail Pay by Friday 29th September .

The final payment of £250 will be due by Thursday 29th March 2018

We are aware that this is a lot of money, but feel that it offers your child a once in a life time opportunity, to take part in a well -structured outdoor residential activity with their primary school. We are happy for you to pay weekly or monthly to break down the cost of this visit if it will help. To help spread the cost of trip you can pay in instalments on ParentMail Pay.

We are hoping to organise an information meeting for parents and children in the near future with a representative from Morfa Bay and will send out more information following that meeting, including kit lists and again once we have finalised the activities the children will be taking part in during their visit. In the mean time if you would like to find out more about the centre please go to http://www.morfabay.com/school-and-youth-groups/primary/.

If you have any questions about this visit at this time please feel free to speak with Mrs Vousden or Mrs Alderson who are two of the adults who will be accompanying the children for this visit.

Yours sincerely

Kay Vousden


Y5 & 6 Residential Visit to Morfa Bay, Pembrokeshire

Mon 11th June 2018 – Fri 15th June 2018

Child’s Name: ______Year Group ____

I would/would not like my child to go on the Morfa Bay Residential visit in June 2018.

I will pay the total balance of £300 by 29th March 2018

I will pay deposit of £50 by 29th September

Parent’s Signature: ______

Please return this slip no later than Friday 14th July 2017 to secure a place for your child.