South PasadenaHigh School

Senior Research Paper

PowerPoint Presentation Expectations, Part I


You will have up to seven minutes to convincingly share your PowerPoint presentation withyour classmates.

Before you present, remember the following:

  1. Follow the directions below;
  2. Rehearse your presentation beforehand; and
  3. Wear professional business attire.

You will sign-up for a sevenminute presentation slot, and you will have approximately fiveminutes to present. The remaining two minutes will be allotted for questions and answers with the class.

Note:Your teacher understands that technical difficulties occur. However,you are expected to present at the scheduled time, regardless of the issue. This is the real world: be prepared, and have a back-up plan!

Slide recommendations:

Cover Page and Title Page—oneslide

Part I: Survey Analysis—one slide

Present one graph (from surveys) and discuss itssignificance

Part IIA: Job Shadow Report—three slides

Identify the professional, how you made contact with her/him, and state how s/he spent her/his time – one slide

State what YOU did at the site (How did you help?)—one slide

Identify the two/three lessons learned from the experience – one slide


Part IIB: Job Description (Cite at least two sources in MLA format)—three slides

State the duties, responsibilities and hours of work for this career—one slide

Discuss the education and skills required—one slide

Discuss the motivational aspects of the profession—one slide

Part III: Conclusion – one slide

PowerPoint Expectations, Part II

When formatting your presentation, remember the following guidelines:
  1. Make your presentation BIG!

Without projection, the text should be legible from five feet away.

  1. Make your presentation SIMPLE

Avoid excessive colors.

Avoid toomanyfontsandstyles.

Follow the 6 x 7 Rule: Have no more than six lines per slide and no more than seven words per line.

Include carefully positioned images, but don’t go overboard!

Include animation, but don’t be excessive!

  1. Make it CLEAR

Use clear, easy to read fonts: Arial, Tahoma, and Century Gothic are best.

If you want to emphasize specific text, bold or underline the font. Avoid italics, when possible.

Use bullet points to list items without hierarchy.

Tip: The most legible presentations have a dark background and use a light-colored font.

  1. Make it PROGRESSIVE

Include a slide that outlines your sequence (Table of Contents).

Make sure each phase, or step, of the presentation is logical and clear.

Each slide should include a heading, or title.

  1. Make it CONSISTENT

Use the same font style throughout the presentation.

Use similar colors throughout the presentation.

Remember that you are presenting a cohesive, unified document.

  1. Make it about YOU

Key: It’s recommend that presenters spend approximately one minute per PowerPoint slide. YOU are the focus of the presentation, not the technology.