Liliana M. Torres

The PingrySchool

Phone: (908) 647-5555 ext. 1649

Fax: (908) 647-3703


Course Title: Biology I

Office: Room 106 (Found at the rear of room 104)

School phone: (908) 647-5555 ext. 1649

Course website:

Grades online:

Text & other requirements:

Campbell, Neil A., Biology: Concepts & Connections (6th Edition). Pearson Education, 2009. ISBN: 0321489845.

Black Composition Book

Three-ring binder to organize charts, handouts, notes, etc.

Pen or pencil

Crayola colored pencils (box of 8 or 12)

Course Description:

This course is designed to increase your knowledge of fundamental biological principles that represent our current understanding of the world around us.Biotechnology, cloning, genetically modified organisms, bioterrorism, forensics and environmental issues are just a handful of the issues in today’s society. Throughout this course you will work on your analytical thinking skills in the context of living organisms and to apply those skills in solving problems. You will practice these skills as we cover various topics including:

Macromolecules and Water Chemistry

Cell Structure and Function – Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Cells and Energy – Glycolysis, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Fermentation

Protein Expression – DNA Structure & Function, Transcription, Translation, Mutations

DNA Technology – Cloning, PCR, Restriction digests, Gels

Cell Cycle – Binary Fission, Mitosis

You will also learn to use MS Excel to organize and manipulate data.

Classroom Policies:

I expect all of my students to follow the Honor Code. I have very high expectations of all my students. My primary responsibility is to communicate my understanding and passion for biology to my students. I expect each of you will respect the comments and opinions of others. There is nothing more disrespectful than taking away another student’s opportunity to learn.I trust that you will be responsible for your own learning and not engage in any behavior which detracts from your learning or that of your classmates’.

If you have questions during class, ask them. There are probably others in class thinking about the same question. Should you need to leave your seat during class (sharpen a pencil, bathroom, etc.), do so quietly and return to your seat as soon as possible.

Ask questions. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. And if you do make mistakes, learn from them.

Science is a process and its fun.


Read assignments before each lecture. After lectures, review the reading material to supplement the lectures. Use the study outline and self quiz in each chapter to check your understanding. Use the textbook website that accompanies the text for weekly help with self-quizzes and for some good animation supplements. I will provide you with an access code to open an account.

Again my primary responsibility is to assist in your learning.I am normally in my office by 7:30 am. During the fall I officiate field hockey. In the winter, I coach middle school girls’ basketball. And in the spring I coach softball; so plan accordingly. When I am not teaching or coaching, I am usually in my office until 3:30 pm. If you need to meet with me at other times, see me to schedule an appointment. Use your drop periods if CP is not an option.

Attempt the work yourself before asking for help. Even if you do not think that you have gotten far, please bring what you have done when asking for extra help. plan accordingly. Also you can always reach me through email () or voice mail (ext. 1649); I check both regularly. If I am unavailable, Mr. Alfano, Mr. De,Ms. Fung-Kee-Fung, Mr. Maxwell, or Mrs. O’Mara can answer your questions. You can always find help if you look for it.


Grades are determined on points. Each semester is worth approximately 550-700 points. Late assignments (for projects and lab reports) are penalized 10% per day to a maximum of 50%. Daily homework will also be penalized 10% per day to a maximum of 50%. Extensions will not be given on or after the due date. I do not grant ANY extra credit work.

Thinkwave is an online gradebook I use to post all grades. You and your parents will have access to this. It is password protected and you will receive your passwords and logins by the end of the week. Do NOT ask me for your grades.I will be posting all assignments and homework on this website as well.

Honors Designation:

If you are interested in completing the Honors Designation in Biology, you’re first requirement will be to indicate your interest and to sign the project agreement. Subsequent assignments include four to five comprehensive independent research projects and a cumulative exam at the conclusion of the school year. You will receive more specific information about the honors designation and honors projects in the next few weeks.


Lab safety should be a priority at all times. Know the locations and proper use of the emergency shower and eye wash station. Always follow directions to minimize hazards around your work environment.

At times we will be using classroom 104, 108 and 110. Room 108 is used for an upperclass course: Science Research and Investigation.There will items left on the lab shelves reserved for use by students enrolled in the Research class. They are not to be touched or moved. The students in the Research course often work with biohazard materials and chemicals that may be carcinogenic. Again, do NOT touch anything that is not yours. Let’s keep these rooms clean and maintain them as we find them.

Ms. Torres’s Course Schedule 2010 - 2011:

I will explain our class meeting times, lab times and drop periods. I have attached my teaching schedule.

And have a great semester!