Mid-Semester Final
Review Sheet
1. Ziggurats- location and function
2. Role of women in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
3. Geography of Egypt and Mesopotamia, Ancient China
4. Describe the source of Chinese writing
5. Israel’s greatest kings – who were they and what were each famous for?
6. Contributions of the Phoenicians?
7. In the dialogue between student and teacher of the Upanishad, what was the teacher trying to explain?
8. Who was Shi Huangdi and how did he become the first emperor of China?
9. What astronomical contributions were made by the Chaldeans?
10. What contributions to Greek democracy did Pericles bring?
11. What was the geography of Greece and what impact did that have political on the region?
12. Peloponnesian War – why, between who, the results of the war, who won and why?
13. Differences and commonalties of Athens and Sparta.
14. Differences between Hellenic and Hellenistic cultural.
15. Who proved the existence of the myths of the Trojan War?
16. Who were members of the First Triumvirate?
17. What was the Diaspora?
18. What are the Romance languages?
19. Define a republic, direct democracy.
20. Who was Hannibal and why did he invade Italy from the north and with elephants?
21. Describe the offices of the government of the Roman Republic
22. What was the origin of the Punic Wars?
23. Contributions of the Roman Empire.
24. What was the appeal of Christianity in the Roman Empire?
25. What was the appeal of Buddhism?
26. Describe the Five Pillars of Faith
27. Describe the Four Noble Truths
28. What was the Hijrah?
29. Who were the “People of the Book”?
30. Contribution of Justinian
31. What were the contributions of Charlemagne
32. Describe feudalism and all its vocabulary
33. Who was Charles Martel
34. What are excommunication and interdict
35. Canon and secular law
36. Describe monasticism and its associated vocabulary
37. What was chivalry?
38. Who were the Vikings and from where did they originate?
39. What was the Magna Carta and why was it so important?
40. Know the Crusades – its target, causes, who stated them, important figures, results short and long term
41. Hundred Years War – who fought, important figures, important battles
42. What caused the Bubonic plague and why was it spread so rapidly?
43. Describe the Norman invasion of England – who, what, when, why and important figures
44. Problem of the Medieval Church
45. Who Confucius and why was he important?