MHS Band Booster Meeting
October 3, 2017
Booster Meeting in session at 7:00p.m.
In attendance: Amy Running, Michael Williams, Mandy King, Shannon O’Callaghan, Laura Williams, Nicole Pollard, Rich O’Callaghan, Tara Smoot, Melondy Clohan, Lesley Lopez, Jodi Williams,Meg Partington, Chris Breeze, John Lynch, Sr. Kerri Anderson, and Mr. Carper
Review of September 5minutes occurred at the meeting.
Motion to approve minutes made by Mandy King and seconded by Rich O’Callaghan.
Meeting conducted by Amy Running and Mr. Carper
Treasury report-Laura and Michael Williams, chairs
Budget report passed out to all in attendance.
Review of treasurer’s report and motion to approve by Chris Breeze and seconded by Rich O’Callaghan
Chaperones- Mandy King, chair
Copies of the chaperone card need to be sent / given to Mandy in order to receive re-imbursement for the background check.
Chaperones will be needed for the away varsity football game on Friday, October 6 and the Warren County competition on October 7. Arrival time / Call time at the school will be 4:45 p.m. for Friday evening and 3:30 p.m. for Saturday afternoon.
Chaperones are also needed:
Away varsity football game on Friday, October 13;
Musselman competition on Saturday, October 14;
Apple Harvest Parade on Saturday, October 21;
Spring Mills competition on Saturday, October 21;
Away varsity football game on Friday, October 28
EMAIL Notification- Mr. Carper
Reminder emails / texts will be sent out regarding upcoming events.
Hospitality –Nicole Pollard, chair:
The next event for the Hospitality committee is Senior Night which is currently scheduled for October 20, 2017.
There will be finger foods (pinwheel sandwiches from Sam’s club), cake, and punch / cider.
Flowers ordered.
The event after Senior Night will be the Winter / Christmas concert (to be discussed later)
Equipment –Dan Running, chair
Nothing at this time
Concessions Committee
Still in need of volunteers to assist on Friday, October 20th for Senior Night.
At the down side of the season, only a couple of football and soccer games left.
Discussed the possibility of selling remaining inventory to Berkeley County Parks & Rec or the Little League organizations or contacting the basketball boosters again.
See new business
Uniforms –Lesley Lopez, chair
Lesley handed out forms and information regarding Letterman Jackets and will also be sending an e-mail and giving students information to bring home. Order forms and money due by October 13th.
All students and the persons helping to check uniforms on Friday nights or after competitions need to make sure that all pieces of the uniforms are in the bags before they are hung in the closet.
Band Spectacular – Merla Zollinger
Things to remember for next year:
Directors should not be allowed to be in the room when the judges are deliberating / evaluating band performances.
Discussed having band directors submit photos of their bands to Mr. Carper to be added to the program.
Nothing additional at this time.
Jazz Night / Spaghetti Night and Eastern Regional Jazz Festival –
Nothing new at this time
Ways and Means –Shannon O’Callaghan (unofficial chair)
The Chubby Chico and Yankee Candle fundraiser will be sent home and will run from November 1 to November 15 with delivery of items to band in December.
Publicity/Facebook Page- Meg Partington, chair
Banner that was hung out at Hoss’ has disappeared in the wind storm that we had.
No additional information at this time.
The calendar / schedule on the website has been updated to Google calendar and can be synced with the calendar on smart phones.
The schedule is up to date through October 8.
Band Director Report–Mr. Carper
In lieu of the director’s report, Mr. John Lynch, Sr. spoke to the Boosters about possible Spring trip ideas and costs and how to do additional fundraising.
May 4th to May 6th were the initial dates set up for the Spring Trip (from Friday morning to Sunday evening)
Mr. Lynch suggested contacting Jack Price for additional help with fundraising.
Mr. Carper said that the Apparel Fundraiser has been set up on the website and will run for 2 weeks. The money that is received from this is set to be used for Instrument Fund or Instrument Repairs.
Motion to approve money use made by Chris Breeze and seconded by Jodi Williams
Nothing new at this time
Rich gave a proposal (also handed out papers) about switching the drinks and equipment from Pepsi to Coke.
Motion to switch made by Chris Breeze and seconded by Shannon O’ Callaghan
The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Motion to adjourn made byMandy King, seconded by Jodi Williams.
The next meeting will be Tuesday November 7,2017at 7:00 p.m. in the MHS Band room
Booster Meetings typically held the first Tuesday of every month in the band room at 7:00p.m.
These minutes respectfully submitted by Kerri Anderson