East Sussex Downs and Weald

NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework

Enhanced Service – Supply of Emergency Hormonal Contraception under Patient Group Direction

  1. Service description
  2. This service is aimed at the supply of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), the demand for which may be urgent and/or unpredictable.
  3. The pharmacy contractor will provide Levonelle 1500® free of charge to clients according to the terms and conditions of the East Sussex Downs & Weald and Hastings Rother PCTs Patient Group Direction for the Supply of Levonelle 1500® through Community Pharmacies.
  4. The pharmacy contractor will provide information and advice to the client around sexual health issues. They may also refer to specialist centres, support groups or other health and social care professionals where appropriate.
  5. Aims and intended service outcomes
  6. To improve access and choice for young persons to EHC
  7. To increase knowledge of emergency contraception and contraception for young persons.
  1. Service outline
  2. The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and operate within local protocols and maintain patient confidentiality.
  3. Pharmacists are required to act according to relevant Child Protection Procedures when advising clients under the age of 16.
  4. The Contractor will offer either a Chlamydia Test to all 15-25 year olds requesting condoms or a Pregnancy Testing, or signpost the 15-25 year olds to where they can obtain a Chlamydia Test.


Emergency contraception may only be supplied by a pharmacist accredited under the accompanying PGD. Medicine counter staff must be trained to refer each request for EHC.

The pharmacist must have completed the attached Emergency Hormonal Contraception Harmonisation of Accreditation Group,Competencies and Training Framework.


The PCT will remunerate the contractors participating in this service according to the details set out below:

Consultation fee: £21.37 per case

Supply of EHC (ex VAT)£5.37

Fees and reimbursement costs should be submitted monthly in arrears to the PCT for payment.

The fee will be reviewed annually in line with inflation (currently 1.7%).


The contractor should ensure that a quiet area for confidential consultation is available within the pharmacy. This may be an area within the shop where privacy can be maintained rather than a separate room.

Cups and water should be available as the dose is for administration within the pharmacy.


A participating pharmacy should normally have an accredited pharmacist(s) available at least 5 days a week. If an accredited pharmacist is not available the client should be referred to the nearest available service.

On leaving the area, the pharmacy contractor engaging the pharmacist for this service must notify the PCT, key stakeholders and other participating pharmacies and stop the service until another suitably trained pharmacist can be engaged.

Any pharmacist so trained may take part in the service from any of the participating pharmacies within the PCT (or neighbouring areas that require the same training).

3.8.Audit and Record Keeping

The pharmacy should maintain appropriate records to ensure effective ongoing service delivery and audit.

Pharmacies will be expected to submit a copy of the monitoring form to the PCT for verification and audit on a monthly basis, along with the financial claims, while retaining a copy for the pharmacy’s own records.

  1. PCT Responsibilities

The PCT will:

  • Review the pharmacies supplying this service and determine whether it still meets the needs of the local population annually.
  • Arrange at least one contractor meeting per year to promote service development and update the knowledge of pharmacy staff.
  • Provide details of relevant referral points which pharmacy staff can use to signpost service users who require further assistance.
  • Disseminate information on the service to other pharmacy contractors and health care professionals in order that they can signpost patients to the service.
  1. Quality Indicators
  2. The pharmacy reviews its standard operating procedures and the referral pathways for the service on an annual basis.
  3. The pharmacy can demonstrate that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have undertaken CPD relevant to this service.
  4. The pharmacy participates in an annual PCT organised audit of service provision.
  5. The pharmacy co-operates with any locally agreed PCT-led assessment of service user experience.

East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT / Hastings and Rother PCT