Your Name: / SSN: / DOB: / Occupation:Spouse’s Name: / SSN: / DOB: / Occupation:
Mailing Address: / Cell Phone: / Daytime Phone: / Other:
E-mail Address:
Name: / SSN: / Birthdate: / Age: / Relationship: / Mos. Lived w/ You: / Full-Time Student: / Gross Income:Can and / or have you been claimed on someone else’s tax return as a dependent? Yes
Did your marital status change due to divorce, separation, death of a spouse, etc. in 2017? Yes
2017Filing Status? Single Married filing jointly Head of household Qualifying widower
INCOME: (Please check “” all that apply)
Wages, salary, tips, etc. (W-2s)
Tipsnotreported on W-2s
Interest (1099-INT, Year-end Bank Statements)
Stock or mutual fund dividends (1099-DIV)
Sale of stocks, mutual funds, etc.(1099-COMP)
Previous year state tax refund
Business or hobby income / loss(Schedule C)
IRA withdrawals, rolloveror transfer (1099-R)
Pensionor annuity income (1099-R)
Social Security Benefits (SSA-1099)
Foreign income
Partnership or estateincome (K-1)
Gambling/lottery winnings (W-2G)
Payments from education accounts (1099-Q)
Rental property income
ADJUSTMENTS TO INCOME: (Please check “” yes to all that apply)
Everyone within your household covered by health insurance the entire year? Yes
Did youreceive a Health Insurance Marketplace Statement (1095-A, B or C) in 2017? Yes
Did you incur any expense as a direct result of teaching(Educator Expense Deduction)? Yes
Did you contribute to a Health Savings Account(HSA) individually or through work? Yes
Did you move from your primary residence in 2017(Moving Expense Deduction)? Yes
Did you pay alimony(Alimony Adjustment)? Yes
Did you contribute to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Roth IRA in 2017? Yes
Did you withdrawal funds from an IRA, 401(k), etc. prior to 59½(Early Withdrawal Penalty)? Yes
Did you pay interest on a student loan(Student Loan Interest Deduction)? Yes
ITEMIZED TAX DEDUCTIONS: (Please check “” all that apply)
Medical and Dental Expenses
Health Insurance / Medicare Part B
State and Local Taxes
Real Estate Property Taxes
New Motor Vehicle Tax
Home Mortgage Interest / Points Paid
Mortgage Insurance
Gifts to Charity(Documented)
Casualty or Theft Losses
Tax Preparation Fees
Investment Related Expenses
Safe Deposit Box Dues
Union Dues
Work Tools / Safety Equipment
Unreimbursed work mileage
Did you itemize your tax deductions last year? Yes
Did you pay quarterly estimated taxes last year? Yes
TAX CREDITS: (Please check “” yes to all that apply)
Did you purchase a home in 2017? Yes
Did you install energy efficient windows, insulation, furnace, etc. in your primary residence? Yes
Did you make any payments to a licensed dependent daycare provider in 2017? Yes
Did you adopt a child in 2017 or have adoption credit carried over to 2017? Yes
Did you pay education tuition and fees for you, your spouse or dependent child in 2017? Yes
Did you pay foreign income or investment tax? Yes
Did you contribute to a 401(k), 403(b), Simple IRA or other company retirement plan in 2017? Yes
STATE RETURN: (Please check “” yes to all that apply)
Did you purchase / renew a WI special tax-deductible license plate in 2017? Yes
Did you purchase (through internet, etc.) items where WI sales tax is due but not paid? Yes
Did you work in or receive income from a state other than WI? Yes
Did you pay rent in 2017?(Heat included/ Heat notincluded) $/ mo. x Yes
Did you contribute to WI’s 529 college savings program (Tomorrow’s Scholar or EdVest)? Yes
OTHER: (Please check “” yes to all that apply)
Were you ever audited or received correspondenceby the IRS? Yes
Were you ever delinquent in paying your taxes or ever modified your tax return after it was filed? Yes
Do you have any dependent children who must file? Yes
As a courtesy, dependent children’s tax returns are prepared free of charge.
Do you have childrenwith investment income greater than $2,100(Kiddie Tax)? Yes
Did you provide over half the support for any other person during 2017? Yes
Did you or your spouse make or receive gifts of over $14,000 in 2017? Yes
Did you file bankruptcy or haveany debt (credit cards, etc.) forgiven or cancelled in 2017? Yes
Did you turn 70½ prior to December 31st of 2017(RMD)? Yes
Do you want direct deposit of your refund? (If so please supply voided check or deposit slip)? Yes
Did your direct deposit account change from what is on file from last year? (Circle One)Same Changed
2018 TAX PLANNING: (Please check “” yes to all that apply)
Do you plan to enroll in the Affordable Care Act health exchanges 2018? Yes
Will you file bankruptcy, have any lender forgive / cancel debts (credit cards, etc.) in 2018? Yes
Do you and / or your spouse plan to retire or have significant life / income changes in 2018? Yes
Do you expect to undergo any major-medical expenses in 2018? Yes
Will any dependent children turn 17 in 2018? Yes
Do you plan on contributing to your IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), etc. in 2018? Yes
Will you turn 70½ prior to December 31st of 2018? (RMD) Yes
Will any dependent children be entering college or vocational school in 2018? Yes
Required Documents / Supporting Paperwork Needed to Complete Tax Returns: