When Zachary Beaver Came to Town

Discussion Questions

Choose 15-20 questions to answer during the week and be prepared to discuss with your group at your meeting. The questions that you choose should be on the pages you are reading for that particular week. Please write or type your answers on a separate paper and include the questions as well. In addition to answering 15-20 questions per week, you will start a story map as well as a character attribute web.

¨  Literary Analysis/Plot Development – Begin a story map. As you continue to read, you will continue to add new information about the characters, setting, problems, and events of the story.

¨  Literary Analysis/Character: Start a character attribute web for Toby, Cal, and Zachary. You will continue to add to this as you read the novel, noting changes/growth in the characters.

Ch. 1-4, pp. 3-39

1.  What sort of image do you get when you read the opening paragraph?

2.  What does Toby’s mom hope to do?

3.  Why do some people deny they came to the Dairy Maid just to see the fattest boy in the world?

4.  Does Toby want his mom to win the competition in Nashville?

5.  What dos Toby mean when he says he blew his cool act in one split second?

6.  How does Toby feel about Scarlett?

7.  What time period is the story written in? What gives you an idea?

8.  What does Wayne write about? Why does he feel differently about Antler, Texas than Toby?

9.  Why doesn’t Toby ask Zachary questions, since he obviously has some on his mind?

10.  Toby mentions that it isn’t fair that the McKnights live in such a small home while his small family lives in a much larger home. What does this comment tell you about Toby?

11.  Is it unusual that neither Dad nor Toby can find a salad bowl in the kitchen?

12.  Why has Mom left so many groceries for them?

13.  What do all of the items Mom packs and her mood through the whole ordeal indicate?

14.  Why does Toby decide that it might not be so bad to live like Zachary Beaver?

15.  How is Toby different from Cal?

16.  Why does Toby have a problem understanding Cal’s treatment of his sister?

17.  Why is Zachary Beaver still in Antler if Paulie Rankin is gone?

18.  How does Toby feel about getting caught peeping in the window? How does Cal feel?

19.  How are Toby’s family and Cal’s family different from each other?

Ch. 5-8, pp. 40-83

1.  Why is Toby embarrassed to be lumped into the same group of nosey people who have wandered into the library looking for information on the heaviest man?

2.  Why is it important for the reader to know that Dad always roots for the underdog?

3.  What does the town think of Mom going to Nashville by herself? What do they think will happen with Mom?

4.  When Toby pictures his dad moving to Nashville, his dad looks like “a blur in an overexposed photograph.” Why do you think Dad is the only blur in Toby’s mental picture?

5.  Why does the town say that Miss Myrtie Mae is already married?

6.  Why doesn’t Cal write to Wayne? Will he regret his choice later?

7.  Why does Toby say that the letter from Wayne is his?

8.  Why do Cal and Toby throw rocks at Mason and his friends?

9.  How do Antler townspeople feel about having strangers in their town?

10.  Explain the difference in the boys’ attitudes as they are going to the trailer with the sheriff.

11.  Why doesn’t Zachary tell the sheriff that Toby broke the window?

12.  Why is Zachary so angry?

13.  What was in the gold box?

14.  Where are Zachary’s parents now?

15.  How does Zachary feel knowing that he is Paulie’s bread and butter?

16.  Does Zachary really want to be in the sideshow book one day?

17.  Why does Cal say that Zachary knows Paulie’s whereabouts?

18.  Cal thinks something is odd because Zachary’s baptism information is missing in his Bible. Does it seem odd to you? Why or why not?

19.  What does Toby imagine will happen to his mother?

20.  How are Zachary and Toby alike?

21.  Why does Scarlett’s attention to Toby cause him to agree with Wayne about Antler being the best place on the face of the earth?

Ch. 9-11, pp. 84-116

1.  What is truly going on with Toby’s mom?

2.  Why does Toby lie to Mr. McKnight about mom’s contest?

3.  How does Toby feel about the idea of Zachary going into foster care?

4.  What is significant about Toby cleaning himself up without help while Cal has Wayne to help him? Does is foreshadow anything?

5.  It is not Toby’s nature to lie to everyone. Why does he keep doing it?

6.  What will happen since Toby decided not to take the cake to Zachary right away?

7.  What does the judge keep telling Toby?

8.  Why does Toby spray on some of Scarlett’s perfume?

9.  Why does Scarlett tell Juan that Toby is at her house?

10.  What does Toby realize while he as Scarlett’s?

11.  Why does Toby say that “Loser” is his middle name?

12.  Why is it ironic when Zachary tells the boys that they are pigs?

13.  Why is Cal reaching out to Zachary? Why is Cal so interested in Zachary’s baptism?

14.  What does the letter from Toby’s mom say?

15.  How does Toby feel after reading the letter?

16.  Can you predict whether or not the boys will find out the truth about Zachary’s baptism?

17.  Toby thinks that he is a loser. Examine Toby’s behavior in the story so far. How would you describe him? Is Toby’s opinion of himself accurate? Support your opinions with specific evidence from the story.

Ch. 12-14, pp. 117-149

1.  Why does Toby feel satisfied that he has disappointed and hurt his father by refusing to eat the pancakes?

2.  What does Toby think that Dad could have done to make Mom stay?

3.  What does Toby mean that people in Antler latch on to big dreams so that they don’t dry up and blow away?

4.  Does Toby wish he had grown up in Dallas in a big fancy home like his aunt and uncle? Support your answer with evidence from the story.

5.  Why does Toby wonder is his new life will be like the wide-open land spread on both sides of the road?

6.  What does Dad tell Toby about becoming a lawyer?

7.  Why does Dad say that Mom left?

8.  What is the impossible dream that is keeping Toby in Antler?

9.  What does Dad mean when he tells Freddy that he thinks his son has a dose of big city in him?

10.  Why does Toby tell Dad that he doesn’t want to stop and see the prairie dogs?

11.  Why does Toby daydream and fantasize about being the son of a famous star?

12.  What is the significance of the toy soldiers in Toby’s room? Why are they mentioned again?

13.  Why does Toby decide not to open the letter from Mom? What would you have done?

14.  Why is it important to the boys to take Zachary to the drive-in?

15.  Describe Kate based on the information you are given.

16.  Why does Toby notice about the way Kate looks at Zachary?

17.  How does Zachary feel when the other kids make fun of him?

18.  Why does Toby decide that Zachary is lying about all of his traveling?

19.  How has Zachary learned about all of those other places?

20.  Why is Zachary so interested in what Kate has to say?

21.  What is wrong with the Judge?

22.  Why does Toby try to get the necklace back?

23.  Why did Mom leave the pearls at home?

Ch. 15-18, pp 150-191

  1. Why has the Reverend come to visit Toby?
  2. Why doesn’t Toby tell the Reverend that he is not asking to be baptized himself?
  3. How does Toby feel when the Revered tells Dad about the Grand Ole Opry burning?
  4. What does the Reverend say about baptizing Toby’s friend?
  5. What does Dad mean when he tells Toby that someone’s spiritual life is their own business?
  6. Cal thinks that Zachary will go up to the front of the church during the altar call. Will he? Why or why not?
  7. What does Mrs. McKnight tell Toby? Why?
  8. Who arrives at Mrs. McKnight’s house?
  9. Why does Mrs. McKnight get so upset when she sees the men?
  10. Why does Mrs. McKnight try to ignore the men?
  11. What is the news that the men tell Mrs. McKnight?
  12. Why does Toby think that Kate came outside?
  13. Why does Toby want to go into his room and close the door?
  14. Why is the flag flown at half-mast?
  15. Why does Toby stay inside for three days? Why is Dad so upset when he learns that Toby hasn’t even talked to Cal?
  16. Do you agree with Toby’s decision not to go to the wake? Will he regret his decision?
  17. Discuss how Toby’s relationship with his mom is changing. Do they need each other?
  18. Why does Toby hang up on his mother? Why doesn’t he go to the funeral? Do you approve of Toby’s behavior?
  19. Why does Cal tell Toby that his mother is never coming back? How is Toby acting like his mother?
  20. Has Cal been a good friend to Toby?
  21. Why does Cal choose to act so bravely at the funeral?
  22. How does Scarlett see Toby? Discuss why Toby gives her the pearls.

Ch. 19-22, pp. 192-227

  1. What does Toby mean when he talks about playing Cupid?
  2. What is becoming important to Toby?
  3. Why does Dad take Toby fishing?
  4. What does Dad mean that he can be himself in Antler, and he never could in Dallas?
  5. What did Dad think about Mom’s dreams?
  6. Why does Dad tell Toby to blame him?
  7. What does Dad tell Toby about becoming a lawyer?
  8. How long has Cal known about the letter Toby wrote to Wayne?
  9. What does playing ball with the Judge remind Toby of?
  10. For what reason does Toby call Ferris and tell him to read certain verses out of the Bible?
  11. Why does Zachary agree to go along with the baptism plan?
  12. Why does Toby feel different about baptizing Zachary?
  13. Why does Toby decide to read Mom’s letters?
  14. Why does Zachary agree to have his picture taken in the back of the truck?
  15. Why has Mrs. McKnight decided to take the trip of her dreams?
  16. Why does Zachary look so stunned while he is standing in the field?
  17. What does the lone ladybug make Toby think about? Why?
  18. What does Toby notice in the picture of Zachary? What does it symbolize?
  19. Will Zachary ever tell anyone about his adventures in Antler?


  1. How does Zachary’s visit change Toby’s life? Cal’s life? Zachary’s life?
  2. How has Toby changed throughout the course of the novel?