As I write this newsletter, Houston Texas, the fourth largest city in the United States, is under water. Smaller towns like Rockport Texas have been devastated. Thousands have been displaced and millions have been affected by Hurricane Harvey. As I listen to the stories from Houston it is hard for me to believe. It is hard for me to comprehend. It is hard to feel anything. Because the disaster is just so huge.

The Whirlwind will come. Control is an illusion. No matter how powerful we may be, how rich we may be, how successful, control is an illusion. When disasters like Harvey happen we are reminded that in life we hold on by a thread. Whether the sun is shining in our lives or we are surrounded by storms the thread of grace is still there. We hold on by a thread. But still we must hold on. We must not give up hope.

Who are we when we go into the whirlwind? And who are we when we come out? Those are the questions that the book of Job tries to answers. Job does not answer the question of why bad things happen. Though the LORD speaks to Job in the Whirlwind Job never finds out what all his suffering is for. But Job discovers who he is in the Whirlwind. And by reading Job we discover who we are called to be as we go through suffering. We are called to be men and women of Integrity. Again, and again, Job says in the storm he will not give up his integrity. The word integrity means to be complete. It does not mean we never make mistakes. It does not mean we never sin. It means we know who we are in Christ. We know who God is. We are able to bear the weight of life. Imagine a bridge that has structural integrity. If it has a firm foundation it will hold under great weight.

What does Job’s integrity look like? The book of Job tells us. First, Job used his wealth for others (Job 29). He cared about those less fortunate than himself.

He knew that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive (Acts 20:25). Second, Job prayed. He prayed for his family. He knew he could not control his children. He did not even know if they had sinned but he prayed for his children (Job 1:5). And after his trials he was willing to pray for the friends who turned on him (Job 42:10). We are given the gift of forgiveness. It is a gift we do not deserve and cannot earn. If we have received the forgiveness of Christ we are called to give forgiveness to others (Matthew 6:12). The greatest trial of job was blessing those who had cursed him. And that is the greatest trial in our lives.

Finally, Job sought the LORD. Through the storm he held on. He held on by a thread but still he held on. And we have an advantage over Job in this regard. Job met the LORD in the whirlwind but he did not know the full character of God. Jesus tells us who His Father is. He is not an unjust judge (Luke 18:1). Nor is he a friend who is asleep who we must wake up (Luke 11:1-13). But He is our Heavenly Father who knows how to give good gifts to his children (Luke 11:13). If we seek him we will find Him (Luke 11:10). If we ask we shall receive though we don’t get to determine what the LORD gives. God has a plan for our lives but God’s plan is about more than our lives. When all has slipped away may we still praise Him. The LORD gives and the LORD takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Will


1. Peter had another name before Jesus gave him the one by which he is known. What was that original name? (Mark 1:16)

2. What were Simon and his brother doing when Jesus called them to be disciples? (Mark 1:16

3. What life change did Jesus offer them? (Mark 1:17)

4. Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law. What was her illness? (Mark 1:30)

5. When did Jesus give Peter his new name? (Mark 3:13-16)

6. Peter was present at a never-to-be-forgotten event on a mountaintop with Jesus and two other disciples. What was this event? (Mark 9:2-3)

7. Peter, James and John went to the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus to pray, but what did they do instead? (Mark 14: 32 -42)

8. At the Last Supper, at Passover, Jesus predicted that all the disciples would fall away from him when the soldiers came to take him. What did he tell Peter would be the sign of his betrayal of Jesus? (Mark 14: 27-31)

9. As Jesus predicted, Peter was identified as one of his followers after he was taken prisoner by the soldiers. What did he say to deny Jesus? (Mark 14:66-72)

10. Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, cooking breakfast on the beach. At that time he gave Peter a commandment. What was it? (John 21:17)

Happy September Birthdays!

Victor Polemeni (Irma Price’s son)03
Tess Bradshaw06


Gary Spruill 11

Mollie Booth13

Christine DiPietro13

Randy Shamblen*13

Mary Burgess20

Rick Williams* 26

Karen Dickenson27

Lucille Olney27

Bonnie Chitty*30

John Hazzard30

*Friends of Calvin/ MINISTERS

Happy Anniversary!


