Disabled young people’s perspective
The Peer education group have been trained to deliver disability equality training based on their experiences.
This course will included fun ice breakers and exercises to help explore stereotyping, prejudice and the impact this has on disabled young people. The course also includes exercises explaining the medical and social approaches and how they feel it stigmatises them, also the young people share their personal feelings/thoughts of growing up as a young disabled person.
Who can apply?
Childcare providers, Voluntary settings, youth
service workers as well as Social Care providers.
Dates: 30 September 2010
Venue: Barnardo’s, Queens Road
Times: 5pm-8pm / Developing a Sensory Environment
- To explore methods of setting up a variety of sensory surroundings that support
Most children spend a lot of their early years:
•Making noises and sounds and eventually producing words.
Who can apply?
Childcare providers, Voluntary settings, youth
service workers as well as Social Care providers.
Dates: 23 September 2010
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre
Times: 9.30am-4.00pm
Open Doors for Inclusion
This course is aimed at workers that wish to be introduced to the steps on how to overcome barriers that arise while working with children and young people overcoming obstacles i.e., physical, communicational and attitudinal.
Learning objectives
By the end of the course you will understand how to:
· Involve all young people in your service.
· Reflect and improve your service
· Be good role models for good practice
· Take steps to overcome barriers
Who can apply?
Childcare providers, Voluntary settings, youth
service workers as well as Social Care providers.
Dates: 24 September
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre
Times: 9.30am-4.00pm / Early Identification of Additional Needs and Disabilities
- By the end of this session participants will:
- Have an understanding of the main stages of development
- Know of some of the effects medical and environmental factors can have on development
- Understand the importance of early intervention to indicators of additional need/disability and the practitioner’s role in relation to this
- Have a working knowledge of a variety of specific disabilities and strategies to enhance the capabilities of children with these disabilities.
Childcare providers, Voluntary settings, youth
service workers as well as Social Care providers.
Dates: 28 October 2010
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre
Times: 9.30am-4.00pm
Genetic Factors & Cousin Marriages
This is a one day course to establish confidence to communicate accurately and effectively with multi-faith communities on the risk associated with cousin marriage of inheriting congenital anomalies.
Learning Objectives:
· Participants to understand the basic concepts of genetic inheritance including autosomal recessive inheritance
- Participants to be aware of the risk of autosomal recessive inheritance in communities that practice marriage within families and to understand this risk in relation to other risks on infant health for example Down's Syndrome
- Participants will receive skills needed to hold conversations with individuals and groups from BME communities on genetics, consanguineous marriage, and inherited disorders
Dates: 24 September
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre
Times: 9.30am-4.00pm
Please forward this onto anyone who you think may fit into these categories and may be interested.
Who can apply?
Childcare providers, Voluntary settings, youth
service workers as well as Social Care providers.
Thank You