Kateřina Čapková

Institute of Contemporary History

Czech Academy of Sciences


Vlašská 9
118 40 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Tel.: 00420/257 286 343


CV Čapková

Professional Experience

Senior Researcher, Institute of Contemporary History, Prague, since 2012

Professor of Modern Jewish History, New York University, Campus Prague, since 1999


Charles University in Prague, Ph.D. in History, 2003

Charles University in Prague, Master of Arts in History, 1997

Charles University in Prague, Master of Arts in German Studies, 1996

Awards and Fellowships:

Head of the Research Project Inclusion of the Jewish Population into Postwar Czechoslovakia and Poland, fundedby the Science Foundation of the Czech Republic
Book Project Prague and Beyond: Jews in the Bohemian Lands, funded by the Thyssen Foundation, Germany
Otto Wichterle Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences / 2016-2018
InstitutfürSlawistik, Humboldt University, Berlin; Teaching Fellowship, International Visegrad Fund / 2013
“Outstanding Academic Title for 2012” for Czechs, Germans, Jews? National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia of Choice. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries / 2012
Humboldt Scholarship for Experienced Researchers, Free University, Berlin / 2010-2011
Member oftheresearchteam, projectDie „Judenfrage“ im europäischen Vergleich, organizedbyInstitut für Geschichte, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, financedby Volkswagen Stiftung / 2007-2009
Margarita Pazi Award for Research of Bohemian Jewry; Moshe and Margarita Pazi Foundation, Tel Aviv / 2005-2006
Bundesstipendium der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, University ofBasle / 2005
Head of the projectCzechoslovakia and Refugees from Nazi Germany, 1933-1938; financed by Grant Agency, Czech Academy of Sciences / 2004-2006
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture; Doctoral Grant / 2001-2002
OSI / FCO Chevening Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University / 1998-1999
Österreichischer Akademischer Austauschdienst, University of Vienna / 1994-1995
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, University of Münster / 1994

Books and Current Manuscript Projects

Jews in Postwar Poland and Czechoslovakia.A View from Periphery. The history of Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1944-1968, with special focus on Jews in the border regions (Lower Silesia and former Sudetenland).Book project in progress.

Czechs, Germans, Jews? National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia.Berghahn Books: Oxford – New York 2012, pb 2014. Czech version: Češi, Němci, Židé? NárodníidentitaŽidů v Čechách, 1918-1938.Paseka Publishing House: Prague – Litomyšl 2005. The second revised Czech edition 2013.

With Michal Frankl,UnsichereZuflucht.Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland 1933-1938. [Uncertain Haven: Czechoslovakia and Refugees from Nazism, 1933-1938]BoehlauVerlag: Vienna – Koeln - Weimar 2012. Czech version:Nejistéútočiště. Československoauprchlícipřednacismem, 1933-1938. Paseka Publishing House: Prague – Litomyšl 2008.

Articles and Book Chapters (Selected)

"Between Expulsion and Rescue: The Transports for German-speaking Jews of Czechoslovakia in 1946", forthcoming in Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

"Beyond the Assimilationist Narrative: Historiography on the Jews of the Bohemian Lands and Poland after the Second World War"Studia Judaica 19 (2016), nr 1 (37), 129–155.

"Introduction", StudiaJudaica19 (2016), nr 1 (37), 5–9.

"Zuflucht für Prominente. Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland und Österreich", Stifter Jahrbuch, Neue Folge 29/2015, 143-160.

"Národněnespolehliví?! NěmeckyhovořícíŽidé v Polsku a v Československubezprostředněpodruhésvětovéválce", SoudobédějinyXXII/1-2, 2015, 80-101.

"Dilemmas of Minority Politics. Jewish Migrants in Post-War Czechoslovakia and Poland" in Displacement, Jewish Migration and Rebirth of Communities (1945-1967), ed. Manfred Gerstenfeld and Françoise Ouzan (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014), 63-75.

"Germans or Jews?German-speaking Jews in postwar Poland and Czechoslovakia,"Jewish History Quaterly, 2013/2, 348-362.

"Die ‘Judenfrageʻ in der Frühphase der tschechischen Nationalbewegung" in Die ‘Judenfrageʻ - ein europäisches Phänomen?, ed. by Manfred Hettling, Michael G. Müller and Guido Hausman (Berlin: Metropol Verlag 2013), 247-266.

"‘Ich akzeptiere den Komplex, der ich bin.ʻ Zionisten um Franz Kafka"in Kafka und Prag. Literatur-, kultur-, sozial- und sprachhistorische Kontexte, ed.by Peter Becher, Steffen Höhne and Marek Nekula (Köln-Weimar-Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 2012), 81-95.