David & Heather Ornt25

*Ministers in capital letters

Assignments forSeptember

Bereavement: Circle #3

Sunday Host Responsibility:


10–Circle # 1

17 - Circle # 2

24– Circle # 3

Sandwiches for St. Columba:

Sept.13and 27

September Upcoming Events

9 – WOC Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

10 – Promotion Sunday & Potluck Lunch

16 – Liturgy training 10 am – Noon (Refreshments)

17 – Financial Peace University on Sundays 3:00pm –

4:30 pm weekly thru Nov. 19th. Sign up

scholarships are available

as well as child care.

18 – PW Potluck 6:30 pm joint circle meeting

For more info on upcoming events contact Paula Spruill, Secretary Tammie and Group Leaders.

Remember the Homebound

Remember those we don’t often see with prayers, cards or calls. Tell them they are missed at Calvin. These include Boots and Tess Bradshaw, Okey and Lois Southers, Julia Booth and her mother Carol Ann Brooks, Irene Erdei, Janet Williams, Anna Wheeler, BreyBreyfogle, Jo-Ann Fitzgerald and Frances Whedbee.

Have you missed someone? Tell Julie D. Chase by putting it in the Calvin Comments box or email so the name can be included.

Joys and Concerns:

Larry Hall appreciates the love and concerns of Calvin friends.

Thomas Horne - Cancer / Sylvia Cox - Cancer

Carol Brooks - Leigh hospital, Terry Jenkins Lt Rehab;Margaret Hoots is in the hospital.

Beckie Shields moved to Beth Shalom– Look at church board in office.

In memory of

Dorothy Cook McCall

Virginia Beach - Dorothy Cook McCall, was born December 14, 1920, in Washington, D.C., daughter of CordaPrewett and Arthur Edward Cook. Her late father was Assistant to the Secretary of Labor in the Coolidge and Hoover administrations and later in private practice was widely known as an authority on immigration and citizenship laws. He oversaw Dorothy's musical education, and had a pipe organ built and installed in their home in D.C. At age 13, Dorothy became the youngest person elected to the D.C. Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Her own passion was vocal performance and throughout her life she was an active soloist, musical director, member of numerous choral groups, and a Past President and Life member of the Scherzo Music Club and Virginia Federation of Music Clubs. She directed the choir and was active at Knox Presbyterian and maintained her membership at Calvin Presbyterian Church. Dorothy also was the music director at Westminster Canterbury Chapel before retiring.
Married for 53 years to Capt. Charles D. "Mac" McCall, USN, RET, she met her husband while he was enrolled at the US Naval Academy and they married during World War II. With Mac deployed to the Pacific, Dorothy worked for Civil Service supporting distinguished leaders including James J. Davis (US Senator), architect Wallace Harrison (Rockefeller Center), and Nelson Rockefeller (in the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs). During her wartime tenure, she interacted with notables including Walt Disney, who was coordinating film projects promoting positive relations with Latin America. In 1945, while relocating Rockefeller's offices to New York, she celebrated V-J Day in Times Square.

The Navy kept the McCalls in Norfolk for the majority of Mac's post-war career. In 1965, Dorothy initiated a grand adventure while her husband was deployed in the Mediterranean. She took their three teenagers out of school, flew to Germany, and spent the year traveling Europe in a VW, meeting Mac at his various ports.
She is survived by her children Charles McCall (Cindy) of Brookfield WS, Fred McCall of Virginia Beach, and Corda "Koko" McCall (Tom McEwen) of Birmingham, AL; grandchildren Corinne McCall Hulse (Barrett), Will McEwen (Jennifer), Corda "Cory" McEwen Robinson (Greg), Sally McEwen Stewart (Robb), Chris McCall (Beth), and Casey McCall; great-grandchildren Brayden and Isabel Hulse, Madison and Harper McEwen, and Max Robinson. The family is especially grateful to Joyce Osberg, WennieFurca, and Debbie Glaze for the extraordinary care they provided in recent years.
A memorial service will be held at Westminster Canterbury at 10:30 a.m. on August 26. Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The Scherzo Scholarship Fund (c/o Sylvia Maume, 3100 Shore Dr. #520, Virginia Beach, VA 23451) and condolences may be sent to the family atvacremationsociety.com.

