Explorer, Researcher, Freemason: Travellers to Ottoman Palestine

Saturday 29 October 2016, 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ

Closest Tube stations: Holborn or Covent Garden

A study day organised by the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), the Library and Museum of Freemasonry (LMF) and the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF).


1:30 pm Registration and coffee/tea

2:00 Introduction

2:10 Dr. Kevin Shillington, Independent Historian and Biographer, on Charles Warren

2:50 Felicity Cobbing, Curator and Executive Secretary, PEF, on William Simpson

3:30 Tea/coffee

4:00 Dr Aimee Newell, Director of Collections, Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, Lexington, MA, on Masonic Treasure in Mount Moriah: Rob Morris and His Masonic Holy Land Souvenirs

4:40 Questions

4:50 Closing remarks

5:00 Tour of Freemasons’ Hall

5:30 Close of the Study Day


Booking Form for the Study Day

Explorer, Researcher, Freemason: Travellers to Ottoman Palestine

Cost: £28 per person, includes refreshments Number of tickets: ____

Affiliations (please tick): ASTENE £ LMF £ PEF £ Other ______

Name: ______

Address: ______

______Post code: ______Country: ______

Email address: ______Telephone: ______

£ I enclose a cheque made payable to The Palestine Exploration Fund.

£ Please charge my credit or debit card (Visa and Mastercard accepted)

Card Number: ______

Security code (last 3 digits on the reverse of the card) ______

Expiry Date: ______Name of the Card Holder: ______



Send the booking form with your cheque or your card details to:

The Administrator, Palestine Exploration Fund, 2 Hinde Mews, Marylebone Lane, London W1U 2AA,

or e-mail a scan of your booking form with card details to:

Acknowledgement will be sent by e-mail. A written receipt will only be sent if an SAE is enclosed with your booking. The study day pack will include a list of attendees and their email addresses. Please tick here if you do not want your details included £