Week of January 9th

Voyageur Academy Elementary K-5

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Happy New Year! All of us at Voyageur Academy hope everyone had a restful break and one filled with celebration and special moments with family and friends. As we begin 2017, this is a time for us to hit the ground running and continue to work together to prepare our scholars for college and beyond! We are excited to work with our families to continue to improve the Voyageur experience for everyone to succeed.
January is a time for reflection and working on personal and professional goals. For our teachers and staff, that means that we are spending time in January to see where your scholar is performing in reading and math so we can work with them to reach that next level of achievement!
Thank you and Happy New Year,
Ms. Wolkowicz- Voyageur Elementary K-5 School Leader
Ms. Davis- K-5 Disciplinarian

Important Reminders:

NWEA MAP Assessment: We will be taking the Reading and Math MAP test this month. Here is this week’s schedule:

Tuesday: Ms. Lederman, Ms. Abubakr, Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Jelosomeno

Wednesday: Ms. Pevos, Ms. Demarco, Ms. Geml, Ms. Chalmers

Thursday: Ms. Brantley, Ms. Walker, Ms. Foster, Ms. Zeidan

Friday: Ms. Ortiz

Outside Clothes: Our scholars travel between the buildings for various activities every day. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather with coats, hats, and gloves.

Special Thank You: A special thank you to Ms. Zeidan, Ms. Ceballos, Mr. Atkins and all of our scholars and families that donated items in December!! We brought many smiling faces and shared that powerful Voyageur spirit with many!

Cubs ROAR to Excellence!!!

Winter NWEA MAP Testing Information

Dear Families,

During the month of January, your child will take tests called the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). We give scholar’s MAP tests to determine your child’s instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year and from year to year in the areas of Reading, Math and Science. Your child will take the tests on the computer.

MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for your child’s level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. And with MAP tests, we can administer shorter tests and use less class time while still receiving detailed and accurate information about your child’s progress. Over the next couple of weeks, your child will spend a total of about 4 hours on 3 tests.

When we are finished, you will receive a report explaining your child’s progress and what they have learned based on the MAP test. We will also be using this information to plan instruction so that we can work to help your child succeed and continue to improve.

You can help your child be successful at home by ensuring that they get a proper night’s rest the night before their testing day. Please also make sure that they are on time for school that day so they can get breakfast before school starts. Also, helping us reinforce that they should take their time and do their best does more to help them be successful then we could ever explain!

We will continue to provide information about the tests we use and how we use that information throughout the month of January and into the second semester. Please never hesitate to stop by and ask your child’s teacher or myself about our instructional program at Voyageur. We are here to serve you and your child to ensure success now and in the future.

Educationally Yours,

Ms. Wolkowicz

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4321 Military Street Detroit, MI 48210 www.voyageuracademy.com 313-361-4180