Form SAM01
Please complete form in BLOCK Capitals. /Business Analysis
Foundation CertificateCandidate Registration Form
Candidate Number
(Office use only)Surname /
Title (Mr, Ms, Mrs)
Forename(s) /Date of Birth
Home Address / Work Name and AddressHome Telephone Number
/Work/Daytime Telephone Number
N.B. All correspondence will be addressed to your home address unless otherwise statedEmail address:
Are you a BCS member: Y / N / If yes, please give membership number:
Education: Highest qualification achieved (e.g. BSC, GCSE etc) and date achieved
/Number of years
Dates of course attended:Training Provider:
Please PRINT how you would like your name to appear on the certificate
Candidate’s Signature……………………………………………………. Date …………………….
The British Computer Society will hold your personal data on its computer database. This information may be accessed, reviewed and used by the Society for administrative purposes (for example, processing your membership application/renewal and contacting you in respect of your membership) and conducting market research. All of these purposes have been notified to the Information Commissioner. If you are based outside the European Economic Area (the ‘EEA’), information about you may be transferred outside the EEA.
The Society, or its approved suppliers, may also send you details of products and services you may be interested in. If you do not wish
to receive such information, please tick the box before returning to the BCS.
When completed, this form should be sent to:
ISEB (BA) First Floor, Block D, North Star House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1FA
Telephone: 01793 417480 Fax: 01793 417 559
If you are sitting an accredited course prior to the Examination please sent this form directly to themISEB/FORM/FBA.12/06/2007right © The British Computer Society 2007