Barnette Elementary School

School Leadership Team Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2011


Administration Team: Dean, Edwards, Newman, Munday

Committee Representatives:

Math: Joanne Greive, Reading: Amanda Womack, Writing: Jessica Grose, Science: May, Safe and Orderly Schools: Holly Bennett, Community Connections: Carol Taylor

Grade Level Representatives:

K-Brang, 1st- Womack, 2nd-Papp, 3rd- Hicks and Donnell, 4th-Greive, 5th-May, Special-Bernie, IA’s- Taylor, Cox EC: McIntosh

Parent Representatives: Dabney

PTA Representative: none

The meeting was opened at 2:15 by Ms.Hicks.


Ms. Hicks reviewed the minutes from the January meeting.

PTA Update:

There was no PTA report.

Committee Lead Reports:

Reading / Math / Writing
·  Finished up Read Across America Week
·  Still collecting data from AR survey to review to make decisions about AR for next school year. / ·  Continue to finish Math PD for staff.
·  Planning Math family Game night for next school year.
·  Creating a summer math project for students. / ·  Finalizing Parent Handbook to help with writing.
·  Working on PD for next year.
·  Doing research on grammar and vocabulary programs.
Science / Safe/Orderly / Community Connections
·  Planning Mad Science EOG rotations for 5th grade.
·  Science Fair a success.
·  Making decisions on Spring Bueatification. / ·  Gave information for staff to add to Crisis Notebook.
·  Evaluating data from a survey set out about safety patrol. / ·  Continuing to work on partnership with businesses.
·  Staff Lunch out on workday 4/1, and secret friend to come

Focus of Meeting:

Academic Focus: Preparing for the EOG’s and Curriculum

Ms Newman reviewed with committee leads their assignments for next their next PLC meetings. During PLCs committees are to review the goals from the subplans and reflect on achievement of goals. PLCs need to gather evidence that supports the committee’s subplans.

PLCs are to think about:

1. Where are we meeting our goals for this year?

2. What data/evidence do we have to support this?

Discuss new goals and what revisions need to be made to the sub plans. Also discuss professional development plan for next year focusing on rigor, differentiation, and RTI.

New Business:

SLT listened to presentation from four photography companies and decided to select Classic as next year’s photography company for the school.

Community Focus: Building a Collaborative Community

The SLT was put into discussion groups to table talk the positive and negative impact the community has on Barnette as a whole. The SLT reviewed the plan for helping to build a collaborative community. Wednesday, March 23rd Parent Focus groups will be attending the staff meeting to begin this process with the staff. Throughout the remainder of the year parent focus groups will continue to meet with the staff to help develop shared community agreements.


Next meeting will be held 4/13 at 2:05 p.m.

Calendar Review:

4/6 PLC Meeting (see above for assignment)

4/13 SLT meeting (to discuss Smartboard applications and AR data from survey)

4/27 Staff Meeting

Laura Hicks

SLT Recorder