Summary of behavioral therapies for primary tic disorders

Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Habit reversal training (HRT) and cognitive behavioral intervention (CBIT) / Original work
Azrin & Nunn 1973 1
Randomized control studies
See Table 1
Case-control studies
1.) Miltenberger, Fuqua & McKinley 1985 2
2.) Rowe et al. 2013 3
Single-case studies/observational studies
1.) Ollendick 1981 4
2.) Finney et al., 1983 5
3.) Wright & Miltenberger 6
4.) Azrin & Peterson 1988 7
5.) Sharenow et al. 1989 8
6.) Peterson & Azrin 1992 9
7.) Woods et al. 1996 10
8.) Carr and Bailey 1996 11
9.) Carr et al. 1996 12
10.) Clarke et al. 2001 13
11.) Woods & Twohig 2002 14
12.) Woods et al. 2003 15
13.) Gilman et al. 2005 16
14.) Woitecki & Döpfner 2012 (Article in German) 17
15.) Blount et al. 2014 18
16.) Mc Guire 2016 19
17.) Ricketts et al. 2016 20
Suggested Reviews
1.) Woods & Miltenberger 1995 21
2.) Miltenberger et al. 1998 22
3.) Piacentini et al. 2005 23
4.) Carr & Chong 2005 24
5.) Dutta & Cavanna 2013 25
6.) van de Griendt et al., 2013 26
Future perspectives (ongoing studies)
Jakubovski et al. 2016 (internet delivered CBIT) 27
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Exposure and response prevention (ERP) / Original work:
Meyer 1966 28
Randomized control studies:
See Table 1
Single-case studies/observational studies
1.) Bullen & Hemsley 1983 29
2.) Hoogduin, Verdellen & Cath 1997 30
3.) Woods et al. 2000 31
4.) Wetterneck & Woods 2006 32
5.) Verdellen, Hoogduin & Keijsers 200733
6.) Verdellen et al. 2008 34
7.) Perera & Abayanayaka 35
van de Griendt et al., 2013 26
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) / Original work:
O'Connor 2002 36
Randomized control studies:
1.) O'Connor et al. 1997 37
2.) O'Connor et al. 2001 38
3.) O’Connor et al. 2008 39
4.) O’Connor et al. 2009 40
Single-case studies/observational studies:
1.) Himle et al. 2003 41
2.) March et al. 2007 42
3.) Skarphedinsson et al. 2015 43
4.) Hanna 2015 44
5.) Bennett et al. 2015 45
6.) Morand-Beaulieu et al., 2015 46
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Contingency management (CM) & Function based interventions (FBI) / Case-control studies (single cases):
1.) Woods and Himle 2004 47
2.) Himle et al. 2008 48
Prospective study:
Himle and Woods 2005 49
Single case/observational studies:
1.) Browning & Stover 1971 50
2.) Barr, Lovibond & Katsavos 1972 51
3.) Doleys & Kurtz 1974 52
4.) Miller 1970 53
5.) Savicki and Carlin 1972 54
6.) Lahey et al. 1973 55
7.) Rosen & Wesner 1973 56
8.) Sand & Carlson 1973 57
9.) Tophoff 1973 58
10.) Schulman 1974 59
11.) Varni, Boyd & Cataldo 1978 60
12.) Friedman 1980 61
13.) Scotti et al. 1994 62
14.) Wagaman et al., 1995 63
15.) Watson & Heindl 1996 64
16.) Carr et al. 1996 12
17.) Watson & Sterling 1998 65
18.) Roane et al. 2002 66
19.) Woods & Twohig 2002 14
20.) Woods & Himle 2004 47
21.) Packer 2005 67
22.) Himle & Woods 2005 49
23.) Himle et al. 2007 68
24.) Himle et al. 2008 48
25.) Capriotti et al. 2012 69
26.) Shikhu et al., 2012 70
27.) Capriotti et al., 2014 71
28.) Capriotti et al., 2016 72
1.) Leckman & Cohen 73
2.) Woods et al., 2007 74
3.) Frank & Cavanna 2013 75
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Relaxation training (RT) / Randomized control studies:
Bergin et al. 1998 76
Case control studies:
1.) James-Roberts & Powell 1979 77
2.) Peterson & Azrin 1992 9
Single case studies:
1.) Frederick 1971 78
