SEQUENCE OF WORK FOR RE – YR Term 2 2004 Total time available 5 x 40 mins

Content: What does it mean to belong?

Broad Aims:

·  To know they belong within their own family/class/school

·  To be able to identify the care they need and the people who care for them

·  To reflect on the feelings expressed by Dottie and Buzz and to identify their own feelings in relation to belonging.

Details of children’s most recent experiences in relation to the scheme:

Children have studied topics about themselves and have considered their role in their family


·  Pictures of groups to which people belong.

·  Dottie and Buzz video on Belonging

·  Photos of family members to compare

·  Certificates to present to all members of class for belonging to class R (see week 5)

ICT opportunities

·  Videos – Dottie and Buzz

·  Word processing – scrapbook – write captions, make front cover

·  Designing – make certificate on internet programme

Speaking & Listening opportunities

·  Expressing feelings – how does it feel to belong/to be left out?

·  Asking and Answering questions – someone who has new brother/sister in family – ask them what it is like, how it feels...

·  Hot-seating: Pretend to be Dottie/Buzz – other children ask questions: how did you feel when....?

·  Expressing self – presenting certificates – and giving reason for certificate

Week 1


·  To know there are different groups people belong to.


·  Show pictures of firemen, policemen, brownies, rainbows, cubs etc. and discuss who they are, what group they belong to. Talk about what they are wearing and how that gives a clue as to what group they belong to.

·  What does each group of people do? Does that help to tell us which group they belong to?

·  Can you think of any other groups people might belong to?

Lower attainers - / Dress a policeman/scout etc.... Provide shape of person. Child to draw/stick on correct clothes
Higher attainers - / Match people to correct groups by cutting and sticking


Children have learnt what ‘belonging’ means and know of various groups to which people belong.

Week 2


·  To be able to identify the different the different groups Dottie and Buzz belong to.

·  To be able to reflect on how Dottie and Buzz feel at different points during the programme and relate that to their own feelings of belonging.


·  Re-previous lesson. Explain that the video we’re going to watch is all about belonging. Ask the children to think of the different groups that Dottie and Buzz belong to while they watch the video.

·  Watch the video

·  After the video talk about how Dottie and Buzz felt when... Relate this to how they would feel when...

·  Ask children to bring in photos of themselves and people from their family for next week.

Lower attainers – / Draw pictures of the things Dottie and Buzz belong to
Average attainers – / Write a speech bubble for how Dottie/Buzz felt when...
Higher attainers – / Draw and write and how you would feel when/if...


Children have identified which groups Dottie and Buzz belong to and have reflected on their own feelings and experiences of belonging.

Week 3


·  To know they belong in a family

·  To discuss why our families are important to us

·  To reflect on similarities within families.


·  Re-cap programmes from last lesson. Discuss family in programme.

·  Introduce the idea that we belong to a family group and that part of that group often lives with us. Are there any signs that we belong to these groups? (eg. similarities in hair colour, looks...) Look at photos children may have brought in (or your own)

·  Talk about how families change and grow all the time eg. new baby. Discuss if someone has a new baby brother/sister and how that makes him or her feel. Is the family different now?

·  Briefly explain that some people belong to other families as well as the families they love with. They call them religious families. People who go to church say they belong to Christianity. Tell the children there are lots of other religious families.

Lower attainers - / Draw a picture of someone in family who has got same colour hair/eyes etc and draw yourself next to them.
Average attainers - / Draw and label picture of your family.
Higher attainers - / Compare two photos/pictures of family members and say what is the same and what is different.


Children know they belong to their family and have identified similarities between themselves and other family members.
Week 4


·  To be able to identify groups to which the children belong


·  Re-cap last lesson on groups people belong to. What groups do you belong to? eg. rainbows, family, class... Are there any signs that they belong to these groups (eg. what they wear/do...)

·  Talk about a group you as teacher belongs to and what you do, wear to show you belong.

·  Briefly talk together about how it feels to be a part of a group.

·  Make a scrapbook showing all the groups and clubs that the children and staff belong to.

Lower attainers – / Draw/paint picture of group/club they belong to for inclusion in scrapbook.
Average attainers - / Draw/paint picture of group/club they belong to for inclusion in scrapbook and write the name of the group alongside.
Higher attainers - / Draw/paint picture of group/club they belong to for inclusion in scrapbook and write the name of the group alongside. Some could also use computer to make front cover for book.


Children have identified the different groups they belong to and have made a scrapbook to indicate this.

Week 5


·  To recognise that it is important to belong and to identify a group that they belong to.

·  To be able to make and print certificates for themselves or to present to each other.


·  Re-cap topic and what children can remember. Talk about all the different groups people can belong to: firemen, rainbows, scouts, families, children’s own groups, religious families, not forgetting this class!

·  Children to each make a certificate on computer programme ( and decide who to give it to (member of family, group, class member)

·  Teacher to present certificates to all members of class – eg. (Name) belongs to class R.... to encourage sense of belonging.

Lower attainers - / All to make certificates on computer (differentiate by support and provision of name cards...)
Average attainers -
Higher attainers -


Children have identified a group they belong to and have created certificate for someone to show they belong.