Big Bad M's By Skip Meisch

Every day at the Dome you could see them arrive,

the American League West Champions of '95

They were quick in the field and strong at bat,

and everyone knew you had to tip your hat

to the Big M's.

Everyone knows where the Mariners call home.

They hang their Pennant in the old Kingdome.

Just when it looks like they're gonna come up shy,

there's the crack of a bat and Dave yells "My Oh My!"

Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's

Some folks say "Seattle's not a baseball town".

But the visiting teams had to leave with a frown.

A smashing throw from a great left hand

sent the California Angels off to no-man's land.

Big M's

Then came the Yankees with the series tied two - two

All tied after eight. What would Lou do?

As The Big Unit strolled up to the mound,

you'd a swore the Dome would crack from the level of the sound.

Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's

He pitched with his heart and when that wasn't enough,

we gave him some more of that MAGIC stuff.

Through the 9th, 10th and 11th he would answer the call.

"RAN-DY RAN-DY RAN-DY" yelled one and all.

Big M's

After ten and a half they were down by one.

Nobody left. Not no mother's son.

Randy was tired. For the Mariners to win,

it would have to come from deep down within.

Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's

With a perfect drag bunt Joey hustled to first.

Then came Junior with a hunger and thirst.

A nice clean base hit and the winning run was on.

Now it was the Yank's whose luck was all gone

Big M's

The chant was now on "M-V-P M-V-P".

Edgar advanced to the plate as all the world could see.

"ED-GAR ED-GAR" the crowd kept on cryin'.

"SWUNG ON AND BELTED" down the third base line.

Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's

The ball was deep in the corner by the time the fielder got there.

The umpire signaled "That ball is FAIR".

It was quite clear that Joey would score,

but was it asking too much to hope for one more?

Big M's

The entire Dome was waving Griffey in.

The ball was already in the air when he tagged that third skin.

We wanted to help him, so we started to roar.

Could we make enough magic for just one more score?

Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's

With hustle and bustle Griff dug down deep.

It was a mighty fine throw that he had to beat!

The crowd came unglued. The throw came in late,

and the whole team piled on Ken as he stood at home plate.

Big M's

When the dust finally settled and the series had been won,

The thunder in the Dome was second to none.

That smile on Ken's face just seemed to say it all.


Big M's, Big Bad M's, Big M's