2.) Tophoff 1973 58
3.) Friedman 1980 61
4.) Canavan and Powell 1981 79
5.) Turpin and Powell 1984 80
6.) Crawley and Powell 1986 81
7.) Zarkowska et al. 1989 82
8.) Michultka et al. 1989 83
9.) Wilhelm et al. 2003 (included in HRT) 84
10.) Deckersbach et al. 2006 (included in HRT) 85
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Self-Monitoring (SM) and awareness training / Single case studies:
1.) Thomas et al. 1971 86
2.) Savicki & Carlin 1972 54
3.) Hutzell et al. 1974 87
4.) Billings 1978 88
5.) Varni et al. 1978 60
6.) Ollendick 1981 4
7.) Wright & Miltenberger 1987 6
Case-control studies:
- Peterson & Azrin 1992 9
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Supportive psychotherapy (SP), psychosocial support and Psychoeducation / Randomized control studies:
1.) Wilhelm et al. 2003 84
2.) Deckersbach et al. 2006 85
3.) Piacentini et al. 2010 89
4.) Wilhelm et al. 2012 90
Single case studies/observational studies:
1.) Packer et al. 2005 67
Psychoeducation / Woods & Marcks 2005 91
Behavioral treatments of psychiatric comorbidities / 1.) Dopfner and Rothenberger 2007 92
2.) Bennett et al. 2015 45
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Massed (negative) practice (MP) / Original work:
Dunlap 1932 93
Randomized control study:
Azrin et al. 1980 94
Single case studies:
1.) Yates 1958 95
2.) Jones 1960 96
3.) Ernst 1960 97
4.) Lazarus 1960 98
5.) Walton 1961 99
6.) Rafi 1962 100
7.) Costello 1963 101
8.) Walton 1964 102
9.) Clark 1966 103
10.) Feldman &Werry 1966 104
12.) Chapel 1970 105
13.) Miller 1970 53
14.) Browning & Stover 1971 50
15.) Frederick 1971 78
16.) Barr 1972 51
17.) Nicassio et al. 1972 106
18.) Savicki & Carlin 1972 54
19.) Tophoff 1973 58
20.) Lahey et al. 1973 55
21.) Sand & Carlson 1973 57
22.) Teoh 1974 107
23.) Knepler & Sewall 1974 108
24.) Fernando 1976 109
25.) Hollandsworth & Bausinger 1978 110
26.) O´Brien & Brennan 1979 111
27.) James-Roberts & Powell 1979 77
28.) Canavan & Powell 1981 79
29.) Turpin and Powell 1984 80
30.) Storms et al. 1985 112
31.) Gundersen 1985 113
30.) Crawley & Powell 1986 81
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
(Bio)-Neurofeedback / Randomized control study:
Nagai et al. 2014 114
Single case reports:
1.) Tansey 1986 115
2.) Breteler et al. 2008 116
3.) Nagai et al. 2009 117
4.) Zhuo & Li 2014 118
Farkas et al. 2015 119
Behavioral treatment / Evidence
Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis / Single case studies:
1.) Erickson 1965 120
2.) Culbertson 1989 121
3.) Lazarus & Klein 2010 122
Flamand-Roze et al. 2016 123
Assertiveness Training / Single case study:
1.) Mansdorf 1986 124
2.) Tophoff 1973 58
Mindfulness based approaches / Single case study:
Reese et al. 2015 125
Tension reduction / Single case study:
Evers & van de Wetering 1994 126
Facotik therapy / Single case study:
Leclerc et al. 2016 127
Music therapy / Single case study:
Bodeck et al. 2015 128
Sports / Physical Activity / Single case study:
Liu et al. 2011 129
Nixon et al. 2014 130
Internet protocol-delivered behavior therapy and Tele-Health approaches / Randomized control study:
1.) Himle et al. 2012 131
2.) Ricketts et al. 2016 132
Ongoing study:
Jakobovski et al. 2016 27

Table e-1: Summary of published studies on behavioral therapies for primary tic disorders


1. Azrin NH, Nunn RG. Habit-reversal: a method of eliminating nervous habits and tics. Behaviour research and therapy 1973;11:619-628.

