Request ð License to operate a business of an authorized money transfer agent

ð Change information of an authorized money transfer agent, license no.
…………… (in accordance with the Exchange Control Act B.E. 2485)


Attention: Competent Officer

I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(current name of juristic person), with headquarters located at No. ……… Building ……………… Moo …… Soi ……………………….. Road …………………………… Sub-district ……………………………….. District …………………………………. Province ………………………… Postcode ……………… Telephone ………………… Fax ……………… Mobile ………………… Email address ………………………………………………………………. Contact person …………………………………………………… Mobile ………………………. Email address…………………………………………..

Section 1: Request

ð  For a license to operate a business of an authorized money transfer agent in accordance with Section 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 13 (B.E. 2497), prescribed in accordance with the Exchange Control Act B.E. 2485 (provide details in section 2)

ð  To change business premise (provide details in section 2)

ð  To open new branch(es) of business operation (provide details in section 2)

ð  To change registered address (provide details in section 2)

ð  To change status/name of juristic person from ……………………………………………… to …………………………………

ð  To change name of business premise from ……………………………………. to …………………………………………………

ð  To change shareholders/proportion of shareholding by Thai nationals from ……………… (provide details in section 3) ………. to …………………………………….. (provide details in section 3 and attach the list of shareholders/letter of certification of the Office of the Company Limited and Partnership Registration)

ð  To change controlling directors, executive directors, managers or persons with power of management of the authorized money transfer agent (details as per the letter of certification of the controlling directors, executive directors, managers or persons with power of management’s qualifications, attached)

ð  To change location of money transfer service operation at the same business premise from ...... …………………………………… to ………………………………………………………………… (include floor plan)

ð  To close the business and return the license …………………………………………………………………………………………………

ð  Others (please specify) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Section 2: Details

Name of business premise ……………...... located at ……………………………………No...... Building ……………………….. Moo ……… Soi ………………………………. Road ………………………………….. Sub-district ……………………….. District …………………….

Province ……………………………… Postcode …………………. Telephone ………………………………… Fax ……………………………………..

Section 3: Additional details (if any)


I hereby certify that:

1. The information in this request along with all documents attached herewith are accurate, complete and in accordance with current facts.

2. Upon approval, I shall undertake all necessary actions to comply with the Exchange Control Act B.E. 2485, Ministerial Regulations, Notifications and Orders of the Minister of Finance and/or Notices and Orders of the Competent Officer, Notifications of the Bank of Thailand and recommendations of the Competent Officer that are in effect at the time the request is made, as well as those that are prescribed after approval is granted.

3. I shall not operate a business of an authorized money transfer agent before an approval is granted by the Minister. I acknowledge that should I fail to comply with the aforementioned, the offence is punishable by fine of not more than twenty thousand baht or imprisonment for a term of not more than three years or both. Moreover, I shall be subjected to a rejection of license request or revocation of license.

4. Where the Competent Officer finds that the documents submitted are missing certain information indicated in the relevant Public Handbook, I agree to make the revision to ensure correctness and completeness of such documents within 7 days, counting from the day the notification is received. If I fail to act within the timeframe stipulated, I give my consent for the Competent Officer to return my request along with all related documents.

Sign …………………………………………………… (Authorized Signatory)


(Stamp) Position …………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………….



………………(name of juristic person) ………………………… TAX ID NUMBER …………………………………

Date ………………………………………..

Attention: Competent Officer

I ……………….. (name of juristic person) ………………. hereby certify that all controlling directors, executive directors, managers or persons with power of management whose names appear in the list below do not possess any prohibited characteristic in accordance with Section 5 of the Notice of the Competent Officer on Rules and Practices Regarding Authorized Money Transfer Agents, dated 6 August B.E. 2547 (2004), and amendments thereafter.

The list of controlling directors, executive directors, managers or persons with power of management, along with copies of their national ID cards/alien registration cards/passports (as the case maybe) are as follows.

Name Position ID

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………….

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………….

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………….

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………….

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………….

Yours sincerely,

Sign …………………………………………………… (Authorized Signatory)


(Stamp) Position …………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………….