Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG
Tel: 01268 733071
Fax: 01268 570214
Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman
1st December 2017
Newsletter 666
Dear Parent/Guardian,
St Mary’s Christmas Bazaar - Choir
I’d like to thank the children who attended St Mary’s Christmas Bazaar last Saturday for firstly, giving up their time to take part and secondly, for their splendid singing to entertain everyone. My thanks also goes to Mrs. Griffiths and the parents who brought their children along to support the bazaar.
Year 6 WWII Performance
Thank you to all the children in Year 6 who made the WW2 concert yesterday such a success. I am sure that everyone who attended would agree that they were a credit to the school.
Christmas Dinner Wednesday 13th December
Orders should have been in yesterday. If you have not ordered a Christmas dinner you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch. Texts have been sent reminding parents to order their child’s Christmas dinner, over the last few weeks, and it has been in the newsletters since Friday 10th November. The kitchen has to pre-order the food in plenty of advance so we will be unable to accommodate any children on the day.
Children’s Christmas Bazaar – Friday 8th December
We are asking for donations of gifts, toys, books (no nut products please) on Thursday 7th December. Please give your donations to your children to take to the Art Room on Thursday morning. This event is during the school day and for the children only. Children are to bring in no more than £5.00 to spend please. If you are able to help on Thursday morning sorting out the tombola, or setting up at 1.15pm on Friday, please let the office know, many thanks. Children can wear Christmas jumpers/tops on Friday 8th, instead of their school tops.
Winter Menus
Week 1 - Just for one week only, the roast on Wednesday 6th December, will be gammon not turkey.
We have made some slight changes to Week 2 (Wednesday: dessert and Thursday: Red and Green option) and Week 3 (Wednesday: dessert and Thursday: Red option). Please see the school website.
School Christmas Post Box
The school Christmas post box opened for business today. If your child is sending cards please make sure the recipient child’s name and class are on the envelope, otherwise unfortunately the card may not get sent to the correct class or child.
Scooters and Bikes
If your child brings a scooter to school please check that they return home with the correct one! We have a child who is missing theirs and we suspect it is because another child has got them mixed up.
We are also in possession of a pink bike, left from the Bikeability sessions for year 4. Photos of both of these are on the school website.
High Flyers at Bromfords
Congratulations to Skye Stagg (5E) who represented us at the high flyers showcase on Wednesday evening. She performed incredibly well and made us very proud. After the event I had staff from the other schools say what an amazing job she did, as she bravely performed on her own. Well done Skye.Mrs Robbins
Chelsea Football – Reminder: This is Chelsea’s last session this year (see club details). There will not be a session on Friday 8th December.
All other clubs finish Friday 8th December.
Letters/Events (Please see the school website for further information)
Christmas Concerts - Thursday 14th December 7.00pm and Friday 15th December 2.00pm (Selected pupils). If your child is involved in the concerts, letters have been sent home today.
Parent Lunches
Please arrive at reception by 12.10pm. Both parents and children are to order dinners. We cannot accept any late orders as the parents lunches have to be ordered in advance.
4F – Thursday 7th December – We cannot take any more orders.
4E – Thursday 11th January - Parent orders and payment must be returned by Thursday 14th December.
Assemblies start at 9.00 a.m. and last around half an hour, including time for a cup of tea or coffee.
4W – 8th December
4F – 15th December
Headteachers Award
This week’s award went to Millie Mansfield (6E). Mille helped a younger child and showed great kindness towards them. Well done Millie!
Congratulations to:
Katie Cox (6W) attended The Shinfodo Jujitsu Newaza Competition last weekend and won a Silver Medal.
Ellie Feagan (5W) came 6th in her trampoline competition and has also moved up to Stage 7 in swimming.
Chloe Hammond (4W) took part in her first drama competition, last week, at San Marie Stage School and she won the medal for Best Effort in a performance.
Jack Hay (5W) was awarded his White/Yellow Sash in Wing Chun Kung-Fu last Saturday.
Dylan Denford-Crittenden (4E) was awarded Trainer of the Week for Essex Royal’s Under 8’s this week.
Stay warm this weekend.
Mr. T. Flitman
Working For Everyone