Topic / Page #
Philosophy / 3
Mission Statement / 4
Objectives / 5
Expectations of Players / 5
Playing Time / 6
Expectations of Coaches / 7
Expectations of Parents / 7
Parent/Coach Communication / 7
Academics / 9
Rules / 10
Attendance / 10
Tardies / 11
Cell Phone Policy / 11
In School Suspension (ISS) / 11
Fundraising / 12
Off-Season Activities / 12
Social Media / 12
Dismissal from Team / 13
Practice / 13
Injury, Treatment, and Practice Policies / 14
Game Day / 14
Game Day Dress / 14
Pre-Game Policies / 15
The Game / 16
Post-Game Policies / 17


Persist and Desire with a Will to Win.” The desire to win is perhaps the most important thing in any sport. The desire to win does not include winning the game. Everyone wants to win the game. We must have the desire to win, and be willing to do whatever it takes to win every play. This attitude is mandatory among players and coaches. This attitude will carry us through bad breaks; help us maintain poise in the face of adversity. Fundamentals must not be overlooked.

Fundamentals are the cornerstone to any successful organization. We must do the little things well. Every team can do the big things; champions do the little things. We will play with the precision of a machine. If we do what we are supposed to do and do it often, we will win. Proper fundamentals will become second nature to us. We must be prepared for all situations.

As a team, we must utilize our practice time. Everyone gets the same amount of minutes. How we utilize those minutes will make a difference. No part of the game is too small to practice, they all are important.

It is the goal of the Reagan Raider Softball coaching staff to provide student athletes with the opportunity to experience success in a variety of situations, both individual and team, on and off the field of play. Athletes will be challenged to reach their full potential, encouraged to develop emotional maturity, and will have the opportunity to learn how to deal with success and failure. Not only will players learn the physical skills of softball, they can learn other life-long skills such as: self-confidence, self-discipline, self-motivation, goal setting, teamwork, cooperation, sportsmanship, and leadership.

Our coaching staff believes that players are young ladies and daughters first, students second, and athletes third. We recognize and support obligations to family, school, and softball. Players will learn about commitment and balancing many obligations.

Decisions made by the Reagan Softball coaching staff will be based on: 1) what is good for the softball program, 2) what is good for the team, 3) what is good for the individual, and 4) what is good for ReaganHigh School. Our coaches will strive to win, however, winning is defined in many ways as a result of goal setting and thus our top priority will always focus on building young ladies of strong character through our softball program. The varsity will consist of the 9 best players in the Reagan Softball program and various role players. The JV program’s number one priority is to develop players for the varsity. The varsity and JV teams can change throughout the season based on improvements, injuries, match-ups, strategy, etc.

PRIORITY SCHEDULING - If we are to attain any of the goals that we have set for ourselves, it is important that each athlete is willing to commit herself to the following priority schedule:

  1. Family and religious commitments
  2. Academic progress and responsibilities
  4. Any out-of-season sports or other outside activities (i.e. work).

The wonderful thing about sport is having the opportunity to succeed or fail on a daily basis, coming back day after day to try it all again. We can fall short, make a mistake, even fail, but still survive and enjoy life. Softball is a game of failure; learn to deal with it. Failure is an opportunity to grow. Take risks and overcome your fears; don’t withdraw or quit. We have eyes in the front of our head, not the back, so look forward, not backward. What some people attribute to luck, we attribute to desire:

Persist and desire with a will to win!


ReaganHigh School will strive to be the best team in the state of North Carolina. We will always be a favorite in our conference and a perennial playoff contender. The softball program will provide each player with a great experience from which she can take valuable life lessons.

Most sports today are being coached according to a professional model. In a professional model winning is the top priority, and all decisions are based on what is most likely to produce a win. High school athletics should be coached according to a developmental model. A model that instills in the student/athletes values and ideals that will help them to become better human beings, more successful, and contributors to society. Such values include patience, self-control, self-discipline, courage, benevolence, politeness, honesty, humility, and sincerity.

