January 11, 2011, WMCC Board Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, 11 January 2011, 7:00 p.m., 10322 Willowgrove

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Emory Glover at 7:04 p.m.

In attendance were continuing president and secretary-elect Emory Glover, vice-president, Erich Wolz, treasurer Robert Szafranski, and at-large board members Stephen Polnaszek, Jonathan Roach, John Mooney, Garry Weisman, and Howard Lindsay as well as guest Julia Floyd. This established a quorum.

2. Adoption of the Agenda and Appointment of a secretary pro-tempore

The agenda was adopted as presented. Stephen Polnaszek agreed to act as secretary for this meeting.

3. Public comment

There was nopublic comment. While announcements of these board meetings are posted on the website, Stephen Polnaszeksuggested that there be some way of publishing in the newsletter, for those without internet access, the detailed or general information about when the upcoming board meetings are to be held.

4. Reading of the Minutes from the previous meeting

Stephen Polnaszek read the minutes from the November 9th, 2010, board meeting and made several suggested corrections. The chair then stated that the corrected minutes stand approved as corrected. The chair wished the records of the present meeting to reflect that the August board meeting minutes remain to be read and approved. The By-Laws require the secretary to keep a permanent record of the minutes.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Robert Szafranskireported that on the income side the civic club did better than expected in several categories. FY201 is lower than budgeted because the dues increase did not pass. There were higher transfer, refinance, and other income. $28,000 was transferred from the Security Fund to cover the Security operating budget. Non-Security expenses were about $17,000 under budget. Security spent close to what was originally budgeted, the rest coming from the Security Fund; and $28,000 was carried over to the Security Fund for 2011. With the $13,000 depreciation the civic club had a net income of $4,000.

For March 1 our insurance broker will locate a new commercial auto insurance provider for us. We have five policies with that broker including board directors/officers liability, security liability insurance, and worker’s compensation.

The assessment mail-out forms were edited as per board members suggestions.There was discussion of over-65 exemption details and considerable discussion of “hardship deferral”. Motion:Erich Wolz moved that the term “hardship” be kept in the cover letter and certification form (where it already is) and reword the second sentence of the certification form to state, “I am requesting a hardship deferral of my…” Stephen Polnaszek seconded the motion, which passed.

6. Standing 2010 Committee Reports

a. Architectural Control

Garry Weisman, chair, reported that he issue with the Nenana residence is on hold pending action by CenterPoint Energy.

b. Publications and Technology

Committee chair Howard Lindsay noted that the next newsletter deadlineis February 15th.

Robert Szafranski suggested that there be an article in the newsletter asking prospective board members considering a future bid for office to attend current board meetings.

c. Deed Restrictions Enforcement

Jonathan Roach, chair, reported that the Meyerwoodbusiness trash issue is still being worked. The Nenana heavy trash location dispute may still need to be checked on.

d. Maintenance and Beautification

Committee Chair Joey Canahuati sent an email report that he has engaged Austin Landscaping Service as our new mowing provider. Theyare also donating the Yard of the Month prizes.

e. Security

Committee Chair Stephen Polnaszek reported that recent crimes (December) included two burglaries of motor vehicles, a hit and run of a parked vehicle, and a burglary of a home. For all of 2010 crime was lower than in previous years.

Motion:Howard Lindsay moved that the security committee report be approved.Robert Szafranskiseconded the motion, which carried.

7. Special 2010 Committee Reports

a. Mosquito Abatement

Stephen Polnaszek, chair pro tem, is hoping to have a meeting within the next several weeks and hopes to let the contract in the spring.

b. Budget Planning (Scott Stjernstrom, chair): Chair absent; no report

c. Financial Review

Robert Szafranski reported that they plan to provide a written report with more extensive explanations of the reasons behind the recommendations.