2. Miltenberger; RG, Fuqua; RW, McKinley T. Habit reversal with muscle tics: Replication and component analysis. Behavior Therapy 1985;16:39-50.

3. Rowe J, Yuen HK, Dure LS. Comprehensive behavioral intervention to improve occupational performance in children with Tourette disorder. The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association 2013;67:194-200.

4. Ollendick TH. Self-Monitoring and Self-Administered Overcorrection: The Modification of Nervous Tics in Children. Behavior modification 1981 5:75-84.

5. Finney; JW, Rapoff; MA, Hall; CL, Christophersen ER. Replication and social validation of habit reversal treatment for tics Behavior Therapy 1983;14:116–126.

6. Wright KM, Miltenberger RG. Awareness training in the treatment of head and facial tics. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 1987;18:269-274.

7. Azrin NH, Peterson AL. Habit reversal for the treatment of Tourette syndrome. Behaviour research and therapy 1988;26:347-351.

8. Sharenow EL, Fuqua RW, Miltenberger RG. The treatment of muscle tics with dissimilar competing response practice. Journal of applied behavior analysis 1989;22:35-42.

9. Peterson AL, Azrin NH. An evaluation of behavioral treatments for Tourette syndrome. Behaviour research and therapy 1992;30:167-174.

10. Woods DW, Miltenberger RG, Lumley VA. Sequential application of major habit-reversal components to treat motor tics in children. Journal of applied behavior analysis 1996;29:483-493.

11. Carr JE, Bailey JS. A brief behavior therapy protocol for Tourette syndrome. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 1996;27:33-40.

12. Carr J, Bailey J, Carr C, Coggin A. The role of independent variable integrity in the behavioural management of Tourette syndrome. Behavioral Interventions 1996;11:35-45.

13. Clarke MA, Bray MA, Kehle TJ, Truscott SD. A school-based intervention designed to reduce the frequency of tics in children with Tourette's Syndrome. School Psychology Review 2001;30:11-22

14. Woods; DW, Twohig MP. Using habit reversal to treat chronic vocal tic disorder in children. Behavioral Interventions 2002;17:159–168.

15. Woods DW, Twohig MP, Flessner CA, Roloff TJ. Treatment of vocal tics in children with Tourette syndrome: investigating the efficacy of habit reversal. Journal of applied behavior analysis 2003;36:109-112.

16. Gilman R, Connor N, Haney M. A school-based application of modified habit reversal for Tourette syndrome via a translator: a case study. Behavior modification 2005;29:823-838.

17. Woitecki K, Dopfner M. [Changes in comorbid symptoms and subjective interference in a habit reversal therapy in children with chronic tic disorder - a pilot study]. Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2012;40:181-190.

18. Blount TH, Lockhart AL, Garcia RV, Raj JJ, Peterson AL. Intensive outpatient comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics: A case series. World journal of clinical cases 2014;2:569-577.

19. McGuire JF. Behavior Therapy for Youth With Tourette Disorder. Journal of clinical psychology 2016;72:1191-1199.

20. Ricketts EJ, Gilbert DL, Zinner SH, et al. Pilot Testing Behavior Therapy for Chronic Tic Disorders in Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics Clinics. Journal of child neurology 2016;31:444-450.

21. Woods DW, Miltenberger RG. Habit reversal: a review of applications and variations. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 1995;26:123-131.

22. Miltenberger RG, Fuqua RW, Woods DW. Applying behavior analysis to clinical problems: review and analysis of habit reversal. Journal of applied behavior analysis 1998;31:447-469.

