To the President of Hungary, Dr Pál Schmitt,
1536 Budapest, Pf. 227, Hungary,
Cc: Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, 1054 Budapest, Hungary, Szechenyi rakpart 19,
Cc: Minister of Public Administration and Justice, Tibor Navracsics, 1357 Budapest Pf.2, Hungary,
Cc: Ministry of Health in Hungary, Dr. Miklós Szócska, Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs, Budapest 1051, Arany Janos utca 6-8, Hungary,
Cc: Minister of the Interior, Sándor Pintér, 1903 Budapest Pf.: 314, Hungary,
On February 10th, 2012, the Budapest Appeal Court has announced the verdict in the case of Dr. Ágnes Geréb and four other Hungarian midwives. The terms of Ágnes Geréb’s sentence of two year imprisonment were tightened, a ban on practising doubled to ten years.
We believe the sentence to be shocking and absurd. We also happily received the news that Parliamentary representatives of your party wrote open letters to request the full presidential pardon for Dr. Geréb. We would like to join them in asking for full clemency in the case of Ágnes Geréb and to cancel the verdict against the other midwife convicted with her.
Dr. Ágnes Geréb is an internationally renowned obstetrician-midwife who was the first in Hungary to let fathers into the labor ward therefore allowing families to experience the miracle of birth together. She assisted several thousand normal births without complications, and facilitated the beginning of numerous happy lives. We are convinced that her work and experience proves indispensable for the establishment of safe and good midwifery practice in Hungary.
We appreciate the efforts of the present Hungarian government to bring about homebirth legislation, however, the criminal proceedings against Dr. Geréb and other midwives started before the implementation of the new regulations.
Please consider within your competency to exercise your right to provide full presidential clemency for Dr. Ágnes Geréb and cancel all criminal proceedings against her.