
GuemesIsland Ferry Committee / SkagitCounty Public Works

Roundtable Meeting Summary

Friday, March 12, 2004

2:00 pm

SkagitCountyPublic Works, Sauk Conference Room



Glen Veal, ChairmanSteve FludeDavid Wehrly

Marilee FosbreSteve CoxJim O'Neil

Carl CadyHolly Green

Steve OrsiniRon Panzero

Michael HodginsMeghan MacMullen

Commenced: 2:10 pm

Roundtable Resolution:

The Guemes Island Ferry Committee Charter has been written. Steve Flude handed out the document. The Committee sent copies of the charter to Public Works and the Commissioners' office for approval. It is their hope that it will be accepted by all. Flude had not yet seen the documentation leading up to the charter, but felt certain that Chal Martin had received it.

The group went on to discuss the memorialization of itself. It is not known as to whether or not the Committee would need to have a hearing to determine this. It was decided that Glen Veal would contact Commissioner Munks for further information. The charter will need to be revised because it does not clearly state the group as being an advisory committee nor does it make mention of Public Works. Changes will be made and resubmitted to Commissioner Munks.

Skagit County Support for Election Process:

The Committee is currently collecting donations for its election. The board asked for a donation in stamps, from the department, totaling $170.00, whether it be in money and/or supplies. Flude stated that any request, for assistance from the department, needs to be approved by Martin. Carl Cady asked if Flude would request this of Martin.

Ron Panzero asked if there were any requirements for being a committee member. Veal and others explained that there were no limits, except that each elected member had to be a registered voter of Washington State. Cady explained that the process would be similar to that of an absentee ballot. Registered voters would be verified, as such, by checking election lists from the Auditors and the Guemes Island elections list. The ballots will have all possible members listed in alphabetical order. They are to be mailed the week of April 15.

Training of Crew for Implementation of New Fares and Schedules:

Steve Cox updated the board on the training of the crew. He explained that certain plans need to be finalized before training takes place, including contact with the consultant for the policy and procedure manual, and a meeting with Information Services (IS). IS and Jim Jennings will be installing and connecting the web cameras.

Cox and Panzero will be conducting the training in May. Cox explained that a brochure stating the new changes will be available to the public. The media will also be notified. Flude said there would be at least a thirty-day notice. The fare and schedule changes are to be effective June 1.

Holly Green addressed concerns regarding the phases of the schedule and fare changes, and the ability to provide good customer service during the months to come. She suggested a two-phase system; phasing out the old before completely bringing in the new. The first phase would involve the fare change. This would be effective by June 1. The second phase would implement the schedule change, perhaps in the fall, when the use of the ferry is not so hectic. Therefore, by June of 2005, the entire process will be in place.

Because of Green's thoughts and concerns, an "Implementation Plan" was then conducted. The checklist consisted of the following: ticket media, facility modifications, training/operations procedures, review schedule, ticket meter transition, brochure, temporary parking facilities, review of Washington State Department of Transportation fares, and phase implementation. With these goals in hand, the projected finish date is feasible.

Plan for Additional Ferry Management Staffing and Responsibilities:

Cady mentioned that he had heard a rumor in which Panzero will be given more responsibilities at the ferry. No such plans exist or have been mentioned.

New Signs at Dock:

New informational signs were posted at the dock. The signs state: "Don't start vehicle until signaled by the crew." Cox explained that these signs were posted in order to reinforce existing ferry code. Some drivers tend to turn on their cars too soon. The sudden noise can startle the crew. In one instance, an employee was accidentally pinned against the wall, when a car suddenly moved forward. The hope was that the signs would be helpful to the crew and passengers. Cady and Marilee Fosbre felt that the signs were confusing, but Marilee also very strongly stated that she did not want the County to go to the expense of changing them and that they should be left as they were in order to avoid the added expense of a change.

Steve Orsini felt that the signs were understandable, but that the committee should have been notified of their presence. Cox explained that it was a minor change and did not think he needed to announce it to the committee. However, he agreed that he could inform the committee of such future processes. Flude and Cox will order new signs for the ferry.

Angled Parking at the South Shore Drive ROW:

Cady ask if the county could paint angled parking along South Shore Drive. Cady felt that if the parking was at an angle, more cars could fit within the space. He used the Lummi Island ferry area as an example. The county paints angled parking along the right-of-way, during their busy months.

Veal mentioned that the Risk Manager of Skagit County did not approve of angled parking along the right-of-way. Flude agreed and explained that it was not allowed due to liability reasons. However, Cox will look into the subject for further information.

Facility Improvements/Parking Lot Construction Update:

Cox gave an overview of the improvements at the facility. Improvements will include some of the following: changes to design; a new cage for the air compressor and spill kit; the addition of gates and web cameras; repaved sidewalks; dolphin work; a "staging area" for pedestrians; lighting for vision, the purser and security purposes; and electrical work for future installments, like a kiosk. A new dolphin will need to be installed on the Anacortes side. The addition of a bioswale will help draw out any hazardous waste in the water. There is a marina lease in process and all permits for the project have been submitted for approval.

Roundtable "by-laws":

Michael Hodgins presented his rough draft of possible by-laws to the committee. The document is to provide the objective, purpose and function of the committee. He asked that everyone review the laws and bring suggestions and comments to the next meeting.

The subject of setting by-laws was lead into a discussion regarding public input. How will issues get to the table? Possibilities included that public comments be brought to the committee in written form and/or that the committee have a public comment period before every meeting. Veal suggested that public thoughts be submitted, for the agenda, and that a public comment period be available before every meeting.

Clarification of 6:00 PM and $100 Fee Policies:

Flude met with Commissioner Munks to clarify his thoughts on the "6:00 PM Policy" of the ferry schedule. He referred to "Exhibit A". In short, the ferry is to make as many runs necessary to empty the dock, after 6:00 pm, should there be cars waiting each time the ferry departs. Anyone who arrives after the ferry has departed must pay the required rate.

The committee discussed the elimination of the $100 fee being replaced by the $3.75 fee. Orsini explained that the crew is exceeding its hours, in order to make a final run to Guemes Island, and that there should be adequate compensation for doing so. He also added that no other form of transportation provides such flexibility. Hodgins asked the committee how the subject should be broached.


Phase Proposal: Green and Panzero will put a proposal together regarding the phase of change at the ferry. They will present it to the committee at the next meeting.

Intoxicated Ferry Users: Cox mentioned the growing problem of impaired ferry users. He and the crew members are worried about people getting hurt. Fosbre suggested he contact the attorney for Public Works, in order to find out how the county can handle such situations. She mentioned the possibility of having to deal with liability issues. Cox appreciated her support.

Adjourned: 6:15 pm