23. Piacentini J, Chang S. Habit reversal training for tic disorders in children and adolescents. Behavior modification 2005;29:803-822.

24. Carr JE, Chong IM. Habit reversal treatment of tic disorders: a methodological critique of the literature. Behavior modification 2005;29:858-875.

25. Dutta N, Cavanna AE. The effectiveness of habit reversal therapy in the treatment of Tourette syndrome and other chronic tic disorders: a systematic review. Functional neurology 2013;28:7-12.

26. van de Griendt JM, Verdellen CW, van Dijk MK, Verbraak MJ. Behavioural treatment of tics: habit reversal and exposure with response prevention. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 2013;37:1172-1177.

27. Jakubovski E, Reichert C, Karch A, Buddensiek N, Breuer D, Muller-Vahl K. The ONLINE-TICS Study Protocol: A Randomized Observer-Blind Clinical Trial to Demonstrate the Efficacy and Safety of Internet-Delivered Behavioral Treatment for Adults with Chronic Tic Disorders. Frontiers in psychiatry 2016;7:119.

28. Meyer V. Modification of expectations in cases with obsessional rituals. Behaviour research and therapy 1966;4:273-280.

29. Bullen JG, Hemsley DR. Sensory experience as a trigger in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 1983;14:197-201.

30. Hoogduin K, Verdellen C, Cath DC. Exposure and Response Prevention in the Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome: Four Case Studies. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 1997;4:125–135.

31. Woods DW, Hook SS, Spellman DF, Friman PC. Case study: Exposure and response prevention for an adolescent with Tourette's syndrome and OCD. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2000;39:904-907.

32. Wetterneck CT, Woods DW. An evaluation of the effectiveness of exposure and response prevention on repetitive behaviors associated with Tourette's syndrome. Journal of applied behavior analysis 2006;39:441-444.

33. Verdellen CW, Hoogduin CA, Keijsers GP. Tic suppression in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome with exposure therapy: the rebound phenomenon reconsidered. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2007;22:1601-1606.

34. Verdellen CW, Hoogduin CA, Kato BS, Keijsers GP, Cath DC, Hoijtink HB. Habituation of premonitory sensations during exposure and response prevention treatment in Tourette's syndrome. Behavior modification 2008;32:215-227.

35. Perera H, Abayanayaka C. Management of severe pediatric tourette syndrome resistant to drug treatment. Case reports in psychiatry 2012;2012:497160.

36. O'Connor K. A cognitive-behavioral/psychophysiological model of tic disorders. Behaviour research and therapy 2002;40:1113-1142.

37. O'Connor; K, Gareau; D, Borgeat F. A Comparison of a Behavioural and a Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to the Management of Chronic Tic Disorders. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 1997;4:105–117.

38. O'Connor KP, Brault M, Robillard S, Loiselle J, Borgeat F, Stip E. Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioural program for the management of chronic tic and habit disorders. Behaviour research and therapy 2001;39:667-681.

39. O'Connor KP, Lavoie ME, Stip E, Borgeat F, Laverdure A. Cognitive-behaviour therapy and skilled motor performance in adults with chronic tic disorder. Neuropsychological rehabilitation 2008;18:45-64.

40. O'Connor K, Laverdure A, Taillon A, Stip E, Borgeat F, Lavoie M. Cognitive behavioral management of Tourette's syndrome and chronic tic disorder in medicated and unmedicated samples. Behav Res Ther 2009;47:1090-1095.

41. Himle JA, Fischer DJ, Van Etten ML, Janeck AS, Hanna GL. Group behavioral therapy for adolescents with tic-related and non-tic-related obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depression and anxiety 2003;17:73-77.

42. March J, Franklin M, Leonard H, et al. Tics moderate treatment outcome with sertraline but not cognitive-behavior therapy in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2007;61:344-347.

43. Skarphedinsson G, Compton S, Thomsen P, et al. Tics Moderate Sertraline, but Not Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Response in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients Who Do Not Respond to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2015;25:432-439.