MinutesLegislative CommitteeJanuary 21, 2015

1.Call to Order

Chairman Pollock called the meeting to order at 10:34 AM.

Attendee Name / Title / Status / Arrived
Joseph Haimann / Board Member / Present
Don Ishmael / Board Member / Present
Myrna Molina / Board Member / Present
Douglas Scheflow / Board Member / Present
Jesse Vazquez / Board Member / Absent
Susan Starrett / Co-Chair / Present
Brian Pollock / Co-Chair / Present

Also present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen & staff Bredlau; Health Dept. Exec. Dir. Jeffers; Supv. of Assessments Armstrong; Judiciary staff Naughton; and ITD staff Peters; and members of the press.

2.Approval of Minutes: May 9, 2014


MOVER:Joseph Haimann, Board Member

SECONDER:Susan Starrett, Co-Chair

AYES:Joseph Haimann, Don Ishmael, Myrna Molina, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett

ABSENT:Jesse Vazquez

3.Public Comment


4.New Business

Co-Chair Pollock welcomed everyone to the committee, noting things will be accomplished and he looks forward to working with all current and new members to the committee. He explained that this committee has an important role in taking initiatives and being responsive. He asked everyone to keep their eyes and ears open and bring information to the committee, noting they serve as the county’s lobbyists. He offered to provide assistance on how to search the General Assembly's website if needed.

A.Creation of Kane County Legislative Agenda

1.Court Services Fee based on SB3265

The committee discussed a proposal introduced in 2014 to permit counties to change the Court Services Fee after conducting a cost study. Chairman Pollock provided specifics on the bill, noting the bill passed the Senate, but changes were made after that. Pollock said the committee supported this bill last year and will try and push this through again. He noted that we need to be adequately compensated for services provided. Judiciary staff Naughton responded to questions.

2.Judicial Facilities Fee based on HB5889

This is a proposal to permit a Judicial Facilities Fee. This bill as originally introduced was written for counties with a population of 500,000 to 700,000 based on the most recent census. A resolution of support for this bill was passed by the County Board last year. Pollock asked that the committee push this with respective legislators, and that this is a team effort requiring everyone's support.

A change in the order of the agenda followed.

3.Juror Pay trailer bill proposal delayed implementation of PA 98-1132

Naughton noted the original bill was introduced in November and signed seven days later. This bill goes into effect June 1, 2015, which would drive costs up about $100,000 for the first year (2015). For a full year (2016), the cost would be raised about $400,000, which is substantial. Referencing a handout, Naughton said that last Thursday another bill was introduced by the same sponsor saying that if the County determines they can't pay these new fees, they can go back to the old fees, technically making the increase optional. It was suggested last week at Judicial/Public Safety that if this can't be stopped, it at least be delayed six months so it can be built into the budget. The committee felt this was something they should support. Delayed implementation would be Plan B.

4.Waste to Fuel litigation based on SB2288

The committee discussed a proposal to permit Waste-to-Energy production, which was from two sessions ago. Pollock provided background on the bill noting it allows the reclassification of solid waste. The committee needs to look at how this would create jobs, as this will be the best way to get this passed. Governor Quinn vetoed this bill, but Pollock felt that with a new governor there may not be a veto issue. Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen provided additional background as to how this would dramatically reduce the need for landfills, noting this is a good priority and it was important to get this bill through. He explained there was one group opposed to this and had the Editorial Board come in, which resulted in Governor Quinn vetoing it. Some discussion followed. Pollock asked the committee to keep this on their radar.

5.Local Government Distributive Fund--support restoration/protection of funding

Pollock explained there is a portion of tax revenue distributed to local governments, which went down from 10% to 6%. We are trying to push getting our fair share back. This amount is pretty significant. The more people spend, the more people make, and the more comes back to us. All municipalities and counties will be requesting the same from the State.

6.Pension Reform--support a comprehensive, reasonable, and feasible solution

Pollock said IMRF is in good shape, but the state is not, which does impact the county. The committee needs to support a comprehensive, reasonable, and feasible solution.

7.Other issues: Lobbying for federal/state grants and programs (transportation, health, WIA etc.)

Pollock said that legislators needed to be reminded that we are thankful for the grants we get.

B.Legislative Breakfast

Pollock announced that a legislative breakfast would be held this year in the Auditorium and will be focused on the county’s issues. (Molina leaves @ 11:10 a.m.) He would like this to be shorter than in the past. He discussed dates for the breakfast - possibly March 2 or March 9. Pollock is working on determining the availability of the legislators, noting that Mondays and Fridays are typically best. A date will be finalized and details will be worked out at later.

5.Old Business




MOVER:Joseph Haimann, Board Member

SECONDER:Don Ishmael, Board Member

AYES:Joseph Haimann, Don Ishmael, Myrna Molina, Douglas Scheflow, Susan Starrett

ABSENT:Jesse Vazquez

This meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM.

Ellyn M. McGrath

Recording Secretary

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