"Anti-Jewish Discourses in the Czech National Movement.Havlíček, Neruda and Kapper,"Judaica Bohemiae XLVI, 2011, no. 2, 77-94.

"Raum und Zeit als Faktoren der nationalen Identifikation der Prager Juden"in Praha – Prag 1900 – 1945. Literaturstadt zweier Sprachen, ed. by Peter Becher and Anna Knechtel (Passau: Verlag Karl Stutz, 2010), 21-31.

"Die jüdischeGlaubensgemeinschaft"inHandbuch der Religions- undKirchengeschichte der böhmischenLänderundTschechiensim 20. Jahrhundert,ed. by M. Schulze-Wessel and M. Zückert(Munich: Oldenbourg 2009), 187-208.

"MitTribunagegendasPragerTagblatt. Der deutsch-tschechischePressekampf um die jüdischen Leser in Prag"in Grenzdiskurse. Zeitungen deutschsprachiger Minderheiten und ihr Feuilleton in Mitteleuropa bis 1939, ed. bySibylle Schönborn (Essen: Klartext 2009), 127-140.

"Kafka un der yidisherteater. Dimisrakh-eyropeyisheyidn in di oygn fun progeryidn,"Jerusholaymeralmanakh, 2008/28, 362-371. (in Yiddish)

"Několik tváří exilu v ČSR. Každodennost péče o uprchlíky před nacismem,"Dějiny a současnost 2008/3, 30-33.

The YIVO EncyclopediaofJews in EasternEurope, ed. by Gershon David Hundert, 2 vol, New York 2008, entries: Bar KochbaAssociation; Českožidovské Listy; Czechoslovakia (togetherwithMichal Frankl and Peter Brod); Richard Feder; Angelo Goldstein; TobiasJakobovits; Guido Kisch; Jindřich Kohn; HayimKugel; Emil Margulies; Gustav Sicher; Ludvík Singer; Friedrich Thieberger; Emil Utitz; František Weidmann; Gustav Winter; Židovská Strana [Jewish Party]; Židovské Zprávy.

"Židovská náboženská komunita v českých zemích mezi válkami", Religio 2007/1, 47-68.

"‘Nie wären wir geflüchtet.ʻ Im Gütterwaggon aus der Slowakei in die Schweiz,"TheresienstädterStudienund Dokumente 2005, 332-362.In Czech: Terezínskéstudie a dokumenty2005, 310-336.

"Czechs, Germans, Jews – Where is the Difference? The Complexity of National Identities of Bohemian Jews, 1918 – 1938,"Bohemia 2005, no. 1, vol. 46, 7-14.

"Czechoslovakia as Sanctuary for Refugees from Nazism!?", inExile in Prague and Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938. Catalogue of the Exhibition. Prague 2005, 149-159.

"Uznánížidovskénárodnosti vČeskoslovensku 1918-1938,"Českýčasopishistorický, 2004/102, no. 1, 77-103.

"Theodor Lessing – vom Außenseiter zum Symbol der antinazistischen Opposition,"TheresienstädterStudienund Dokumente 2003, 11-32. In Czech: Terezínskéstudie a dokumenty2003, 45-64.

"SpecificFeaturesofZionism in the Czech Lands in theInterwar Period,"JudaicaBohemiae XXXVIII/2002, 106-159.

"Židé vČecháchzaprvnírepubliky,"Česko-Slovenskáhistorickáročenka2001, 19-35.

"Jewish Elites in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The B’nai B’rith Order in Central Europe,"Judaica BohemiaeXXXVI/2000, 119-142.

"Chasid učitelemnáboženství vPraze,"Židovskáročenka5761 /2000-2001/, 152-158.

"Piłsudski or Masaryk? Revisionist Zionism in Czechoslovakia 1925-1940,"Judaica Bohemiae XXXV/1999, 210-239.

"DasZeugnis von SalmenGradowski,"TheresienstädterStudienund Dokumente 1999, 116-122. In Czech: Terezínské studie a dokumenty 1999, 175-180.

Teaching Experience

New York University, Campus Prague, since 1999, in English

Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, 1996-1998 and since 2013, in Czech

Institut für Slawistik, Humboldt University, Berlin, spring 2013, in German

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Charles University, 2010-2012, in Czech

Jewish Studies in Prague, CET academic programs, 2001-2004, in English

Courses Taught

Jews in Communist Europe

Modern Jewish History in Europe

Jews in Central Europe in 19th and 20th centuries


Yiddish language and literature