Board of Directors Meeting

December 14, 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Ellie Fricker with the following directors in attendance: Shirley Blazer, Ellie Fricker, Pat Johnstone, Jack Reynolds, Harry Smith, Mike Williams and Cathie York.

Resignations and Elections: None....

Minutes of the November 16th, 2011 were read by Cathie York. Harry Smith moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Shirley Blazer. Vote all yeas, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report- Board Treasurer, Shirley Blazer, reported that we have current assets of $322945.67 with -0- liabilities. Motion to accept the report by Cathie York, was seconded by Jack Reynolds. Vote all yeas, motion carried.

Consideration of Communications: None

Committee Reports:

Social Club - Bill Richardson reported November was a busy month. He thanked the Board for the storage cabinet and chair dollies. Breast Cancer Walk was a huge success with $1,000. raised; he commended Jackie Heid and “Girls”. The Social Club matched $1.00 per can received for the food pantry drive. They ended up matching $500. New Year’s Eve party is coming up, cost is $12. per person for hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dance. The storage shed in the compound has been repaired. Bill again thanked everyone for their support of the Toys for Tots in Vi Hackenburger’s name. Will continue each year to have “Vi Hackenberger’s Toys for Tots”. Ellie asked for volunteers after the meeting to load the food donations in Darlene Sholtz’s van.

Homes – Sue France stated there has been no activity or closings this month.

Finance - No Report

Boat/|Docks – Cathie York reported they are waiting for the permit to begin dredging of the docks. Harry reported weeds by shore have been sprayed and is looking better.

Water - Ellie reported she just got word the permits have been approved, as soon as they are signed they are to be mailed. So Utility Technicians should be here next week.

Health - Red Flags are put up at each set of mail boxes when water is off and use recommendation of Health Department to boil water for next 48 hours.. Phone tree will continued to be used when we know in advance that we will need to shut the water off. Suggestion was made to put red flags on regular flag poles – show of hands vote, majority no.

Wi-Fi – Mike Williams thanked those who have filled out the survey and he was disappointed in the number of responses received. He requested anyone that has not done so to please turn it in by the end of the month. He now has volunteers for his committee. In speaking with companies to provide service he is collecting all information as to percent of coverage to the security of the systems. Still long way from any form of recommendation.

Compound Clean-up – Jack Reynolds stated the compound is in good shape and he thanked the volunteers that loaded junk in the truck and hauled it to the landfill last week.

Manager’s Report: Sue France announced A-Line Fire & Safety has done the semi-annual inspection of the Fire suppression system in the kitchen and everything is satisfactory.

Jack & Andy’s have completed the electric upgrade on the clubhouse roof

PWC (Professional Waterfront Cleanup) as Harry mentioned, has been here twice and sprayed the north docks

Sue spoke with Chris of C&M, who stated the permit is in the hands of the Army Corps of Engineers and once C&M has it they will be able to schedule the dredging within a week

She reminded everyone to please fill out the “wi-fi survey” and the “Emergency Contact Information” sheets. She stated that if you do not want to provide the information, to please turn in the form with your signature on the bottom waiving providing of the information.

2nd mailing of the notice of annual shareholder’s meeting went in the mail on Tuesday the 13th and she thanked the volunteers for helping.

She again reminded everyone residents having visitors/guests for the holidays that they must register at the office.

Sue wished everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from her & Tom.

President’s Report

Ellie Fricker advised the closing of Post Offices, which includes the Haines Creek branch has been delayed.

She reported that Cathie York, Tom Thomas and she met with Maryann Krisovitch from Lake County Water Education Technologies regarding the erosion at Lake Lisa. Maryann gave us several suggestions, such as putting clusters of aquatic plants in a few areas or short seawalls would be good to use. Ellie also stated that Maryann also clarified the situation of the water flow coming from Lake Apopka. We questioned her about only running the fountains part time and she replied that what you will save on electric you will spend on maintenance, not only time spent by maintenance men but more wear and tear on the equipment.

Ellie then commented on the wonderful park we have and the excellent Christmas program provided the evening before by the Choir and how much everyone enjoyed themselves.

Old Business:

1. Rules & Regulations approval to send to DBPR (Department of Business and Profession Regulations), motion made by Shirley Blazer to send, 2nd by Cathie York, after lengthy discussion vote all yes, motion carried.

2. Pantry Income – after evaluating the surrounding area community charges for water, motion by Cathie York to leave the billing charge to the Pantry as is at $.0375 per gallon, plus the Pantry reimburses the annual liability insurance charges for supplying the water to them, 2nd by Harry Smith, vote all yes, motion carried

3. Re-Address items to go on Annual Shareholder’s Meeting Agenda – Ellie read an email from Co-op attorney, Scott Gordon, which stated “the board and not the members, vote on rule changes and accordingly an attempt to place a vote on a rule change on the agenda of a membership meeting (annual or otherwise) is not proper and should not be allowed.” In this email, he also quoted Article XX of Bonfire’s Bylaws that state “In order to change, amend or vary old or present rules and regulations and/or adopt new rules and regulations, the same shall be duly passed by at least fifty one (51%) per cent majority vote of the Directors, no vote of the membership shall be required.” In closing Scott summarized “So, the bylaws require that rule amendments be passed by the Directors (rather than the members) and the Florida Statutes governing cooperative associations acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with requiring the board of directors (rather than the unit owners) to amend, delete, create, or otherwise change rules.”