Softball is filled with many life-learning experiences that, if approached and handled in the right way, can be beneficial to the mental, physical, and emotional development of all the young women involved. A good softball coach can teach young women the true meaning of discipline, dedication, perseverance, commitment, accountability, and competition, just to name a few. As much as we are competitors and love to win, we believe that regardless of the win/loss record, every young woman stands to become a better woman by the lessons she will learn in our program. The high school softball experience can be the most powerful learning experience in a young woman’s life. The mark of a success is not always evident in the win column at the end of a season. The type of young woman it produces can measure the true success of a softball program. A successful program turns out quality young women. It is our goal that they learn the importance of being honorable, reliable, committed, respectful, and team oriented.


We are all responsible for our own actions. The choices we make serve as a direct reflection on our character. The student/athlete in our program will be held to a higher standard than other students and must make choices with that in mind. Honesty, integrity and fidelity are all part of being an honorable person. Leading a daily life with honor in mind will make for a person who has positive self worth and a good attitude. An honorable player will make good choices in and out of the classroom. These are the types of people we want to represent our school on the athletic field.


“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” This statement epitomizes the ideal of teamwork. In a team situation we all have a certain amount of accountability to one another. In order to achieve a common goal all members of the team must be headed in the same direction. Everyone must complete his task. If one member fails then the entire group may suffer. The team relies on each player to maintain eligibility, attend practice, learn and execute her assignments in order for the team to be successful.


As a team member, each player needs to make a full commitment to the team. An individual in this softball program will be asked to give a large amount of time and energy to the sport. A more committed softball player is less likely to make mistakes or give up when the game is on the line. A lack of commitment will ultimately lessen the team’s success.


Respect is something that is seriously lacking in our society. It is important that student/athletes respect their parents, teachers, coaches, and peers. When people respect one another it is easier to achieve a common goal. A lack of respect for others often stems from a lack of respect for oneself. The player needs to be nurtured into realizing his own self worth before he can begin to understand how to respect others. At the same time these young women must learn to respect the game of softball for what it has to offer them.


The greatest part of high school softball is that every member of the team can make major contributions to the cause. Coaches must let all players know how valuable and important they are to the team. Each player must accept her role and do what is best for the team, even if it does not fit exactly into her own agenda. This can be one of the hardest, but also the most rewarding aspects about being a team.


  • To enjoy softball as an athlete on the ReaganHigh School team – HAVE FUN!!!
  • To discover that a strong work ethic, commitment, self-discipline and sportsmanship lead to success in whatever you choose to do. Effort is what creates success.
  • To increase self-confidence as an athlete on the ReaganHigh School softball team.
  • To become physically fit as an athlete on the ReaganHigh School softball team.
  • To learn how goal setting can help an individual achieve success.
  • To demonstrate how involvement in an athletic program can increase the student athlete’s performance in the classroom.
  • To mature as young women, by realizing that learning to deal with adversity is sometimes the best way to grow.
  • To openly discuss team and personal concerns when they arise, in order to resolve conflicts before they become problems.
  • To gain friendships through the softball community.
  • To learn that sportsmanship is one of the most important aspects of athletics.
  • To develop a program that is an integral part of our school and one which the players, school and community can be proud of.
  • To do things the right way and win the right way; by stressing integrity, honesty, loyalty and sportsmanship both on and off the field.
  • To develop unity through a total team concept.
  • To build new traditions as a program - high expectations.
  • To develop a program that is a consistent winner.
  • To win the conference championship.
  • To advance into the state playoffs.
  • To play in and win the state championship.


Varsity Team Expectations:

The varsity team represents the highest level of competition here at ReaganHigh School. Our

ultimate goal is to strive to win the 4A state softball championship as we incorporate and

apply our mission and objective statements. As a member of the varsity team you are not

guaranteed equal opportunity to participate in every contest. Every team member has a role and

that role is very important. While each role may not be equal in playing time, they are all equal

in their measure of importance to the team and to our overall performance. Our goal is to

complete a varsity team with the 11 or 12 best players in the program. Any freshmen,

sophomore, junior, or senior can play on the varsity team.

Junior Varsity Team Expectations:

The goal of the junior varsity softball program is to prepare players for the varsity program. JV

games allow players to gain experience in game situations and improve their skills for varsity

readiness. To achieve this goal, any freshmen or sophomore may be asked to play in a

junior varsity game. Some players may be used on both the junior varsity and varsity squads.

