PART TIME (0.4 - 0.6 FTE)


Possibility of full time to suitable candidate


Tel: 01823 289211 Fax: 01823 334582













Dear Candidate

TEACHER OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/GEOGRAPHY 0.4 - 0.6 FTE – January 2017-31/08/2017

Thank you for your interest in the above post at Bishop Fox’s School.

The school is housed in beautiful accommodation which was built twenty years ago in the South of Taunton. The school’s history stretches back a good deal further than this having been originally founded in 1552.

The school has for some years been successful in respect of standards of attainment with targets generally being exceeded. In the past three years the school’s 5+A*C performance has been between 60% and 71%. Our value added figure over the past five years has consistently exceeded national expectations.

You will also find on our website our most recent Ofsted Report which was undertaken in April 2013. This produced the second overall judgement of “Good” as was the case in 2010.

We have a highly committed staff and a wholly supportive Governing Body. We are committed to safeguarding and doing the very best for every one of our students on roll.

Student numbers are falling demographically at present in Taunton though our roll is now 965 and expanding - we are oversubscribed in all year groups. There are currently 4 Secondary Schools in Taunton and several more nearby. Competition is therefore a very real issue for us all with two very high achieving schools in the town.

This post is criticalto the continued success of the school and its efforts to sustain high levels of performance and improve its Ofsted rating to Outstanding.

We are looking for someone who, either, is already or has the potential to become an outstanding teacher who has it all! In particular, you will see from the Person Specification that we are seeking a colleague with a commitment to education and young people and the extra-curricular life of the school.

I guarantee that we will be very demanding of the successful candidate. Equally though, we will invest in you as an individual and support you in your future career path.

If you want and enjoy a challenge, are able to make a difference and care passionately about young people, then please apply!

Please submit your application form together with a letter (no more than two sides of A4) detailing your skills, qualities and relevant experience.

Applications should reach the school office by Friday 11th November. If you have not heard from us by Friday 18th Novemberplease assume that you have been unsuccessful on this occasion. If this proves to be the case, I would like to wish you every success in your future career and thank you for the time and effort you have invested in making an application.

Yours sincerely



Philosophy, Religion and Ethics & Religious Studies

Over the past few years, here at Bishop Fox’s, the teaching of Religious Education has evolved to meet the needs of our students, while at the same time preserving the quintessential values and life skills which are taught within this subject.

In September 2011, the former Department of Religious Education was divided into Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at KS3 and Religious Studies for KS4. As an overview, the KS3 Schemes of Work encompass the topics of spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, philosophy and ethics, whilst still including the study of world religions. We have introduced the widely-acclaimed “Philosophy For Children” (P4C) programme across all year groups, which have proven not only popular with the students but most effective in cultivating critical thinking. We also utilize the outstanding Somerset Agreed Syllabus “Awareness, Mystery and Awe.” With an excellent grounding in the basics of our subject, students are well-prepared to embark on GCSE studies, which begin in January of Year 9, continuing through Years 10 and 11. We follow the Edexcel exams “Religion and Life” and “Religion and Society” which when studied together provide a whole GCSE for students. At the moment GCSE Religious Studies is a Core Subject, and with the exception of students who are selected to undertake “Study Plus” revision, all Year 11 students will sit these two exams.

In terms of the staffing and structure of the Department, there is one subject specialist, the Head of Department who teaches the subject full-time, and two non-specialist teachers who teach part-time in the department. There is also a dedicated Humanities’ Teaching Assistant who provides support across the Humanities. One of the non-specialist teachers teaches the Year 7 and Year 8 Nurture classes.

Year 7 have one lesson per week; Years 8 and 9 and one lesson a fortnight. These classes are primarily mixed ability, although we do have two higher ability classes in Year 9 and smaller nurture classes in Years 7-9. In Years 10 and 11, students will move to one lesson a week, and they are taught in their English settings.

We work with the other Humanities subjects to promote the studying and enjoyment of our respective subjects both independently and in collaboration. For example, with History and Geography we have previously, for several years, planned a Day of Humanities for Year 9 students. All the subjects and staff within the Faculty of Humanities also contribute to the successful delivery of annual student visits to Buckfast Abbey (Year 7) and The Big Pit Coal Mining Museum (Year 9).

There is so much happening in the Department! One of the great successes of the Philosophy, Religion and Ethics & Religious Studies Department has been our “Holocaust Study Visit.” This started in 2008 and we are currently planning our sixth journey. All students will have an opportunity to travel with us on this life-changing journey. In terms of our exam results, last year Bishop Fox’s students achieved 74% A*-C, which was above the national average!

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics & Religious Studies are such exciting subjects to teach, and Bishop Fox’s is an exciting place to be! We are moving from strength to strength!


The Geography department currently consists of two full time and four part time teaching staff. The Department has two dedicated equipped classrooms, and use of several others, each with interactive whiteboards, computers and DVD players.

Our results for Key Stage 3 continue to be above the National average, with students studying a broad range of topics in preparation for their GCSEs. Within Key Stage 4, GCSE Geography remains one of the most popular option subjects, with 5 classes in the current Year 11 and 4 in Year 10. We follow the AQA syllabus and Geography continues to be a successful GCSE subject area, achieving of 74% A*-C with A*/A at 25% in 2016.