8. Unfinished Business

a. Updating our Policies and Procedures Manual

Erich Wolzplans to have an electronic version of the manual online where board members and committee chairs can update their individual sections. Emory Glover noted that proposed changes will need board approval and desired that individual board members have the option of editing their sections on a version their own PC or from a hardcopy. Erich was concerned about problems merging the various edits. Plans for how the editing would proceed will be worked out in the near future. Robert Szafranski noted that some small changes had already been approved a couple of years ago. The original document was most likely approved in its incomplete form several years ago. Stephen Polnaszek was asked to provide to all an electronic copy of what may be close to the slightly modified form of the original manual and to investigate when the original was created.

b. Nailing down the WMCC website requirements

Erich Wolz discussedpotential changes to the WMCC website and various levels of access and modification privileges for it and his progress on working toward those modifications. Calendar, discussion forum, and email distribution features were discussed. Emory Glover suggested that Erich might wish to present a more formal proposal to the board about this in the future. Erich is working on a demonstration site. Howard Lindsay was concerned about security measures. Erich would like board members to send a list of what should be on the website and priorities for those various features.

c. Updated board and chairs roster

Secretary-elect Emory Glover had obtained updated roster information from the board members present during the present meeting. Information from absent members will be pursued at a later date.

d. Deed Restriction Revisions (, project secretary pro tempore)

Jonathan Roach identified issues with keeping a record of board-approved changes. Electronic versions of some changes are available but others seem to have been made only on hardcopy. Jonathan has notes from which he should be able to glean the full extent of approved changes but will need time to update the electronic version of the document to reflect these changes. He will then send out that updated version to the board for review.

e. Report on write-in candidates for 2011 President

Cindy Mora, secretary for 2010, has provided this report via email to Emory Glover.

f. Other

John Mooney reported that the $500 check was returned from the City Parks Department to the WMCC. John also asked that the issue of the 2011 WM Directory be covered. In the interest of time, this was to be docketed for the next board meeting.

9. New Business

a. Appointment of 2011 Standing Committee Chairs

Emory Glover appointed the following individuals as standing committee chairs: Garry Weisman for Architectural Control, Jonathan RoachforDeed Restrictions Enforcement, Joey Canahuatifor Maintenance and Beautification,Howard Lindsayfor Publications and Technology,and Stephen PolnaszekforSecurity. Those chairs who were in attendance agreed to their appointments and Joey was expected to agree as well.

b. Appointment of 2011 Special Committee Chairs

Emory Glover appointed the following individuals as standing committee chairs: Cindy Morafor Budget Planning, John Mooneyfor Deed Restrictions Revisions, Robert Szafranskifor Financial Review, Graham Hildebrandfor Mosquito Abatement, andJohn Mooneyforthe Picnic. Ms. Mora and Mr. Hildebrand were absent and could not confirm their appointments. Mr. Mooney and Mr. Szafranski accepted their appointments.

c. Graham Hildebrand’s attendance

With reference to the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4, board member Graham Hildebrand was to be contacted to ascertain his willingness to continue on the board or be replaced.

d. Filling the office of 2011 WMCC President

Secretary-elect Emory Glover tendered his resignation as WMCC president, thanked the board for many things, and asked vice-president Erich Wolz to preside. Motion: Robert Szafranskimoved that Emory Glover’s resignation be accepted. Howard Lindsay seconded the motion, which carried. The board thanked Mr. Glover for his commendable service.

Presiding Officer Erich Wolz noted that the presidential vacancy needed to be filled. It was ascertained that Julia Floyd is a resident in good standing and is willing to take on the role of WMCC president. Motion: Robert Szafranski moved that Julia Floyd be appointed as WMCC president. Howard Lindsay seconded the motion, which carried.

e. Next board meeting

It was agreed to meet again on February 8th, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., location to be determined.

f. Other

Robert Szafranski noted that the WMCC Officers will need to update the bank signature cards. Some official documentation of the new Officer roster will need to be supplied.

Agenda items for next time:Robert Szafranski identified the need for a permanent, public fax number that would go to an email. Details are to be worked out later.

10. Adjournment

Motion: Emory Glover moved that the meeting be adjourned. Erich Wolz seconded the motion, which carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.