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[MEMBER] Points to Great Strides in Transportation Services

On 25th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act

[MEMBER] Continues to Call on [REP. NAME OR CONGRESS] to Invest in Long-Term Funding for [CITY/STATE’S] Public Transportation System

On the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) on July 26, [MEMBER], in conjunction with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), commemorates the critical role public transportation plays in providing independence and opportunity in [CITY/STATE] for people with disabilities. The public transportation industry in [CITY/STATE] has improved and expanded accessibility of public transit services and facilities for persons with disabilities.

Since 1994, improvements that have made communities in [STATE] more accessible across the board include:

·  The percentage of buses that are accessible increased from 51 percent to 99.8 percent;

·  Heavy rail/subway vehicle accessibility increased from 83 percent to 100 percent;

·  Light rail and streetcar fleet accessibility increased from 41 to 88 percent; and

·  Commuter rail and hybrid rail fleet accessibility went from 32 percent to 87 percent.

“On this 25th anniversary of ADA, let us not forget that [CITY/STATE’S] transportation system is a lifeline for hundreds of [STATE CITIZENS], and especially those individuals with disabilities,” said [NAME, ORGANIZATION]. “Public transportation provides freedom, independence and access to jobs, our attractions or simply to visit family and friends. Future progress to expand and improve our system is dependent on action by [REP. NAME] and Congress in general to fund a surface transportation bill. Funding uncertainty impacts the ability of [CITY/STATE] to continue to expand and improve services for people with disabilities.”

Congress must act by July 31, 2015, to continue transportation funding. [MEMBER] is calling on [REP. NAME] and Congress to find a dedicated funding solution and to pass a long-term sustainable bill that increases funding for transportation including public transportation. Failure to provide long-term investment will have a negative impact on [STATE’S] economy, jeopardize critical public transit projects, and limit options for people with disabilities.

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