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California Department of EducationExecutive Office
SBE-002(REV.01/2011) / memo-dsib-iad-apr13item01
Date: / March 20, 2013
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
SUBJECT: / Program Improvement Year 3 Corrective Action: Analysis of 2011–12 End-of-Year Evidence of Progress of Local Educational Agency Plan Implementation.
Summary of Key Issues
This item presents a summary analysis of the end-of-year evidence of progress of local educational agency (LEA) Plan implementation for LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of Program Improvement (PI) Year 3. This accountability requirement is described in Item 7 located on the State Board of Education (SBE) Agenda for November 2011 Web page at
Previously, in March 2012, LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 were required to submit mid-year evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring to the California Department of Education (CDE). A summary analysis of this mid-year submission is posted on the SBE June 2012 Information Memoranda Web page at
In a letter dated August 8, 2012, LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 received guidelines from the CDE for submitting end-of-year evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring by October 15, 2012. (See Attachment 1.) The end-of-year evidence of progress submission is intended to complete the reporting cycle that began with the mid-year evidence of progress.
All evidence was to be submitted electronically in the California Accountability Improvement System (CAIS). LEAs in Cohorts1–4 of PI Year 3 were also invited to participate in a Webinar on August 22, 2012, that was designed to support LEAs in completing this reporting cycle. From September 2012 to January 2013, trained CDE reviewers received and reviewed the local evidence submitted by LEAs.
The total number of LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 is 228. To date, the number of LEAs that have submitted end-of-year local evidence of progress in CAIS is 187, representing 82 percent of those LEAs. (See Attachment 2.)On November 6, 2012, an e-mail courtesy notice was sent via CAIS to all LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 that had not yet submitted end-of-year local evidence of progress in CAIS.During February and March 2013, CDE staff followed up by telephone with those LEAs that had not uploaded documentation in CAIS.
The end-of-year evidence of progress consists of:
- A summary description of the LEA’s progress towards implementation of the strategies and actions in the LEA Plan.
- An analysis of the LEA’s progress towards student achievement goals in the LEA Plan based on local assessment data.
- Documentation of annual communication with the local governing board regarding the end-of-year evidence of progress.
Table Idisplays and categorizes the most commonly reportedtypes of strategies and actions of LEA Plan implementation as reported by LEAs. An LEA may have reported multiple strategies or actions. Table II displays the most commonly reported types of protocolsused to monitor the implementation of the LEA Plan strategies and actions and the total number of LEAs reporting the use of such a protocol.
Table I. Most Commonly ReportedStrategies and Actions of LEA Plan ImplementationLEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action
Type of Strategies or Actions / Number of Examples Cited
- Various Targeted Academic Interventions, including:
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
- Response to Intervention and Instruction (Rtl2)
- Read 180
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
- California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) prep
- Professional Development, including:
- Coaching
- Training for specific academic interventions
- Instructional materials training
- Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) program
- Administrator and leadership development programs
Table I. Most Commonly Reported Strategies and Actions of LEA Plan Implementation
LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action
2011–12 (Cont.)
Type of Strategies or Actions / Number of Examples Cited
- Instruction to Meet the Academic Needs of English Learners, including:
- English Language Development (ELD)
- Systematic ELD
- Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD)
- The Development and Implementation of Professional Learning Communities, including:
- Rigor, Relevance, and Results (RRR) and other strategies to increase academic rigor and student engagement
- Data analysis teams
- Freshman “Houses”
- International Baccalaureate (IB) certification
- Career and Technical Education (CTE), Project-based learning, and other cross-disciplinary activities
- Curriculum Adoption and Alignment, including:
- Use of SBE-adopted materials
- Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned instructional program
- Alignment of instruction to standards
- Development or refinement of pacing guides
- Local Assessment Development, including:
- Benchmark and other formative assessments
- Standards-based student report cards
Table I. Most Commonly Reported Strategies and Actions of LEA Plan Implementation
LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action
2011–12 (Cont.)
