FAQ’s about the Safe and Sober Grad 2002 program for Interact Clubs

Questions /


Who can win? / Any Bay Area junior or senior high school student.
Whom are the three best groups/persons to sell Sober Grad tickets to? / 1.  Rotarians!
2.  Rotarians!
3.  Rotarians!
What other groups to sell Sober Grad tickets to? / 1.  Other service clubs
2.  Tow Companies
3.  Local businesses
4.  Police personnel
5.  Fire Department personnel.
6.  Funeral Homes
7.  Hospital personnel
What is the best way to sell and collect donations at large groups/clubs? / 1.  Collect business cards from donors, write the number of tickets/book of tickets and contact donors at later time for money/checks
2.  Record the name(s) of the student(s) to whom the ticket(s) are donated to.
3.  Sell with a team or partner.
Can an adults win the Safe and Sober Grad Grand prize? / No. The Grand Prize is for a Bay Area High school junior or senior.
When must ticket stubs be turned? / Interacters, please return money and tickets stubs in to the Oakland Sunrise Rotary Club no later than March 19, 2002.
Where do I mail ticket stubs and money? / Mail checks and ticket stubs to:
Oakland Sunrise Rotary Club, c/o Sundeen and Salinas – Attorneys at Law, 1330 Broadway St., Suite 821,
Oakland, CA 94612
What is the date of the Safe and Sober Grad drawing and where will it be held? / March 26, 2002 at 7:30 am.
Oakland Sunrise Rotary Club meeting
Lake Merritt Hotel
1800 Madison Street
Oakland, CA 94612t
What percentage of the ticket sales that will be rebated to my Interact clubs? / 50% or $1.00 from each ticket sold.
What happen to the other dollar of a ticket sold by an Interact clubs? / 50% of the other dollar will be rebated to RYLA Leadership Experience and 50% of the dollar goes towards the program administrative cost.
When can money and tickets be turned in? / 1.  Weekly
2.  All monies must be submitted with an audit sheet.
Program Contacts: / Edgardo Carrillo: 510-537-7562, email:
Vicki Rombs: 510-599-2697, email:
Fred Bowe: 510-262-0717, email:
Linda Dziengielewski:510-271-4609, email:
Ruben Sundeen:510-663-9240, email:
Will our school need to show the program video? / Yes. The video is the major educational component of the Safe and Sober program. The video is called “Learning the Hard Way.” The video is about teens talking to teens about the dangers of drinking, using drugs and driving during prom season.
If you school does not have a copy of the “Learning the Hard Way” video call a Program Contact who are listed above or noted on your money audit sheet. Please advised date(s) video is needed.
Who wins the “Interact” Safe and Sober Grand Prize? / 1.  The top Interact ticket seller.
2.  The Interacter must turned in their money and ticket stubs no later than March 19, 2002.
How many Grand Prize packages will be awarded? /

Two Grand Prize Packages will be awarded.

1.  Top Interact ticket seller
2.  From Bay Area student pool of all tickets sold
Am I restricted to sell Safe and Sober Grad tickets to only students at my school? / No!!. You can sell tickets to any high school junior or senior in the Bay Area.
When will our club receive its rebate check? / All checks will be mail to clubs within two weeks following the March 26th drawing.
Where can I obtain the news release or more information about the Safe and Sober Grad program? / Visit the Oakland Sunrise Rotary Club website at: