EP4-10 Halos for Heros Letter January 26, 2012

Colleen Eisman, RN, ICU

Penrose Hospital

2222 N. Nevada Ave.

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Dear Colleen:

We are pleased to let you know that we have received agift in your honor through our Halos for Heroes program. This donation will benefit the patient financial assistance program and was received from Carly Chapman.

Notes to Hero: “What is a nurse? If you were to pose this question to a random group of people, their answers would be as varied as their experiences where they first encountered a nurse. A child might tell you that a nurse is the awful person who gives him shots at the doctor’s office. A new mom might tell you that a nurse is the person who taught her how to bathe and swaddle her baby. A person recovering from surgery might tell you that a nurse is the person who held her hand as the anesthesiologist helped her drift off to sleep before her procedure. Ultimately, a nurse is whoever and whatever you need him or her to be for you as you journey through the multitude of experiences that comprise your life. And I am convinced that when you are facing your time of deepest need, that time when it seems as if nothing is right with this world, that is when a nurse is actually an angel in disguise. Colleen Eisman in the Penrose Hospital ICU is one such angel. On October 24, 2011, my grandfather, Walt Hanson, was emergently transferred from dialysis on the 5th floor to the ICU where he was placed in Colleen’s capable hands. During the next few hours, 20 of his loved ones, ranging from his bride of 65 years down to his 2-month-old great-grandson, gathered around his bed to offer our last expressions of love as he slipped from this world into the next. Throughout our vigil, Colleen was ever-present, quietly tending to both his needs and the needs of my family. Whether she was helping to ease his pain with medication or moistening his mouth and lips with a sponge, her tender care was noticed and appreciated. It was the little details – a kind word, a gentle touch, a hug, a tissue, a glass of water – these are the small things that mattered so much. There are truly no words to express what a blessing Colleen was to us that day, and we are forever grateful for this sweet angel who graced us with her presence for those few precious hours. On behalf of the Walt Hanson family, I would simply like to tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will never be forgotten. Sincerely, Carly Chapman, RN Penrose Operating Room”

Because of this generosity, your name, Colleen Eisman, RN,willbe placed on the Wall of Honor located in the main lobby of Penrose Hospital. We are grateful for this gift in your honor through Penrose-St. Francis Health Services. Hearing a “Thank You” from a patient is more precious to healthcare professionals than any other honor they could receive. May you be blessed with the same comfort, healing and hope your service has provided toothers.

All our best,

Diane LeBlanc, CFRE, President