Type of Strategies or Actions / Number of Examples Cited
- Specific Instructional Methods, including:
- Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)
- Direct Interactive Instruction (DII)
- Effective First Instruction (EFI)
- Differentiated instruction
- Teach for Success (T4S)
- Extended School Day, including:
- After-school interventions
- Saturday school
- Credit recovery
- Integrating Technology, including:
- Netbooks for students and staff
- Upgrading student information systems
- Parent and Community Involvement
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Table II. Most Commonly Reported Protocols Used for Monitoring the Implementation of LEA Plan Strategies and ActionsLEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3, Corrective Action
Type of Protocol / Total Number of LEAs Reporting a Protocol
Various types of monitoring protocols were reported, including:
- Walkthrough process
- Classroom observation data collection and analysis
- Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
- Instructional Rounds
Examples of LEA Plan Implementation and Monitoring
To illustrate how these commonly reported strategies and actions are being implemented, the following is a brief description of local evidence of progress that two LEAs providedfor the 2011–12 end-of-year submission.In each case, the LEA identified a particular group of students, a targeted academic intervention, and a protocol for monitoring the implementation of the plan.
LEA #1:This kindergarten through twelfth-grade district conducted a needsassessmentusingits 2010–11 student performance data. This analysis indicated a need to strengthen initial first teaching, which constitutes Tier 1 of itsRtl2program. In order to decrease the number of students needing further interventions, which are Tiers 2 and 3of the Rtl2program, EDIlesson design and delivery was identified and confirmed as a district-wide focus.
All site administrators and elementary and secondary English and math teachers were provided staff development in EDI. School leadership teams were provided additional training in the walkthrough process and use of walkthrough forms. Site and district administration walked through classrooms to monitor teachers’ implementation of EDI strategies and site administrators provided feedback to teachers. During principals’ meetings, district walkthrough data was analyzed to determine areas of strength and weakness in the EDI implementation process.
The following documents are evidence of the implementation of this strategy:
- Workshop schedules, sign-in sheets, leadership walkthrough forms
- Staff meeting agendas and minutes
- EDI walkthrough forms, samples of principal feedback communication to teachers
- Agendas and minutes from principals’ meetings, site and district walkthrough forms
- Staff meeting agendas and minutes, Leadership Team meeting agendas, grade level/content area collaboration day agendas and minutes
- Classroom observations, walkthrough forms
LEA #2: This elementary school district implemented several strategies to improve the quality of its instructional program in 2011–12, including:
English Language Development:The district continued to focus on improving the instructional program for its English learner population, which has achieved well below the state and district average. This has necessitated some adjustmentsin how the district servesits EL students. During the 2011–12 school year, the district focused on the following instructional elements: the four domains of language, academic vocabulary, common planning time for teachers, and connecting what is learned in ELD to the remainder of the instructional day.
Evidence to document this work consists of:
- Classroom walkthrough data
- Professional development
- Collaborative planning meetings
- Lesson plans
Intervention Block: This is anintervention period that was implemented inkindergarten through fifth grade schools. Students are grouped by language proficiency for ELD, and they receive at least 45 minutes of ELD during the instructional block. This instructional block consists of two focus areas: a 15-minute warm-up, where the teacher moves students through language activities targeting the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Then, the remaining 30 minutes are focused on grade-level language arts.
Instructional cycles typically consist of five days, at the end of which students are assessed and then regrouped for the intervention block. During this second round of instruction (the intervention block), teachers are strategically placed to serve students with the highest need.
Evidence of implementation and monitoring consists of:
- Weekly common formative assessments
- Team meeting notes
- Classroom walkthrough data
- Five day lesson plans
Based on a review of local evidence, LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 placed a high priority on implementing academic interventions for targeted students during 2011–12, with a particular emphasis on the needs of English learner students. These strategic interventions were supported by a wide variety of professional development activities, many of which were designed to initiate or strengthen professional learning communities at the school or district level. Furthermore, a number of LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3 are utilizinglocally developed protocols for monitoring the implementation of the strategies and actions of their LEA Plans. (See Table II.)
2012–13 Update
At its November 2012 meeting, the SBE revised the evidence of progress reporting cycle from a mid-year and end-of-year submission to a single end-of-year submission, beginning September 2013 for Cohorts 1–5 of PI Year 3.
