
This part of this project will be concerning the process used to implement this behavior change amongst the employees. Ultimately this will determine the effectiveness of this program on it’ participants.

-  Observation:

The first step is observing the snacking habits that the current employees have while they are at work. By doing this the instructor will have an idea of how each individual eats while they are working. This will better pin point the different diet issues each person has.

Personal Involvement:

Each individual participating in this change will be asked to log their different snacks that they are eating throughout the day so that they have a visual representation of their diet. Next they will be asked to find out the calories in each of the items that they are snacking on. This step will help the employees become aware of what they are eating and the excess calories that they are consuming. Participants will also be asked to attend at least 2 of the nutrition seminars that are held at the Hospital, and they are encouraged to ask questions to the instructor.

Changing Behaviors

This part of the project will consist of the participants to actually enforce the things that they have learned into their everyday diets. They will be encouraged to maintain their food logs and calorie counting to see the difference that snacking healthier will have on their bodies. They will also be asked to keep a journal of their thoughts that they have during their change.


The impact part of this project will be that each week the participants will get together and talk about the different challenge and successes that they have had during their change. This will assist in terms giving the participants a sense of togetherness if they are struggling with changing their eating habits. The participants will also be given a survey to ask whether or not they felt like this change had a positive or negative impact of their everyday lives as well as they health and energy during the times that they are working.

Outcome Evaluation

Week One / Week Two / Week Three / Week Four / Week Five / Week Six
Pre- Assessment / Nutrition classes / Support group/ Q&A / Mid-way assessment / Support group/ Q&A / Post assessment
Food log assessment / Food log assessment / Food log assessment / Food log assessment / Food log assessment / Food log assessment
Nutrition classes / Weigh in / Weigh in / Pre/Post impact assessment

This area will deal with whether or not the program succeeded with its long term goals. The participants will be asked a series of questions regarding their change to help determine what part of the TTM they fall on verses where they were at the beginning of this program. In order to truly see if there was true change and effectiveness, the participants will mostly need to fall under the action or maintenance stage. The participant’s self-efficacy and confidence will help determine the overall state of this program towards the end point. These variables are important to look at for researchers because without them you truly would not know if your project has been a success or not.

Study Timeline

*Outcome Evaluation done 6 months after post program assessment