City University of Hong Kong

Information on a Course

offered by the Department of Physics and Materials Science
with effect from Semester A in 2012 / 2013

This form is for completion by the Course Co-ordinator/Examiner. The information provided on this form will be deemed to be the official record of the details of the course. It has multipurpose use: for the University’s database, and for publishing in various University publications including the Blackboard, and documents for students and others as necessary.

Please refer to the Explanatory Notes attached to this Form on the various items of information required.

Part I

Course Title: Measurement and Instrumentation

Course Code: AP2212

Course Duration: One semester

No of Credit Units: 3

Level: B2

Medium of Instruction: English

Prerequisites: Nil

Precursors: MA2176 Basic Calculus and Linear Algebra or
MA1201 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II

Equivalent Courses: AP2201 Measurement and Instrumentation I or

AP3207 Measurement and Instrumentation II

Exclusive Courses: AP2201 Measurement and Instrumentation I or

AP3207 Measurement and Instrumentation II

Part II

1.  Course Aims:

To introduce the basic understanding of physical measurement, the working principles of various transducers, and the knowledge of signal processing and data analysis. To develop skills to design and analyse measurement systems.

2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

(state what the student is expected to be able to do at the end of the course according to a given standard of performance)

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

No / CILOs / Level of Importance
1 / Identify the basic components of a measurement system. Familiar with common-used instruments / 1
2 / Select proper transducers, conditioners and recorders for measurement. / 1
3 / Select appropriate technique and instrumentation for the measurement of motion, temperature, pressure, strain, force, etc. / 2
4 / Understand basic measurement circuit analysis technique. / 2

3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)

(designed to facilitate students’ achievement of the CILOs)

TLAs / Lectures / Tutorials / Laboratory Work / Total no of hours
CILO 1 / 5 / 2 / 2 / 9
CILO 2 / 5 / 2 / 2 / 9
CILO 3 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 14
CILO 4 / 8 / 5 / 2 / 15
Total (hrs) / 26 / 13 / 8 / 47

Scheduled activities: 2.5 hrs studio + 1 hr laboratory or

2 hrs lecture + 0.5 hr tutorial + 1 hr laboratory

4. Assessment Tasks/Activities

(designed to assess how well the students achieve the CILOs)

Examination duration: 2 hrs

Percentage of coursework, examination, etc.: 40% by coursework; 60% by exam

To pass the course, students need to achieve at least 30% in the examination.

ATs / Exam / Mid-term / 3 Assignments / 3 Lab reports / Total (%)
CILO 1 / 10 / 5 / 2 / 3 / 20
CILO 2 / 10 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 21
CILO 3 / 20 / 2.5 / 3 / 4 / 29.5
CILO 4 / 20 / 2.5 / 3 / 4 / 29.5
Total (%) / 60 / 15 / 10 / 15 / 100

5. Grading of Student Achievement: Refer to Grading of Courses in the Academic Regulations (Attachment) and to the Explanatory Notes.

The grading is assigned based on students’ performance in assessment tasks/activities.

Grade A

The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and the work demonstrates excellent understanding of the scientific principles and the working mechanisms. He/she can thoroughly identify and explain how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. The student’s work shows strong evidence of original thinking, supported by a variety of properly documented information sources other than taught materials. He/she is able to communicate ideas effectively and persuasively via written texts and/or oral presentation.

Grade B

The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and can describe and explain the scientific principles. He/she provides a detailed evaluation of how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems.He/she demonstrates an ability to integrate taught concepts, analytical techniques and applications via clear oral and/or written communication.

Grade C

The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and can describe and explain some scientific principles. He/she provides simple but accurate evaluations of how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. He/she can communicate ideas clearly in written texts and/or in oral presentations.

Grade D

The student completes all assessment tasks/activities but can only briefly describe some scientific principles. Only some of the analysis is appropriate to show how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. He/she can communicate simple ideas in writing and/or orally.

Grade F

The student fails to complete all assessment tasks/activities and/or cannot accurately describe and explain the scientific principles. He/she fails to identify and explain how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems objectively or systematically. He/she is weak in communicating ideas and/or the student’s work shows evidence of plagiarism.

Part III

Keyword Syllabus:

·  Introduction to instrumentation

Measurement system: Signal sensing, conditioning, data processing, display and recording. Input-output configuration: Signal modulation, AM, FM, PTM, deflection and null instruments, active and passive instruments, analog and digital instruments, Decibel notation, bandwidth, -3dB point. Static and dynamic measurements: Sensitivity, resolution, precision, threshold, hysteresis, drift, zero-order system, input impedance and output impedance, loading effect, noise, measurement errors.

·  Measurement principles and basic instruments

Circuit analysis techniques: Kirchoff’s circuital laws, dc and ac circuits, circuit models, LCR circuits. Common electronic circuits: Diode circuits, regulated power supplies, filters, operational amplifiers. Components in measurement systems: Power supplies, galvanometer, multimeter, oscilloscope, electrodynamic instrument, power meter, energy meter, potentiometer, counters, X-Y plotter, Wheastone bridge, Kelvin bridge.

·  Case studies of measurements

Motion measurement: Various methods and instruments. Strain and force measurement: Various methods and instruments. Temperature and pressure measurement: Various methods and instruments. Frequency and phase angle measurement: Various methods and instruments.

Recommended Reading:

Reference Book(s):

B C Nakra and K K Chaudhry, “Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill (2004).

A S Morris, “Measurement and Instrumentation Principles”, 3rd edition, Butterworth-Heinemann (2001).

D E Johnson, J R Johnson and J L Hilburn, “Electric Circuit Analysis”, 3rd edition, Upper Saddle River, N J: Prentice Hall (1997).

J J Brophy, “Basic Electronics for Scientists”, 5th edition, McGraw- Hill (1990).

E O Doebelin, “Measurement Systems: Application and Design”, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill (1998).

B A Gregory, “An Introduction to Electrical Instrumentation and Measurement Systems”, 2nd edition, Macmillan (1996).

J A Haslam, G R Summers and D Williams, “Engineering Instrumentation and Control”, Edward Arnold (1995).

A F P van Putten, “Electronic Measurement Systems”, Prentice Hall (1988).

R E Simpson, “Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers”, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall (1987).

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Name: Dr S T CHU Department: AP

Extension: 4968 Date: 20 Jul 2012


AP2212 (3-3-4)