Table (E)T-1: Talairach coordinates and cluster size of areas activated in precentral gyrus during execution of the finger sequence with the affected hand for each patient (uncorr. p< .05).
Precentralgyrus / Patients
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Posterior bank
Anterior bank / 39, -25, 46 (2028)* / -37, -18, 60
-38, -9, 60
(1276)* / -40, -24, 60 (499)
-50, -8, 46
(247) / -42, -19, 60
-31, -13, 55
(939)* / 44, -11, 47 (128)*
EMG / 8.47 / 10.37 / 1.22 / 7.73 / 1.43
Posterior bank
Anterior bank
EMG / -39, -29, 59 (245)*;
-47, -13, 46 (194)*
0.96 / 34, -8, 55 (1124)
1.14 / 30, -9, 57 (469)
1.00 / 41, -15, 53
25, -10, 52
1.13 / -28, -28, 51 (1113)*
In patient 2, for the affected hemispheres and in patients 1, 4 and 5 for both hemispheres an uncorr. p< .001 was used because with the significance level of uncorr. p< .05 the activated clusters in the ipsilesional hemisphere was too large to distinct the anterior and posterior bank of precentral gyrus. For EMG the EMG-ratio is given. *= uncorr. p< .001.
Table (E)T-2: Talaraich coordinates and cluster size of areas activated during execution of finger sequence with left hand and right hand. (pooled data of CONTROLS, n=9, corrected p= .05)
Execution with right hand
Precentral gyrus
posterior bank
anterior bank / left
left / -38, -28, 55*
-28, -15, 65* / 1915*
SMA / left
right / -6, -14, 68
2, -13, 67 / 2178
Cingulate s. (cingular motor cortex) / left
right / -2, -7, 53
4, -2, 52 / 608
Postcentral g. / left / -43, -37, 53* / 757*
Intraparietal s. / right / 47, -47, 51 / 29
Inferior parietal / right / 59, -26, 25 / 48
cerebellum / left
right / -24, -53, -21
16, -45, -15 / 28
Execution with left hand
Precentral gyrus
posterior bank
anterior bank / right
right / 32, -27, 48
32, -21, 63 / 515
SMA / right / 12, -16, 73 / 123
cerebellum / left / -18, -44, -18 / 1195
* Significance level adjusted until two clusters in pre- and postcentral gyrus were distinguishable (p< 5.8 e-12).