Health Class Daily Routine
Monday-Give out Spelling/Vocabulary Words (5) these are Unit related
Students will copy them down and look up meanings. Also Students will work on review questions or a worksheet. Students will write journal entries on this day in their notebook.
Tuesday-5 Minutes Silent Reading
Then teacher directed class, lecture and notes 1 page. Notes are worth 10 points
Wednesday-Workout Wednesday/BMI and Height and Weight -Students will do a health related fitness activity and record results in fitness log. Partner Review Questions
Thursday-Teacher directed activities and short movie clips on subject we are learning about in class. Students will take one page of notes during class (10pts) Students will turn in Current Events papers (5 pts)
Turn in Current Events papers.
Friday #1 Movie (Health Related) and fill out movie review sheet worth 10 pts
Friday #2 Quiz over health related topic and Spelling/Vocabulary words. Worth 10 pts.
Other activities during Health Class
1-The day I was born paper, interview with your Mom worth 50 pts
2-Monster poster for STD’s worth 50 points
3-Healthy Food Day-50 points
4-Timmy Tournament
5-Food during Movie time as long as it is healthy.
6-Body systems Human body parts project
7-Students will write a company that makes food product or exercise equipment and make suggestions as to how to improve that product.
3rd Nine Weeks
Weeks 1 and 2 Chapter 12 Physical Fitness
Weeks 3 and 4 Chapter 10 Nutrition
Weeks 5 and 6 Chapter 15 Cardio, Respiratory, and Digestion
Weeks 7 and 8 Chapters 16, 17, 25 Reproduction, STD, Childbirth
Week 9 Chapter 11, Personal Health
4th Nine Weeks
Week 1 and 2 Chapters 20, 21, 22 Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs
Week 3 and 4 Chapters 4 and 5 Stress and Mental Health
Weeks 5 and 6 Chapters 26 and 27 Safety and First Aid
Week 7 Chapter 27 CPR Adult and infant
Week 8 Health Fitness Testing/BMI/Heath Rate
Week 9 Review and Health Food Friday Meal (50pts)