Robert E. Young, Director
109 Old Fort Road, Newport, Rhode Island 02840
Completed applications should be submitted to the applicant’s current guidance counselor.
Section I: Applicant Information
Legal Name: ______Date of Birth: _____/______/______
First Last
Home Address: ______School Counselor: ______
Street City/Town Zip
Current School: ______Current Grade:⎕ 8 ⎕ 9 ⎕ 10 Grade as of Fall 2018: ⎕ 9 ⎕ 10 ⎕ 11
Primary Phone:______Email: ______
Section II: Parent/ Legal Guardian Information
Name: ______Mailing Address: ______
Primary Phone: ______Email: ______
Relationship to child: □ Mother □ Father □ Legal guardian Are you currently enlisted within a U.S. military branch? □ No □ Yes
Section III: Program Choice
Do you plan to attend on a part-time or full-time basis?
______Full-time: I plan to attend Rogers High School & NACTC as a full time student
______Part-time: I plan to split my day between my home high school and NACTC
Career & Technical Program of Choice: select at least one program and rank in order if interest.
Current Programs Projected Programs
Academy of Information Technology * / Maritime Electrical(Projected 2018)Advertising Design & New Media / Maritime Pipefitting(Projected 2018)
Automotive Technology / Marine Trades (Projected 2018)
Construction Technology / Hospitality (Projected 2018)
Cosmetology **
Culinary Arts
P-TECH Early College Program **
Junior Army ROTC **
Note - It is strongly suggested that students attend all programs on a fulltime basis.
*Prerequisite coursework and/or test-out option required.
**Requires fulltime enrollment.
Section IV: Records Release Authorization
I approve this application and give permission for the purpose of application/admission/placement at NACTC. Such records include, but are not limited to, birth certificate, course grades, standardized test results, Individualized Education Programs (IEP), 504, attendance records, school health record, conduct reports, and evaluation reports such as psychological/educational evaluations to the Newport Area Career and Technical Center. Out of District Students Only: Upon program acceptance, I understand and agree to complete the registration packet and in some cases, meet with the Rogers High School guidance team to facilitate student scheduling.
Signature of Parent/ Legal Guardian Date
Signature of Student Date
Rhode Island regulations governing the operation of the Career & Technical Centers ensures that every student has the right to apply, to be considered for admission and placement and that the sending community is required to pay the tuition and transportation for all students enrolled in Career and Technical Schools.
Signature of Superintendent (Out of District Only) Date
Application & Enrollment Guide
Step 1: Completed applications should be submitted to the student’s current guidance counselor by February 9, 2018.
Please note: guidance counselors should HOLD all applications for bulk submission on February 16, 2018.
Step 2: Sending school guidance department compiles complete registration packet.
Step 3: Completed application packets, including all student records, will be collected at each school on February 16, 2017.
Step 4: Application packages will be reviewed and acceptance notifications will be mailed by March 30, 2018.
Step 5: (Out of District Only) Confirmation of enrollment and student registration process completed.
Step 6: Student schedules are developed with input from current guidance counselor.
Step 7: Student schedules and transportation details are finalized.
If you have questions about our career and technical programs, or the application process, please reach out to a member of our team or visit our website:
Robert Young Kerry Clarke Mark Gaynor
PTECH/NACTC Director NACTC Coordinator NACTC Clerk
401- 619-5520401-849-4670401-619-5397
Completed applications should be submitted to the applicant’s current guidance counselor.
The network of the eleven Rhode Island Career and Technical Centers does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Rhode Island regulations governing the operation of the career and technical centers ensures that every student had a right to apply, to be considered for admission and placement, and that the sending community is required to pay the tuition and transportation of all students who are enrolled in the career and technical schools.