Accounting History Special Interest Group (SIG2): Call for Papers and Research Proposals

The Accounting History Special Interest Group (AHSIG – SIG2) is pleased to announce that the eleventh Accounting History Symposium will be held on Saturday, 30 June 2018, immediately preceding the 2018 AFAANZ Annual Conference. The Symposium will take place at the AFAANZ Conference venue, Cordis Auckland, commencing at 9.00 am.

The guest speaker for the symposium will be Professor Catriona Paisey of the University of Glasgow. Catriona is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. She trained with KPMG in Aberdeen before commencing her academic career. Catriona's research relates mainly to the development of the accountancy professional. Catriona is joint guest editor, with Associate Professor Elaine Evans, of the Feb/May 2018 double issue ofAccounting History special issue on the theme “Histories of Accounting Education”. We are delighted to have Catriona as the Accounting History Symposium guest speaker for 2018.

In addition to the presentations of research working papers, proposals, and papers in progress concerning studies of accounting’s past, a panel of scholars will be in attendance, making presentations and/or providing feedback on the papers and presentations of other participants. The panel comprises Carolyn Fowler of Victoria University of Wellington, joint editor of Accounting History, Grant Samkin of University of Waikato, associate editor of Accounting History, Catriona Paisey of the University of Glasgow and Sandra van der Laan of The University of Sydney, editorial board members of Accounting History.

We are confident that the 2018 Symposium will enjoy the same level of success as the past ten Symposia and we welcome your participation in the eleventh Accounting History Symposium. Note that attendance and participation at the Symposium is not limited only to AHSIG members.

Individuals who are interested in making a presentation about a planned project are kindly requested to submit a brief research proposal (of no more than three pages, single spaced) of their chosen research topic, which contains the following information:

1. Project (working) title

  1. Background to the study (or scenario for investigation)
  2. Main research objective to be stated in a single, concise sentence
  3. Concise statement of key research question(s)
  4. Research methodology
  5. Period selection
  6. Limitations of the study
  7. Expected (original) contribution of the study to the literature.

The due date for working papers, papers in progress, or outlines of research proposals for presentation and discussion at the Symposium is the close of business on Monday, 7 May 2018.

This year an award of $100 will be made to the author(s) of the best presentation as judged by the panel.

Submission of research proposals, papers in progress and working papers, and any questions concerning the Symposium, should be directed to Giulia Leoni of RMIT University ()

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the eleventh Accounting History Symposium.

Giulia Leoni and Maryam Safari

Symposium Convenors