South PasadenaHigh School
Senior Research Paper
PowerPoint Presentation Expectations, Part I
You will have up to seven minutes to convincingly share your PowerPoint presentation withyour classmates.
Before you present, remember the following:
- Follow the directions below;
- Rehearse your presentation beforehand; and
- Wear professional business attire.
You will sign-up for a sevenminute presentation slot, and you will have approximately fiveminutes to present. The remaining two minutes will be allotted for questions and answers with the class.
Note:Your teacher understands that technical difficulties occur. However,you are expected to present at the scheduled time, regardless of the issue. This is the real world: be prepared, and have a back-up plan!
Slide recommendations:
Cover Page and Title Page—oneslide
Part I: Survey Analysis—one slide
Present one graph (from surveys) and discuss itssignificance
Part IIA: Job Shadow Report—three slides
Identify the professional, how you made contact with her/him, and state how s/he spent her/his time – one slide
State what YOU did at the site (How did you help?)—one slide
Identify the two/three lessons learned from the experience – one slide
Part IIB: Job Description (Cite at least two sources in MLA format)—three slides
State the duties, responsibilities and hours of work for this career—one slide
Discuss the education and skills required—one slide
Discuss the motivational aspects of the profession—one slide
Part III: Conclusion – one slide
PowerPoint Expectations, Part II
When formatting your presentation, remember the following guidelines:
- Make your presentation BIG!
Without projection, the text should be legible from five feet away.
- Make your presentation SIMPLE
Avoid excessive colors.
Avoid toomanyfontsandstyles.
Follow the 6 x 7 Rule: Have no more than six lines per slide and no more than seven words per line.
Include carefully positioned images, but don’t go overboard!
Include animation, but don’t be excessive!
- Make it CLEAR
Use clear, easy to read fonts: Arial, Tahoma, and Century Gothic are best.
If you want to emphasize specific text, bold or underline the font. Avoid italics, when possible.
Use bullet points to list items without hierarchy.
Tip: The most legible presentations have a dark background and use a light-colored font.
Include a slide that outlines your sequence (Table of Contents).
Make sure each phase, or step, of the presentation is logical and clear.
Each slide should include a heading, or title.
Use the same font style throughout the presentation.
Use similar colors throughout the presentation.
Remember that you are presenting a cohesive, unified document.
- Make it about YOU
Key: It’s recommend that presenters spend approximately one minute per PowerPoint slide. YOU are the focus of the presentation, not the technology.