Interpreter Certification Board (ICB) Meeting

July 6, 2016 3-5 pm

Attendance: Holly Nelson, AmeliaWIlliams, Crystal Thomas, Amy Hardy, Callie Van Wagenen, Kristi Mortensen,

Absent: Clay Anderson, Ben Jarashow, Roberta Dunlap

Visitors: Darin Brush (USOR), Stacey Cummings (USOR), Mitch Jensen (UIP), Cindy Kummer (UIP), , Edie McCormick (DSDHH/UIP), Mistie Owens, Amie Santiago, Malah Arkin

Interpreters: Jennifer Storrer, Paul DeGraw


1. Introduction Darin Brush, Shane Young

Mitch introduced Darin Brush, Executive Director of USOR, and Stacey Cummings attended in place of Shane Young from USOR. Darin thanked the members of the board for their service, he explained the changes occurring as USOR transitions from USOE to DWS. He explained that some of the processes handled by ICB will now be directed by him, in accordance with the new laws, but he will need the input of the board as they have expertise in the area of interpreting. He introduced Stacey Cummings, Deputy Director, and allowed her to address the changes directly to ICB with the move to DWS.

2. Changes to ICB with move to DWS

Stacey provided a summary of the changes to House Bill 325 that outlines the moves affecting DSDHH/UIP. She explained that there are no state rules governing under DWS, as there was under BOE, and we must have rules on the books. All wording adopted in the bill will need to match the wording in the rules and in our policy and procedure manuals. ICB will be considered an Advisory Board that will report to Darin Brush, and he will make final recommendations/decisions. Mitch stated that we currently have two separate committees for Appeals and Grievances. Stacey said once the new rules are on the books, Darin will address the processes of handling these issues and adjust the committees as needed. Darin offered information of the complicating factor in the migration responsibilities. Shane Young, who had planned to attend but was not able, is the Compliance Officer and he will help oversee the investigation of issues and guide to decisions as they relate to compliance. Darin stated that these are new responsibilities for his position with the transition and he will rely on the expertise and knowledge of the advisory councils/boards, Stacey commented that he has the liability of the decisions made. Darin said the rules will be posted soon and shared with all staff and board/council members prior to enforcement on October 1, 2016.

3. Vice Chair discussion/vote

Holly has met with Callie Van Wagenen since the last meeting when Callie considered the position. Callie is willing to support the board in this position. Holly motioned for a vote, member voted in support unanimously and the motion carried.

4. ICB Bylaws / Policy and Procedure Manual Updates

Mitch said he is currently working with Shane Young, due to the rules Stacey addressed, this issue is on hold. Table discussion to October 5, 2016 meeting.

5. Testing Pass/Fail Percentages

Cindy Kummer supplied data from calendar year 2015 testing scores, comparing how many took the test with passing and failing rates. The information includes out of state participants. Darin asked about the filming funding building block that was passed. Discussion of the filming plans ensued.

6. Report from the CEC

Holly said that the committee has been meeting regularly and has added a few new members. Each exam, Knowledge, Novice and Professional are being evaluated for areas of complete change or improvement. Darin noted that the legislature attached intent language to recoup the filming costs for this type of money use. In this situation it may be to offer the testing films for sale to other states. He will need to report to them the outcome when this project is finished.

7. High School Students doing internship

Mitch received request to allow 3rd year high school students to be allowed internships. Members pointed out many concerns: age, confidentiality, maturity. It was suggested by Crystal Thomas to invite the high school students to attend workshops as a recruiting tool. Amelia suggested mock situations that the teachers could incorporated into the classroom.

8. Endorsement for Mental Health

Mitch suggested that endorsements for Mental and Medical Health be considered for Utah. Misti Owens, a guest, shared information on her current Mental Health certification from Alabama. She described the steps she completed to get the certification. Holly asked Misti would meet with her to share all the details.

9. Endorsement for Medical

Discussion on this subject was not complete.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:00 pm

Closed session was not necessary.

  • Previous meeting minutes approved via email, copies available online.

Next meeting on October 5, 2016 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Minutes prepared by Edie McCormick.