The geography department remains a strong department, with a focus upon continued professional development and innovation. The department continues to develop all schemes of work and assessments regularly, updating resources to inspire students and support all learning styles. This is has been developed further, through the use of ICT and the Virtual Learning Environment to assist distance learning and enquiry learning projects. Our current areas of development include improved student literacy skills and writing with an academic voice, improved performance at GCSE and implementing the revised National Curriculum.

Fieldwork is an important part of the educational experience within Geography at Bishop Fox’s, in both Key Stage 3 and 4. The local environments around Taunton and in the South West are easily accessible and frequently used for fieldwork, with further activities developed in conjunction with Business and Enterprise conference days.

Geography is currently taught over 2 years in Key Stage 3 and 3 years in KS4. Year 7 classes are taught three times in a 2 week timetable, and Year 8 are seen twice. All geography classes are mixed ability groups.











Qualified teacher status


Good Hons.Degree


Application form/references



Experience of teaching RE/ GEOGRAPHY in a mainstream secondary school


Experience of working with young people


Application form



Good classroom management


Awareness of gender difference in learning

Knowledge of and interest

in literacy




Outstanding inter-personal skills

Excellent communication skills

Ability to work as part of a team

Ability to work independently

Sound understanding of the process of teaching and learning

Ability to foster good relationships with students and staff

Ability to enthuse young people to want to learn
Ability to use and integrate ICT in teaching
Creative approaches to teaching and learning
Qualities / Professional integrity and high expectations / Ambition
Sense of humour / Interview
Willingness to work hard
Can do, positive and a nothing is too much trouble approach”
A passion for Humanities
Good health
Pride in ones own performance and that of others.
Commitment to the safeguarding of young people
Willingness to be involved in the
extra-curricular life of school
Genuine like for young people

Bishop Fox’s

High Standards & High Expectations




SALARY:Teachers’ Pay Spine


The Postholder is responsible to the Curriculum Team Leader for teaching subject duties and standards at KS3 /KS4 and to the head of year for form duties.

The Postholder interacts on a professional level with colleagues and seeks to establish and maintain productive relationships with them in order to promote mutual understanding of the subjects in the school curriculum and to reduce subject isolation with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and learning in the school.


To ensure the safeguarding of students and their potential to “enjoy and achieve”.

5.1.To make an effective contribution to the teaching and other work of the curriculum team(s) and, as a form teacher, to undertake pastoral and administrative duties in respect of students in the form.

5.2.To undertake responsibilities as a subject teacher in keeping with the TTA National Standards laid down for qualified teacher status. These include:

5.2.1.Knowledge and understanding of subject(s)

5.2.2.Planning, teaching and classroom management

5.2.3.Monitoring, assessment, recording, reporting and accountability

5.2.4.Other professional requirements


6.1.To implement and deliver an appropriately differentiated and engaging curriculum

6.2.To manage the classroom environment to ensure effective learning takes place

6.3.Following, delivering and contributing to the departmental scheme of work

6.4.Contribute to the development and writing of teaching and assessment materials for all years

6.5.Attend meetings as required

6.6.Contribute to the departmental improvement plan and support the implementation of whole school policies

6.7.Monitor the progress of students in teaching and form groups, ensure that appropriate assessment, recording and reporting of pupil achievement occurs, and supply the head of subject/head of year with relevant information

6.8.To use tracking data to identify and challenge student underachievement and to inform teaching and learning

6.9To contribute and implement IEPs as appropriate

6.10To ensure the effective deployment of classroom assistants when allocated to a teaching group/individual

6.11To give active support and promote high standards of teamwork within the subject department and pastoral group

6.12To communicate within school and to parents as appropriate

6.13Take an equitable share of statutory duties including school detentions

6.14To ensure work is set in the event of known absence and in cases of unplanned absence where appropriate

6.15To take part in the school’s programme of CPD

6.16To assist in the identification of own CPD needs and professional development

6.17To help identify personal training needs required to help implement school priorities and enhance own job performance.


7.1.To carry out the duties of a form teacher in respect of students to include:

7.1.2.The maintenance of discipline and acceptable standards of conduct and appearance of students

7.1.3.The establishment of a rapport with students to develop their social and academic potential and be a main source of reference for their problems

7.1.4Accurate marking of form registers, ensuring absences and lateness are accounted for and taking appropriate action where they are not

7.1.5The monitoring of homework of students, the teaching of form periods, escorting the form to assemblies and attending tutor meetings called by the Year Head.

7.1.6.Monitoring and intervening proactively in matters relating to student progress.

7.1.7.Attending Academic Tutoring Day

7.1.8.Quality Assuring the annual reports of members of the tutor groups

7.19.Attending Assemblies

7.2.Carry out supervision of student’s duties as detailed by the headteacher

7.3.Participate as required in meetings with colleagues and parents in respect of the duties of the post.

7.4.To make a full and lasting contribution to the school specialism in order to help efforts to enrich the curriculum experience and raise standards.

7.5.To produce reports and other relevant requests for information which are appropriate, of high quality and by the required deadline.

The duties and responsibilities of the post are subject to those detailed in the Statement and Conditions of Employment and will count as directed time as detailed in such statement and as defined by the headteacher

This job description does not define in detail all the duties/responsibilities of the post, will be reviewed at least once a year and may be subject to modification or amendment after consultation and agreement with the postholder.
