TPP (Transition Partnership Program) Syllabus SAN JACINTO HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016

Teacher: Mrs. Gualtiere email:

Phone 654-7374

Course Description: This course is a student-centered transition curriculum based on the premise that students gain personal power when they set goals, learn employability skills, and make productive choices. Through activities and experiences that are relevant to the real world, students are given the appropriate training for adult roles in families and communities so that they may take charge of their lives and their futures. Connections to outside agencies will be made which will facilitate transition to the adult world.

Upon completion of this course, students should have a basic understanding of:

·  Getting a Job

·  Keeping a Job

·  Community Involvement

·  Maintaining Health

·  Living Independently

·  Planning for a Happy Family Life

*Transition to Adult Handbook can be found at:

Grade: 12

Prerequisites: You must be within 70 credits to graduate

Textbook/Curriculum Materials: The Transitions Curriculum, Fulton and Silva

Additional Materials Required:

·  White binder with 1” rings (supplied by SJUSD WorkAbility 1)

·  2 pens (black or blue, no gel pens)

·  2 pencils (in good condition)

·  1 highlighter

·  Filler paper (wide or college ruled)

Parent Portal:

Aeries Browser Interface (ABI) Parent Portal is the means through which parents can access their student’s grades, attendance, assignments, transcripts, etc. from their home or office. All secondary sites have a Links page on their home web page; this page has the directions for creating ABI parent accounts in English and Spanish as well as the link for opening up the login page called Parent Portal to Student Information System (ABI).


40% Projects

50% Portfolio

10% Homework, bellwork, class discussions

The following is the Grade Percentage Breakdown:

94% - 100% A

85% - 93% B

70% - 84% C

50% - 69% D

Below 49% F

Homework and Make-Up Work Policy:

·  Homework is due at the beginning of class on the day specified.

·  If you are absent when homework is due, it will be accepted at the beginning of class the day you return to school.

·  If you are absent the day homework is assigned, and the absence is excused, you will be given 2 weeks to make up the assignment.

·  There is no opportunity to make up work if the absence is not excused.

·  Check with the instructional aide to determine what you are missing.

·  It is your responsibility to gather and complete all makeup work and tests!

Food and Drink:

Open containers of food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. Any item that has a broken seal is considered to be open (food, beverage, mugs, etc). WATER in a clear container with a cap is allowed, but remember to pace your water intake.

Telephones and Electronic Devices:

The use of personal electronic devices (such as cellular phones and tablets) in class will be allowed only as an aid for completing work. Please remember that you are responsible for your personal electronics while on the school campus.


Classroom Expectations:

·  Listen carefully.

·  Follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

·  Raise your hand for permission to speak or to get out of your seat.

·  Assume all responsibility for your supplies, work, attitude and behaviors.

·  Keep Gualtiere happy.

Tardy Policy:

If you are not ready to work when the bell rings you are tardy/late! Please retrieve all needed supplies before you are seated.

Assigned Seating:

In order to facilitate taking attendance and provide for an orderly room, seating will be assigned.

Mrs. Taylor’s Desk and My Desk:

Our desks are OFF LIMITS. There is confidential material in and on our desks.

If You Finish Your Classwork Early: Time management is the key to a successful education. If you finish an assignment early in class then you may choose one of the following options:

·  Independent reading

·  Work on homework

·  Complete make-up work