Rules for residents of the AICB hostel

  1. Admission to the AICB hostel is not a matter of right. It is totally on the discretion of the Management of the organization. Female students enrolled in a fulltime course of Delhi University or in any such University located in Delhi, trainees who have obtained admission in a course run by AICB and/or any other such person whom the Management of AICB may consider fit to seek admission to the AICB Hostel, are eligible to apply for accommodation in the AICB Hostel.
  2. A person who has secured admission in the AICB Hostel may be asked to leave the hostel temporarily and/or permanently at any time without assigning any reasons.
  3. Students enrolled in a course of a University and residing in the AICB Hostel shall be required to leave the hostel within three days of their last examination held towards the end of an academic year. This period may be extended to one week by the Management of the organization.
  4. Such students shall be required to maintain at least 67% attendance in every semester of their course of study. If the course is being offered in annual mode, then such students shall be required to maintain at least 67% attendance annually. The proof of such attendance in the form of a certificate from their respective colleges/departments shall need to be submitted to the AICB office every semester/year as the case may be, before the commencement of the next semester/year.
  5. If such an attendance target is not achievable/achieved due to medical reasons and/or any other circumstances beyond their control, then such medical conditions/circumstances must be brought to the attention of the Warden/Secretary General immediately upon their occurrence.
  6. In cases where attendance is not maintained by the concerned college/department, the permission to appear in the relevant examination of the semester/year may be considered as proof of regularity in attendance.
  7. Trainees enrolled in various courses/programmes offered by AICB shall be required to leave the AICB hostel on completion of the concerned course/programme. Theyshall be required to maintain almost full attendance and shall not be allowed to miss their respective classes more than once a month without prior permission from the Secretary General of the Confederation. If the leave is to be taken on medical grounds and/or due to other circumstances beyond their control, then such medical condition and/or other circumstances must be reported to the Warden/Secretary General immediately on occurrence. If considered desirable, the Warden/Secretary General and/or any other Officer of AICB (authorized in this behalf), may send such a student for medical examination.
  8. All students/trainees residing in the AICB Hostel shall maintain strict discipline and shall ensure that nothing is done by them to disturb the harmony and the cleanliness of the hostel in any manner.
  9. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing clause, the students and trainees residing in the AICB Hostel shall not quarrel with each other and/or with any authority of the Confederation including the Warden, the staff and the Management. They shall not talk in loud voices so as to disturb others and shall not indulge in any kind of physical violence against anyone.
  10. The students and trainees also shall not indulge in any acts which might have the intention and/or effect of causing any damage to the AICB infrastructure, property, furniture and other articles/equipments etc. They shall not attempt to create any hurdles in the routine functioning and the day-to-day work of the Confederation in general and/or any of its staff/functionaries in particular. Any such act may lead to their permanent expulsion from the Hostel.
  11. The students requiring to go out of the AICB premises for their studies shall not leave the hostel before 7 am and shall return latest by 6 pm. If there is any requirement for them to stay out after 6 pm, it should be done with prior written permission from the Warden/Secretary General of the Confederation.
  12. Trainees enrolled in various courses/programmes of AICB shall not go out of the premises without prior written permission during the hours of their training. They may go out after their training hours, but shall return to the Hostel before 6 pm. If there is any requirement for them to stay out after 6 pm, it shall be done with prior written permission of the Warden/Secretary General which may be granted only on production of evidence of bonafide requirement to stay out beyond the prescribed hours.
  13. No person residing in the AICB Hostel shall stay out over-night without prior written permission of the Warden/Secretary General. Violation of this rule shall lead to immediate and permanent expulsion from the Hostel.
  14. No student studying in a college/university and residing in the AICB hostel shall meet any visitor before 4.30 pm and after 7 pm. Further, such visitors shall be met only in the common areas and not in the room of the student. In case a student needs to take any of her female visitors to her room, she will have to take prior permission from the Warden and/or the Secretary General. The entry of any female visitor of a female student without prior permission is prohibited and appropriate action shall be taken against the female student residing in the AICB hostel, which, among others, may include her expulsion from the Hostel. The entry of male visitors to any room of any student/trainee is strictly prohibited and if done, shall lead to the immediate expulsion of the student/trainee residing in the AICB Hostel.
  15. If a student/trainee residing in the hostel places any order online and/or through the phone, it should be done with prior informationto the Warden and such an order if delivered beyond 7 pm, must be received by the student/trainee in the presence of the warden/watchman because meeting visitors beyond 7 pm is not allowed. No online and/or telephonic order and/or delivery from any source will be allowed after 8 pm.
  16. Keeping and/or consuming any alcoholic substance, keeping and/or smoking cigarettes and/or any such products, and/or keeping and/or consuming any other kind of drugs, excluding medicines is strictly prohibited and, if done in any manner or form whatsoever, shall lead to immediate and permanent expulsion from the hostel.
  17. Every student/trainee will be in her/his room after 10 pm and attendance shall be taken by the Warden every night after 10 pm. If a student/trainee is found to be absent from his/her room, she/he will deemed to have been absent from the hostel without prior permission and shall be immediately expelled from the hostel permanently.
  1. Any celebration/gathering in the hostel, including small group gatherings/celebrations such as birthday get-togethers shall be done with prior permission from the Warden and for the specified duration. No such gatherings shall take place after 9 pm.
  2. No student/trainee residing in the AICB hostel shall take part in demonstrations and/or any such activities organized by anyone other than the official AICB gatherings/demonstrations and/or such activities organized by AICB in partnership with others.
  3. Any cash and/or any other expensive/electronic/electrical item kept by the students/trainees shall be their own personal responsibility and AICB shall in no way be responsible for any damage and/or loss of money and/or any such item. Keeping gold and/or diamond jewelry is strictly prohibited.
  4. If a student/trainee gets a job, she/he shall immediately inform the Warden/Secretary General about it and submit a copy of her/his appointment letter and shall vacate the hostel within one week.
  5. Acceptance of admission to the AICB Hostel automatically implies accepting of the above rules and regulations and other such rules and regulations which may be framed by the AICB management from time to time.
  6. The AICB management reserves the right to amend the above rules and/or frame any other rules governing admission, residency and conduct of students/trainees residing in the AICB hostel. Such rules, when framed/amended shall be displayed on the notice board of the Confederation and also on its website. Such rules shall deem to have been automatically accepted by students/trainees residing in the AICB hostel by virtue of their acceptance of admission to the said Hostel.