CSN PhD Seminar

List of participants from the PhD-Program

Candidates / Thesis Advisor / Signature
Arinrad, Sahab / Ehrenreich
Busack, Inka / Bringmann
Dadarwal, Rakshit / Boretius
Fernandez Garci-Agudo, Laura / Ehrenreich
Hu, Yang / Bringmann
Konietzka, Jan / Bringmann
Koutsoumparis, Anastasios / Bringmann
Maluck, Elisabeth / Bringmann
Pan, Hong / Ehrenreich
Poland, Eva / Wilke
Seidel, Jan / Ehrenreich
Stier, Christina / Focke
Stumpf, Sina / Saher
Ulbrich, Philipp / Gail
Vakhrushev, Roman / Pooresmaeilie
Wakhloo, Debia / Ehrenreich
Wild, Benedict / Treue
Wu, Yin / Bringmann

Confirmation of annual progress report and thesis advisory committee meeting[1]

This is to certify that

Mr / Ms ...... ,

GGNB program ...... ,

enrolled in the Faculty of: Biology Physics Chemistry

matriculation number: ...... ,

has submitted his/her annual progress report and has held his/her thesis advisory committee meeting.

Individual, confidential meetings** took place:

a) between the student and the thesis advisory committee members without the thesis advisor,


b) between the thesis committee members without the student.


Date of submission of progress report: ...... Date of meeting: ......

Date(s) of previous meeting(s) (if applicable): ……….…... / ……….…... / ……….…...

Göttingen, (date) ......


Names (in print) and signatures of thesis advisory committee members

- Please note that all three members of the thesis advisory committee have to attend the meeting.

The meeting should conclude with a discussion of the participants without the thesis supervisor being present.-

Confirmation by GGNB Office


Date, name, and signature of GGNB Office

For confirmation, send this form and a copy of the progress report (preferably an electronic version) to:

GGNB Office, Justus-von-Liebig Weg 11, 37077 Göttingen; Fax: 0551-39-14047; E-Mail:

Short protocol of the annual thesis committee meeting of...... on......

(Have any particular issues arisen since the last meeting,
is the student making good progress,
what is the expected date for submitting the thesis?)

Signature keeper of minutes

1st Progress Report

- 6 months after start of thesis project -

Name: ......

GGNB Program: ......

Date progress report: ......

Date thesis committee meeting: ......

Supervisor: ......
2nd and 3rd member of thesis committee: ......

Title of project: ......
Starting date of thesis: ......

Deadline for submission: ......

Credits gathered so far:
- lectures, colloquia, seminars (min. 5 C) : ......
- methods courses (min. 2 C): ......
- scientific meetings (min. 2 C): ......

- professional skills (min. 1 C): ......

- teaching (min. 4 C/12 C for students enrolled in Physics and Chemistry):......

2nd Progress Report

- 18 months after start of thesis project -

Name: ......

GGNB Program: ......

Date progress report: ......

Date thesis committee meeting: ......

Supervisor: ......
2nd and 3rd member of thesis committee: ......

Title of project: ......
Starting date of thesis: ......

Deadline for submission: ......

Date of 1st progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Credits gathered so far:
- lectures, colloquia, seminars (min. 5 C) : ......
- methods courses (min. 2 C): ......
- scientific meetings (min. 2 C): ......

- professional skills (min. 1 C): ......

- teaching (min. 4 C/12 C for students enrolled in Physics and Chemistry):......

3rd Progress Report

- 30 months after start of thesis project -

Name: ......

GGNB Program: ......

Date progress report: ......

Date thesis committee meeting: ......

Supervisor: ......
2nd and 3rd member of thesis committee: ......

Title of project: ......
Starting date of thesis: ......

Deadline for submission: ......

Date of 1st progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 2nd progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Should an extension of the thesis for max. 6 months be considered? ......

Credits gathered so far:
- lectures, colloquia, seminars (min. 5 C) : ......
- methods courses (min. 2 C): ......
- scientific meetings (min. 2 C): ......

- professional skills (min. 1 C): ......

- teaching (min. 4 C/12 C for students enrolled in Physics and Chemistry):......

4th Progress Report

- mandatory in case of extension beyond 3 years -

Name: ......

GGNB Program: ......

Date progress report: ......

Date thesis committee meeting: ......

Supervisor: ......
2nd and 3rd member of thesis committee: ......

Title of project: ......
Starting date of thesis: ......

Deadline for submission: ......

Date of 1st progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 2nd progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 3rd progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Should an extension of the thesis for max. 6 months be considered? ......

Credits gathered so far:
- lectures, colloquia, seminars (min. 5 C) : ......
- methods courses (min. 2 C): ......
- scientific meetings (min. 2 C): ......

- professional skills (min. 1 C): ......

- teaching (min. 4 C/12 C for students enrolled in Physics and Chemistry):......

5th Progress Report

- mandatory in case of extension beyond 3.5 years -

Name: ......

GGNB Program: ......

Date progress report: ......

Date thesis committee meeting: ......

Supervisor: ......
2nd and 3rd member of thesis committee: ......

Title of project: ......
Starting date of thesis: ......

Deadline for submission: ......

Date of 1st progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 2nd progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 3rd progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Date of 4th progress report/thesis committee meeting: ......

Should a further extension of the thesis for max. 6 months be considered? ......

Credits gathered so far:
- lectures, colloquia, seminars (min. 5 C) : ......
- methods courses (min. 2 C): ......
- scientific meetings (min. 2 C): ......

- professional skills (min. 1 C): ......

- teaching (min. 4 C/12 C for students enrolled in Physics and Chemistry):......

[1]*First, second and third meeting at the latest by months 6, 18 and 30, plus mandatory meetings during thesis extension if thesis is extended beyond 3.5 years.

**Immediately before or after each meeting, both the student and the advisor meet individually with the other thesis advisory committee members to briefly discuss their perspectives on the status of the project and voice any possible concerns.