I am excited about my upcoming trip to Nashville for the International Conference and Convention. It is so much fun to be among the first to find out what the new theme for the year is and who has been appointed to what position for the next year. I will also be among the first to find out what the changes are in our rituals and General Laws. If you are not attending this year you should plan to go next year so you can be the first to know. You do not have to be an officer, chairman, administrator or employee of the lodge to attend. It is for everyone! It is not all business; there is entertainment, shopping, new places to eat and local sites to see also.
We are just over a month into the new year and need to be over 1/12th of the way to completing our qualifications for the annual respective Awards for the WOTM Chapters and the LOOM Lodges. Congratulations to those Chapters and Lodges who are ahead of schedule. The rest of you can do it also. Yes, it does require work but it is so worth it when your Chapter or Lodge qualifies for your awards.
Brothers, you can help the Co-workers when you have a new or re-enrolled member if you give their names to the Chapter so they can contact them to find out if they have mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins or friend who are not currently members. Co-workers, please do the same for the Brothers when you have new or re-enrolled members. We need to have a team effort to have our Chapters and Lodges succeed and grow.
Have a great summer and Moose year!
Gayle Pierce, Deputy Grand Regent