Published in The Virginian Pilot on July30,2017


I was humbled by the outpouring of love by my church family on July 9th. Thank you for the surprise birthday celebration after the worship service. It was my BEST birthday celebration EVER because of your love. Special thanks to Becky Crowder, Suzi Williams, Cathy Sooy, Paula Spruill, Pastor Will, Mary Hecht, Elaine Davidson, Linda Schoenhoff, and the ladies of Calvin for planning such a memorable birthday celebration. I was overwhelmed by the action of the Session in designating a room “Weich Room”. Elders, your action touched my heart more than I can ever express in words. I will treasure the memories of that day and hold them in my heart for the rest of my life. I am truly blessed by you friendship and love. I pray for my church family daily and thank God for your love Him and for one another.

Much love,

Your sister-in-Christ,


Casey Puryear Bio

You did it! We asked for school supply donations to fill two big blue bins for the Eastern Shore, and guess what? You filled them to the brim! Today, with Klaus at the helm, Linda, Honey, and I rode over to the Eastern Shore to deliver all your gifts to children who so desperately need each item.

The day was beautiful and sunny; God provided lovely scenery as we rode through the amazing Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and traveled up Route 13 to our destination. The historic Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church, located in Onancock, is impressive because it is a pretty white church with a tall steeple. We were greeted by Tracy, a bubbly young woman and we were soon joined by Mr. George Heinrichs, who is the church treasurer, and Linda’s contact person.

After unloading, several pictures were taken of the table burdened with bounty which I believe may be posted on Calvin’s Website! George told us that the reason we were not to collect back packs this year was because the local Walmart is very generous with pricing, so that he can get really good packs for “a song”, guaranteeing that they will all be similar and no child will feel slighted or special.

Mr. Heinrichs told us some of the church history and we saw the beautiful sanctuary with truly amazing 112 year old stained glass windows that had been made in Germany. But the treat was not over as we then had a tour of the Onancock Wharf and then an outstanding lunch at the Island House restaurant down the road in Wachapreague.

Thank you EACH for all you gave to the children of the Onancock community. Of course, thanks too, to the Schoenhoffs for their generosity in spearheading thisoutreach ministry and for delivering it so faithfully all these years. In His Love, Suzi

My Beloved Friend

She was a tiny woman in stature, but her heart was bursting with love and compassion for others. It was late spring in 1971, when she came across the street to welcome our family to the neighborhood, beginning a loving friendship that would last the rest of her life.

“Miss Kitty and Mr. Bud” as my children called them were a steadying factor in our lives, sharing the fruits of their labors from the garden they once kept and always with a friendly wave or a loving hug along the way. We had just arrived from the Napa Valley and feeling soooo out of place on the east coast. Ms. Kitty’s endearing words of comfort and reassurance helped pave the way for our family to actually “feel at home” on Skyline Drive.

As the years passed and I went from working 2 or 3 jobs to retirement about ten years ago, I had more time to spend with “Miss Kitty”. Our friendship flourished in into a gentle and deeply cherished relationship that enhanced our lives in a way only God could have planned. She moved to heaven recently joining her beloved “Mr. Bud”, but her spirit lives on in her house across the street, our deeply embedded memories, the many beautiful blankets she crocheted, and at Calvin as well! You see, all the food from her shelves was donated to our Food Pantry and her daughter had been instructed to give me an envelope to help fund our pantry.

Yes, our precious “Miss Kitty” was a tiny woman with a big heart! Joyfully I share our friendship story with you. Love, Suzi Williams


1. Simon

2 . They were fishing.

3. “I will make you fishers of men.”

4. She was in bed suffering from a fever.

5. He gave him the new name when he designated him and the other 11 as apostles.

6. The Transfiguration.

7. They fell asleep while Jesus prayed,

8. “Before the rooster crows twice, you will disown me three times.”

9. The first time he said, “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” The second time he denied knowing Jesus. The third time he said, “I don’t know this man you are talking about.”

10. “Feed my sheep.”

Note from the Editor:

If you have an article for Calvin Comments please place it in the Calvin Comments box in the lounge room next to the kitchen, or you can e-mail it to Julie (get the e-mail address from Julie). The CalvinCommentsDEADLINE is Sept. 15th – 20th for the Oct. Issue. Thanks, Julie

Calvin Presbyterian Church

2901 East Little Creek RdNorfolk, VA 23518

Norfolk, VA 23518

Calvin Comments

September 2017

Volume 54
