Minutes of the Trust Meeting 13th April 2017

Present: I Gibson(Chair), M. Heaton, J Holmes,V Shields, L Murley, J Davies, S Cleaver, J Bell, J Foulkes,S Hill,

Apologies:M Perry,Ri Williams, A Bailey,E R Jones,J Dutton,R EvansP Choi,C W Owen, ,S Roden, H Johnson,G Owen, G Jones,Ro Williams,M Williams,B.Edwards,M Wilde.

Minutes of meeting 9thMarch2017: Minutes agreed as a true record.ProposedJ Foulkes, Seconded S Cleaver. Public Participation: none

Football stand: I Gibson advised a draft lease was with GAFC’s solicitor, J Davies reported that GAFC solicitor had scrutinised the draft lease and a response was on the way. A meeting was to be heldwith M&GAFC next week to discuss plans for amalgamation. I Gibson advised that a new User Level Agreement would be required for the new club. This would include the casual use of the Junior pitch by village youths. Further investigation was needed regarding procurement and sighting of permanent goal posts to facilitate this. S Cleaver advised that funding may be available from the Community Council. I Gibson advised that vehicular access via Balmuir Garage had not beenagreedby the proprietor for construction of the stand. A statement regarding access would therefore need to be provided by GAFC.

Administration:Finance:Budget: a copy of the budget to date and anticipated for 2017/18had been circulated to all members by email. A predicted deficit f £14,000 ( clearing this years surplus) was anticipated. J Davies advised GAFC would be providing plastic runners to protect the carpets for the next season. The programme of expenditure for 1017/18 was discussed.

Proposed to accept the 2016/17 Budget - Proposed J Foulkes Seconded V Shields

Proposed to accept the 2017/18 proposed budget - Proposed J Bell Seconded J Foulkes

Both were agreed by those present

M Heaton congratulated the group on the refurbishment of the blue room.

Public Relations:J Holmes reminded Trustees to let J Dutton know of any forthcoming events to allow time to get them in the monthly magazine.

Secretary’s Report:Co-op grant application or the Defibrillator information had been circulated regarding voting.

Reports from Club & Affiliated Groups:All Saint’s Church:Lunches at Lent had raised £536 for Christian Aid. A Vestry had been held to elect church council members and wardens for the next year. Easter services including a children’s Easter Egg hunt were planned. The Tuesday group had a speaker on Dementia Friends on 24th April.GAFC: 1st team 3rd in league, club had entered the NEW Cup but J Davies advised that all home games would be played away.Sportsman’s Evening had been very successful and had helped to clear the club’s debts it had cost of £40-50,000 to run GAFC this year.£350 was raised for Alzheimer’s Charity in memory of Gerry Evans at the event. The posts had been removed and the fixed posts would to be corrected. Pat Marshall was the new groundsman. Reserves have 2 games left and are 2nd in their league. Community Council: elections 4th May, Gresford West 10 candidates for 5 seats.Also elections for WCBC taking place. Cricket:preparing for start pf season, Juniors and ladies start beginning of May. A Casino Night fundraising event was to be held on Saturday. The visit from the regional cricket director Sue Wells had been very successful. She was very impressed with the facilities for cricket and the possibility for training events and meetings. G Morris and other cricket club members would deliver the cricket courses proposed by the cricket board for All Stars Cricket for 5-8 yr olds. Playgroup:mother and toddler group very successful at the momenthope is that they will feed into Playgroup. The increase in the minimum wage had resulted in small increase in fees. Playgroup was also looking for support in the Co-op funding round. Craft: progressing well, were happy to make a donation towards the defibrillator funding. WI: 39 current members, an interesting talk at last meeting on Victorian Ladies. Visiting Darland theatre on 27th April and progressing with monthly social meetings for members

Village Festival:Delmar had agreed to provide raffle1st prize towards a holiday. Still need ot confirm who is available for festival.

AOB: M Heatonadvised she had been the speaker at the Gladstone library to talk about the Trust in a 3rd sector meeting of trustees from Flintshire, Denbighshire and Wrexham

100 Club Draw: - April 2017 1st No.129 ‘Angus’, 2nd No.154D Nicholls, 3rdNo126 G Owens

Trust Meeting: Thursday 18th May 2017 7:30pm

Administration meeting:Tuesday 30th May 7pm.