As a result of this advice of our attorney, Cathie York made a motion to rescind the three items, previously agreed upon to be on the Shareholder’s annual meeting agenda, 2nd by Shirley Blazer, vote all yes, motion carried. The following will NOT be on the agenda or addressed:

1. the motion made in May 2011 for review of the rules and regulations

2. The motion made at the November board meeting to put a vote on the agenda to allow residents to put yard waste in a designated area in the compound.

3. previous recommendation for the shareholder’s to review the “Tree Policy”

Vote all yes, motion carried

4. Stripping & Waxing of Clubhouse floors –after the Board approved having the floors redone at the November meeting at a cost not to exceed $800.; Sue was only able to obtain 2 bids, 1 verbal at $500, from a gentleman that didn’t have insurance and the second bid of $1150.25 including tax from AAA Floor Care. Motion made by Harry Smith to accept the bid by AAA Floors at a cost of $1150.25, 2nd by Cathie York, vote all yes, motion carried.

New Business:

1. 2012 Proposed Budget – Harry Smith made motion to approve the budget, 2nd by Shirley Blazer

Discussion held regarding percentage of boat dock fees that are going into the reserves and suggestion made to re-evaluate for the 2013 budget. Vote to approve 2012 budget, all yes, motion carried

2. 2012 Employee Wages – after discussion, motion was made by Mike Williams to have evaluations done for Tom & Sue, prior to deciding 2012 wages; 2nd by Shirley Blazer, vote all yes, motion carried

3. Christmas Bonuses – Ellie stated that year end bonuses were typically $200. each to the manager and maintenance man and $100. to the custodial people. Motion by Harry Smith, 2nd by Pat Johnstone to continue as usual, vote all yes, motion carried

4. Ratifications:

a. Jackie & Bob Twiddy request to widen carport steps motion by Harry Smith to ratify, 2nd by Jack Reynolds, vote all yes, motion carried

b. Loreto DaSilva approval as new resident 833 Lock Rd, motion by Cathie York to ratify, 2nd by Mike Williams, vote all yes, motion carried

c. Mr. & Mrs. Maggi denied request as resident, motion by Shirley Blazer to ratify, 2nd by Cathie York, vote all yes, motion carried

d. Mr. & Mrs. Yoder request to add golf cart pad, motion by Mike Williams to ratify, 2nd by Cathie York, vote all yes, motion carried

e. Approval for paid holiday for Tom & Sue on Fri Nov 25th, motion by Cathie York to ratify, 2nd by Jack Reynolds, vote all yes, motion carried

f. 734 Shannon taxes to be paid in amount of $4,485.16 to avoid public auction, motion by Cathie York to ratify, 2nd by Mike Williams, vote all yes, motion carried

g. Approval of Doug & Lennie Rae as owners/shareholders 626 Misti, motion by Cathie York to ratify, 2nd by Jack Reynolds, vote all yes, motion carried

h. Approval of United Southern Bank as owner of 523 Tammi, motion by Cathie York to ratify, 2nd by Harry Smith, vote all yes, motion carried

i. Claude Moss, 903 Lisa approval to extend shed by 7 feet under carport, motion by Mike Williams to ratify, 2nd by Shirley Blazer, vote all yes, motion carried

j. Approval of Don & Irene Urquhart as owners/shareholders at 626 Misti, motion by Harry Smith, 2nd by Cathie York, vote all yes, motion carried

Tabled Items:

1. Speed Limit & Speed Bumps – follow up when re-pave roads

2. Social Club request for additional shed - social club committee working on a temporary solution

3. Wi-Fi – still open to any suggestions; motion by Mike Williams, 2nd by Cathie York remove from tabled items, vote all yes, motion carried

4. Drainage Issues at Residents homes: Pocius, -to be addressed when roads are repaved

5. Motion Lights for boat dock and other areas – Cathie York meeting to be held to determine where to install the one approved light at $100.

6. Tree Policy - older trees removal and replacement – motion to remove from tabled items by Cathie York, 2nd by Jack Reynolds, vote all yes, motion carried

7. Replace curb bumpers at clubhouse mailboxes with posts – costs?

Shareholders Comments:

Don Byrd – water plant 2nd pump not working

Merl Ellis – asked again about taking yard debris to compound and if a petition would be in order

Harry Smith moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Cathie York.

Vote – all yeas. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 11:25.


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