Conference Chairperson – Model Ministry Description

Northwestern Minnesota Synod

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Chapter 12 of the Synod Constitution and Bylaws describes the role and organization of conferences in the NW MN Synod as follows:


The synod has eight conferences, each comprised of several clusters, whose rostered persons and lay leaders meet annually in a conference assembly, approximately sixty days prior to the synod assembly. Conference assemblies include opportunities to worship and pray together; consider resolutions or other items of business that may be considered at the subsequent synod assembly; elect conference officers, including at least a conference dean (an ordained pastor) and a conference chairperson (a lay person) and other officers, as each conference shall choose; nominate persons from the conference for synod council, voting members of Churchwide Assemblies and other elected positions; and other conference business as appropriate. Conference assemblies also normally include opportunities for inspiration and learning around topics related to mission and ministry.


Conferences adopt their own governing documents to guide their work. The synod provides model governing documents to conferences, including sample ministry descriptions for conference deans and conference chairpersons.


Clusters may leave one conference and/or join a different conference only with the consent of the synod council.


Additional conference assemblies may be held at other times of the year to learn about ministries and mission projects supported by the conference, survey ministry opportunities within the conference, discuss ways to address these opportunities, handle conference business, and/or address other issues of interest to the conference.

Conference chairpersons in the Northwestern Minnesota Synod have the following areas of responsibility:

Planning and Administering

·  Preside at all conference assemblies.

·  In consultation with the conference dean and other conference officers, plan programs and agendas for all conference assemblies.

·  In conjunction with other conference officers oversee the financial life of the conference.

·  Be responsible for maintaining a roster of conference officers and conference representatives on synod council or other synod leadership groups.

·  In collaboration with the conference dean, facilitate meetings of the clusters in accordance with S.12.01.02.a.

·  Carry out other responsibilities assigned by the conference.

Serving as a Liaison

·  Attend meetings or participate in teleconferences with other conference chairpersons of the synod.

·  Alert the dean, as appropriate, about needs of congregations and rostered persons within the conference.

Approved by “Rethinking Conferences” Synod Transition Team

December 4, 2015