Attachment 1:August 8, 2012, letter from Christine Swenson, Director, Improvement and Accountability Division, to Select County and District Superintendents of Local Educational Agencies in Program Improvement Year 3, regarding Guidelines for Submitting 2011–12 End-of-Year Evidence of Local Educational Agency Plan Implementation and Monitoring (2 Pages)
Attachment 2:2011–12 End-of-Year Evidence of Progress Submitted by Local Educational Agencies in Cohorts 1–4 of Program Improvement, Year 3 (9 Pages)
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Attachment 1
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August 8, 2012
Dear Select County and District Superintendents:
The purpose of this letter is to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) in Cohorts1–4 of Program Improvement (PI) Year 3 with guidance for completing the 2011–12 submission of evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring.
The requirements for this reporting cycle are fully described in an earlier letter from the California Department of Education (CDE) dated January 19, 2012. (See Attachment 1.) The cycle began with the mid-year evidence of progress submission in March 2012, and it concludes with the end-of-year evidence of progress submission now scheduled for October 2012.
All evidence of LEA Plan implementation and monitoring will be submitted to the CDE electronically via the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS). A trained reviewer will confirm receipt of the evidence in CAIS, and the documentation will be compiled in a summary report for review by the State Board of Education (SBE). For your review, an Information Memorandum that provides a summary analysis of the mid-year evidence of progress can be accessed on the CDE June 2012 Information Memoranda Web page at
Attachment 2 is a list of LEAs in Cohorts 1–4 of PI Year 3. Due to the delay in this year’s data release, Monday, October 15, 2012, is the new due date for these LEAs to submit the end-of-year evidence to the CDE in CAIS.
Attachment 3 provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the PI Year 3 Evidence of Progress monitoring instrument and uploading documentation in CAIS.
You are invited to participate in a Webinar that is designed to support LEAs in completing the 2011–12 reporting cycle. The Webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, August 22, 2012, at 2 p.m., and it will be recorded and available for viewing shortly thereafter.
Please use the link below to access the Webinar:
Webinar address:
Alternate URL: from Today's Listed Meetings)
Event number: 598 029 829
Event password: leap
Call-in toll-free number:1-877-413-2826(US)
Conference Code: 421 658 0486
For technical support with audio, call into the conference and then enter *0 on your telephone to be connected to operator assistance. For other technical support issues during the event, call Chris Aban, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, District Innovation and Improvement Office, by phone at 916-319-0254.
In order to access the Webinar, you will need a computer with an internet connection and a telephone (audio is not available through the computer). If you have not used WebEx before, join a test meeting to check your computer's settings prior to the webinar at
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Clement Mok, Education Programs Consultant, District Innovation and Improvement Office, by phone at 916-319-0940 or by e-mail at .
Christine Swenson, Director
Improvement and Accountability Division
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Attachment 2
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2011–12 End-of-Year Evidence of Progress Submitted by Local Educational Agencies in Cohorts 1–4 of
Program Improvement, Year 3
CDS Code / County / District / DifferentiatedTechnical
Assistance / Cohort / Evidence
of Progress Submitted
01100170000000 / Alameda / Alameda County Office of Education / Light / 4 / No
01611430000000 / Alameda / Berkeley Unified School District / Other / 1 / Yes
01611680000000 / Alameda / Emery Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / No
01611920000000 / Alameda / Hayward Unified School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
01612590000000 / Alameda / Oakland Unified School District / Light / 1 / No
01613090000000 / Alameda / San Lorenzo Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
04614240000000 / Butte / Chico Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
04615070000000 / Butte / Oroville City Elementary School District / Light / 1 / Yes
04615230000000 / Butte / Palermo Union Elementary School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
04615490000000 / Butte / Thermalito Union Elementary School District / Light / 1 / Yes
07616480000000 / Contra Costa / Antioch Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
07617620000000 / Contra Costa / Oakley Union ElementarySchool District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
07617880000000 / Contra Costa / Pittsburg Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
07617960000000 / Contra Costa / West Contra Costa Unified School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
08100820000000 / Del Norte / Del Norte County Office of Education / Light / 2 / No
09619030000000 / El Dorado / Lake Tahoe Unified School District / Light / 3 / Yes
10101080000000 / Fresno / Fresno County Office of Education / Light / 2 / Yes
