SACRED HEART CHRIST OUR HOLY REDEEMEROakleigh, Victoria East Oakleigh, Victoria
Enrolment for Sacrament of Eucharist, 2017
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered at
Sacred HeartChrist Our Holy Redeemer
Sunday 12th NovemberSunday 19th November
@ 11:30am & 2pm@ 1:30pm & 3:30pm
Please take note of the following:
To receive the Sacrament of Eucharist one must have been baptised and made his/her First Confession. A copy of the Baptism and First Reconciliation certificatesMUSTbe attached to the Enrolment Form together with a fee of $40 to cover our costs.
Eucharist Commitment Mass / Saturday 26 August (SH) @ 5:30pm (HR) @ 7pm
Eucharist‘Walk-Through’ Mass:Parents and Candidates / Wednesday 1st November @ 7pm (SH)
Thursday 2nd November @ 7pm (HR)
Eucharist Family Workshop Parents and Candidates / Wednesday 11th October @ 7pm (COHR)
Eucharist Reflection Day
All day: 9am to 3pm
Candidates only: Permission slips and details will be distributed later / Wednesday 8th November (SH) AND (HR)
Eucharist Ceremony / Sunday 12th November
@ 11:30am & 2pm / Sunday 19th November
@ 1:30pm & 3:30pm
In addition to the dates above: (8) Classes for 1st Eucharist candidates from Government Schools (from both Parishes) will be held in the Meeting Room attached to the Sacred Heart Parish Office on Sundays 10.45am – 12noon on:
27 August 2017 3 September 2017 10 September 2017 17 September 2017
15 October 2017 22 October 2017 29 October 2017 5 November 2017
NOTE: Candidates are expected to attend ALL classes and to complete ALL set work. Please note, if a candidate misses more than 2 classes, he/she will be automatically excluded from receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist in 2017.
- The reception of the Sacrament of Eucharist is linked with the faith commitment of the recipient and the family - otherwise it has very little, if any, significance. Families should be attending Mass regularly.
- Please direct all enquiries to Sr. Margaret Mary, at the Parish Office on 9568-1206. on a Thursday between 9am – 3pm.
Please retain this sheet for your reference
Enrolment for the Sacrament of Eucharist,2017
Child’s name: Parish; (SH) or (HR)Address:
Date of Birth: / Tel. No. / Mob. No.
School: / Grade:
Has your child
made his/her: / Baptism? / First Reconciliation?
Father’s name:
Mother’s name:
Name/s of other school-age or pre-school-age children
Name / D.O.B. / School (if applicable)
CHECKLIST: Have you attached:
A: Copy of Baptism Certificate
B: Copy of First Reconciliation Certificate
C: Fee of $40 to cover our costs.
Thank you!
Please complete this sheet and return to the Parish Office
19-21 Johnson Street, Oakleigh 3166