As with the varsity program, each player has a role and some roles will include more playing

time than others.

Expectations of ALL Players:

  1. Be an example of the right kind of woman both on and off the field.
  2. To remain academically eligible and graduate.
  3. Commit yourself to the softball program, your teammates, and your coaches.
  4. Listen to and communicate with your coaches, teachers and teammates.
  5. Commit yourself to excellence in all aspects of your life.
  6. Work hard! “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender!”
  7. Develop your softball skills year round. Playing for ReaganHigh School is not enough to improve your skills. If you participate in another sport at ReaganHigh School, do not neglect your softball skills. If not, you are encouraged to participate in any and all softball opportunities including travel softball, recreational softball, softball camps, etc.
  8. 100% participation in all fundraising activities.
  9. Develop yourself physically through consistent attendance in our athletic enhancement program.
  10. Coaches, teachers, and other adults will be addressed with “Yes Sir/Mam” or “No Sir/Mam.” Furthermore, coaches will be addressed as “Coach Berlinger” not “Berlinger.” Coaches have earned the right to be called “Coach.” Show respect.
  11. Work and play as one team.
  12. To be prompt to all meetings and practices. Remember on time is late.
  13. To always put the team first.
  14. Resist frustration. Frustration is defined as “the feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.”
  15. Overcome adversity. You have choices when you respond to adversity:

Negative ResponsePositive Response


Excuse givingSolution seeking


Small perspective/pictureBig perspective/picture

(Paralysis by analysis)

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”

- Thomas Paine


Playing time is not guaranteed, is not equal, and must be earned. Playing time is earned using the following criteria:

1)Knowledge of your position– We cannot and will not play anyone that does not know how to play their position.

2)Effort – Effort wins games! Maximum effort is demanded of ALL players. Anything less is not acceptable. A player can make up for physical shortcomings through her effort on the practice and game fields.

3)Mental Toughness – Can you play under pressure? Can you fight through adversity?

4)Contribution to Our Team – Softball is a team sport; everyone can be an equal contributor regardless of her role. The individual who motivates his teammates to do better, is always enthusiastic and ready, and mentally stays focused is a bigger contributor than those who do not.

5)TALENT – If all the above criteria are equal, then the athlete with the most talent will start. Hitting, bunting, fielding, throwing, running, pitching, and catching are all considered.


  1. To respect you.
  2. To be able to help you with any problems you might have, personal or otherwise. Our door is always open.
  3. To be loyal to you in all areas.
  4. To provide leadership and training necessary to achieve our goals.
  5. To work you harder than you have ever worked before.
  6. To make all decisions predicated on what is best for the team, and then what is best for the individual.
  7. To make Reagan the best program in the State of North Carolina.
  8. To help you mature and become a better person.
  9. To help you reach your individual goals.
  10. To be honest.

11. To be fair in evaluating players.


  1. Closely monitor your daughter’s academic progress. Notify the coaches and her teachers if you think there is an academic problem.
  2. Make sure your daughter gets the proper rest and nutrition.
  3. Support our program; help us build unity and a quality program. Help build the program up, not tear it down.
  4. If a problem arises, please discuss it with Coach Berlinger by making an appointment. However, we will not discuss playing time or another player with parents. The amount of playing time each individual player earns is the coach’s decision.
  5. Set the right example for your daughter.
  6. Encourage your daughter to attend all workout sessions.
  7. Volunteer for concession stand duty during the softball season.
  8. Help with team fundraisers.


Parents need to remember three points:

  1. The best role for a parent is to be a fan, not an extra coach.
  2. Parents must keep in mind whose desire they are encouraging.
  3. Parents must make sure their daughter’s goal is her goal, not their goal.

One guideline parents should try to follow is to not criticize your daughter, the other players, or the coaching staff. Too often, we criticize others when we do not know all of the facts or circumstances. Try to communicate rather than criticize. Before and after the game, parents must think about what they are going to say before they say it. Don’t criticize your daughter in public; praise her in public.

Both parenting and coaching are challenging endeavors. By establishing an understanding of each other, we are able to accept the actions of each party and provide greater benefit to the young women involved in Reagan Softball. As a parent of a child involved in our athletic program, you have the right to understand what the expectations and communication processes are for you and your player.