10621250000000 / Fresno / Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
10621660000000 / Fresno / Fresno Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
10622650000000 / Fresno / Kings Canyon Joint Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / No
10623640000000 / Fresno / Parlier Unified School District / Intensive / 2 / Yes
10739650000000 / Fresno / Central Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
12753820000000 / Humboldt / Mattole Unified School District / Light / 2 / No
13630730000000 / Imperial / Brawley Elementary School District / Moderate / 4 / No
13631230000000 / Imperial / El Centro Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
15101570000000 / Kern / Kern County Office of Education / Light / 4 / Yes
15633130000000 / Kern / Arvin Union Elementary School District / Intensive / 1 / Yes
15633210000000 / Kern / Bakersfield City School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
15634040000000 / Kern / Delano Union Elementary School District / Light / 1 / Yes
15634380000000 / Kern / Edison Elementary School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
15634610000000 / Kern / Fairfax Elementary School District / Intensive / 1 / No
15635030000000 / Kern / Greenfield Union School District / Light / 1 / Yes
15635290000000 / Kern / Kern Union High School District / Light / 1 / Yes
15635600000000 / Kern / Lamont Elementary School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
15635780000000 / Kern / Richland Union Elementary School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
15636770000000 / Kern / Mojave Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
15637920000000 / Kern / Standard Elementary School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
15638000000000 / Kern / Taft City School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
15638340000000 / Kern / Vineland Elementary School District / Moderate / 1 / No
15638420000000 / Kern / Wasco Union Elementary School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
15638590000000 / Kern / Wasco Union High School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
15739080000000 / Kern / McFarland Unified School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
16638750000000 / Kings / Armona Union Elementary School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
16639170000000 / Kings / Hanford Elementary School District / Light / 1 / No
16739320000000 / Kings / Reef-Sunset Unified School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
19101990000000 / Los Angeles / Los Angeles County Office of Education / Light / 4 / Yes
19642460000000 / Los Angeles / Antelope Valley Union High School District / Moderate / 1 / No
19642870000000 / Los Angeles / Baldwin Park Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
19642950000000 / Los Angeles / Bassett Unified School District / Light / 3 / No
19643520000000 / Los Angeles / Centinela Valley Union High School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
19644360000000 / Los Angeles / Covina-Valley Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
19644770000000 / Los Angeles / Eastside Union Elementary School District / Light / 1 / No
19644850000000 / Los Angeles / East Whittier City Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
19645010000000 / Los Angeles / El Monte City Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
19645190000000 / Los Angeles / El Monte Union High School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
19645270000000 / Los Angeles / El Rancho Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
19645500000000 / Los Angeles / Garvey Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
19646340000000 / Los Angeles / Inglewood Unified School District / Light / 3 / Yes
19646420000000 / Los Angeles / Keppel Union Elementary School District / Intensive / 1 / Yes
19646670000000 / Los Angeles / Lancaster Elementary School District / Moderate / 1 / No
19646910000000 / Los Angeles / Lawndale Elementary School District / Light / 2 / No
19647090000000 / Los Angeles / Lennox School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
19647170000000 / Los Angeles / Little Lake City Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
19647250000000 / Los Angeles / Long Beach Unified School District / Light / 3 / Yes
19647330000000 / Los Angeles / Los Angeles Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
19647580000000 / Los Angeles / Los Nietos School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
19647740000000 / Los Angeles / Lynwood Unified School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
19648080000000 / Los Angeles / Montebello Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
19648160000000 / Los Angeles / Mountain View Elementary School District / Light / 1 / No
19648570000000 / Los Angeles / Palmdale Elementary School District / Moderate / 1 / Yes
19648730000000 / Los Angeles / Paramount Unified School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes
19649070000000 / Los Angeles / Pomona Unified School District / Light / 1 / Yes
19650370000000 / Los Angeles / South Whittier Elementary School District / Moderate / 2 / Yes
19651020000000 / Los Angeles / Westside Union Elementary School District / Light / 3 / Yes
19651100000000 / Los Angeles / Whittier City Elementary School District / Light / 2 / Yes
19651280000000 / Los Angeles / Whittier Union High School District / Moderate / 4 / Yes